My last breath



Lee Eun Ji/Sophia Lee – An orphan ever since the age of four. She got adopted by a loving foreign couple. At the age 10, her passion was always playing the saxophone and the piano. Soon later, she wanted to follow a career that deals with composing music. Sadly, her parents wouldn’t allow her because they want her to follow a path where it can benefit her throughout life. There’s a secret though. Her foreign parents are a couple who are Kings and Queens from United Kingdom. Not one citizen from the UK knows that Sophia existed in the royal family. In the palace, she was taught Korean to not forget her real identity. She knows English, Korean, Japanese, and also Mandarin.

More characters will be revealed in the story. 



‘OUTRAGEOUS! A Korean girl living in the palace!’

The news was everywhere. It seems the media had found out about my existence. I had always been in the shadows where no one was able to see me except the royal family. My grandpa still despises the idea that my mom and dad had adopted me because I am from a different country. My Grandma Elizabeth really treasures me even though she knows that I’m different from everyone else.

“SHE MUST LEAVE THIS COUNTRY!” I heard my grandpa screaming.

“Why must she? She is my daughter, and I can’t abandon her for the second time!!”

“It’s for your sake, and the royal family!!” The room went dead silent. I knew that my dad had to think about the future.

“Mom, what are we going to do?” I trembled, afraid of asking what will happen to me. The thought couldn’t get through me.

“It’s alright honey. Don’t worry.” She soothingly touches my head.

My mother sang to me every night, but this time, all I could hear was cries.

I couldn’t sleep, no matter how much I try. I thought to myself over again. I shouldn’t be worrying. I’m already 19, I should be able to live independently so that I don’t make my parents stress about me.

It’s about time that I leave this place, where I never belonged in the first place. 


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SwaglikeGD #1
I will. Sorry if it's a bit eh laggy because I'm new to this.

Lol, You'll never know until the story gets deeper kekeke xD
Thank you, I'm a noob here so like yeah lol (;
I have a feeling GD and her are related o_O idky... But nice story :D
Taehyun #3
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Update soon!
FlylikeYongJunhyung #4
Yours is pretty interesting and even better than mines! Keep the goodwork new user!