Twisted Love

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass: Side Stories


Anonymous Caller’s POV


I dragged myself out of the house. Why did the weather have to be so hot? I could feel the heat radiating off the concrete pavement.

I somehow managed to get myself into the car. Of all days, why did my family have to choose today to go to the zoo? I didn’t understand why we were going to a zoo we’ve all been to before.

I sulked and plugged in my earphones, drowning out my baby brother’s cries and my little sister’s shrieking.

I scrolled through the music on my iPod and found what I was looking for. I click on play, and DORADORA filled my ears.

I loved U-Kiss. In fact, I’ve been a KissMe ever since they release their Not Young MV, which made me a 1st generation KissMe. And I was very proud of that fact.


After a half hour drive, we arrived at the zoo. I groaned and got out of the car, stepping into the hot sun. Hurriedly, I went to stand in the shade while waiting for my family to join me.

The trip to the zoo was boring. Or maybe that was because I had already been here probably millions of times. Either way, watching my younger sbilings get fascinated by the animals cheered me up. No matter how much I found them annoying, they were my sibling after all, and I did love them.

When my family sat at the rest area, I told my mother, “I’m going to the washroom.”

I walked away from the rest area towards the giant lake in the middle of the zoo. I always found the lake calming in some mysterious way I could never comprehend.

I sighed at plopped myself down on the grass. Just as I was going to plug on my earphones to enjoy some music while looking at the beautiful lake (which was even more beautiful now that the sun was setting), I heard a familiar voice.

“Why are you sighing?”

I froze for a moment. It was a voice I could recognize anywhere. What would Kevin Woo be doing in a zoo? I peered over the bushes to where the voice was coming from, and I could feel my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. He was wearing a disguise, but I could recognize him. I could recognize him anywhere.

“Nothing. I just wish we could be like this forever,” the girl beside him replied.

Who was she? Why was she with Kevin? Jealousy started burning in me. What was she doing with my one true love in U-Kiss? Was she his cousin? That seemed unlikely.

I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help it. My curiosity got the better of me, I just had to listen to their conversation. Find out the relationship between the girl and my Kevin.

“Ahhh why are you so cute~” Kevin was pinching her cheeks, which were bright red.

“Oppa stop that~”


She started trying to get Kevin to stop, which resulted in the 2 of them toppling over.

“See what happened now oppa,” she tried sitting up.

I had to grab the chance. I took out my phone and started taking photos of them. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt that I just had to.

They laid there for awhile, and just as I was about to leave and find my family, they started sitting up.

Kevin’s face paused in front of hers, causing her to be nervous. It was so obvious. Slowly, he leaned in, and just as I was about to burst forward and stop them, a phone started ringing and they jumped away from each other. Kevin picked up the phone. I snuck away silently, to my family, a plan forming in my head.


I had found her. How hilarious it was, just a little stalking on Twitter gave me her number. I dialed the numbers quickly.

“Hello?” she picked up.

“Good day. Are you Kevin Woo’s girlfriend?” I asked her, just to be sure I got the right number.

“Who are you? How do you know about me and Kevin?” I could hear the panic in her voice.

“Hehehe. I don’t have to tell you who I am. And you wanna find out how I know about the 2 of you? Well, that’s a long story.” I tried to sound cool, hoping it would intimidate her.

“Cut it short,”

“Woah, chill. It was the zoo. The 2 of you being lovey-dovey, almost kissing. I took photos, y’know? You want me to expose them to the public? Get Kevin in trouble and maybe kicked out of U-Kiss?”

“No! Why are you doing this? Are you an Anti-Fan? How did you know it was Kevin anyway? The disguises…”

“Those disguises? Hah. There are better ones out there. What else did you say? Anti-Fan? No, on the contrary I love U-Kiss. I love Kevin. So, the reason I’m doing this is simple. You want Kevin safe? Just break up with Kevin. Either that, or those photos get to the public eye, and who knows what will happen?” I put down.

That should be ok. She would break up with him right?


A week passed, and I had almost forgot about that girl. That was, until I was scrolling through my dialed numbers, and found her number. I slapped myself internally. How could I have forgotten about her? I had to make sure they broke up. I hit the call button.

“What do you want?” she picked up almost immediately.

“Nothing. How’s the break up plan?” I smirked.

The only reply I got was the dial tone.

Huh. Well, I guess I should start releasing a few photos tomorrow…


Later in the evening, my phone started ringing. It was her.

“It’s you,” I picked up, smiling. Had they broken up?

“Yes, it’s me.”

“So… have you 2 broken up?”  

“Yes. So don’t reveal to the public about our relationship. A deal’s a deal.”

“I got it yo. So now, enjoying your Kevin-less life.” I put down the phone, laughing.

For the next few days I felt victorious. Kevin wasn’t with her anymore. He was mine, and if I couldn’t have him, no one could.

But that feeling of victory faded fast. Slowly, I realized Kevin was unhappy on Twitter. That made me unhappy. I was supposed to be happy wasn’t I? Why was I feeling unhappy?

Then I realized, it didn’t matter anymore. I didn’t care if Kevin had a girlfriend. I just wanted him to be happy. I couldn’t take it, seeing him unhappy. Not knowing what to do anymore, I buried my face in my pillow and cried myself to sleep.


Time passed slowly from there. My life went on as normal. Then one day, when I was surfing the internet for U-Kiss news, I saw an article that caught my eye immediately.

U-KISS’s Kevin Woo has a Girlfriend?

I clicked on the link hurriedly and scanned through the article.

Just yesterday, NH Media company released an official statement, saying that Kevin Woo of U-KISS was in a relationship.

When asked for details of his new girlfriend, the lead singer only replied, “She’s mine, so to those guys out there, don’t touch her ok?”

No photos of her were allowed to be published legally. However, some fans have already spotted her with Kevin.

I closed the article. So he had found her. They were together. But instead of feeling sad, all I felt was happiness. I heaved a sigh of relief. Kevin was happy. Maybe I was upset that he loved someone else, but who cares? He was happy, and that was all that mattered.

And just like Kevin had found his source of happiness, I was sure that one day I would find mine too, even if it wasn’t Kevin.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 4: Awwwww so sweet this story !!!!!
Very nice! Seriously!
Sarapyon #3
WHOA!!! Happy ending indeed ^O^
AllAmericano #4
Aaaaaaww poor pedo Dongho..... Haha I bet he's going to be like a second father, though. I'll be looking foward to your next story!
Happy ending yaaaaaay!
Will try to update asap^^ school has started so updates will be slower :(
Update sooon!
AllAmericano #8
How did I just find this?? Pshaw! I guess that I'm going to need to hit a certain subscribe button to make sure I don't miss out on any more :)
Aww poor dongho!
Thank you^^ the next update's a little sadder though :(