Key; Exhaustion (Part 1)

In Sickness and In Health [re-writing / semi-hiatus]

Few weeks after the leader’s return, SHINee found themselves in the hospital again, each of their legal names under the “Visitors” list. Next to their name was “Lee Jinki” under its own column of names. Today, however, there was only a single name next to Jinki’s name: Kim Kibum.

The said male currently paced back and forth in a hospital room, specifically belonging to his hyung’s. He stopped now and then, looking over at the bedridden singer. Key’s visits were frequent – or at least, frequent as possible. He was still busy, what with the upcoming album and the hectic schedules. But despite having such a strenuous schedule, he often found himself sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed which Jinki was currently sleeping on. Other times, Kibum paced back and forth in the private hospital room.

The diva of SHINee was diva no more; his eyes were bloodshot from sleepless nights, his hair messier than he would ever allow, and his fashion sense drastically dropped to the point of mismatched colors and unfitting outfits. Needless to say, he was too occupied worrying about Onew’s health to take even ten minutes to stare at his reflection to fix himself.

Fortunately (though looking at it from a different view didn't make it seem as fortunate), Key didn’t need to look as glamorous. Because of Onew’s long-lasting illness, their manager had been able to get them some break. Of course, SHINee knew that they still had some schedule here and there, but they were mostly non-media related. Most of the schedule, in fact, were just practicing their new choreography for their newest song or practicing their vocal skills.

Key sighed as he plopped down on the chair he usually sat in.

It wasn’t as if Onew was dying, to be quite realistic, but Key had a far too big of an imagination to even realize this. As practical as the Korean singer was, Key couldn’t help but be worried that this “mere sickness” – or so their manager would say, trying to comfort the boy group – would lead to something worse, especially since Onew’s illness was lasting for so long. This uneasiness only grew stronger as he realized that Onew had never been a sickly person – clumsy, yes, but that wasn’t the same as being ill. Onew had always healed few days after, one week maximum. This time, the infirmity was lasting for an unreasonably long time. Has it been a month yet? Ah yes, few days ago marked one month. Or no, was it in few days that a month would pass?

Key suddenly jumped, his ringtone playing rather loudly in the undisturbed room. Hurriedly picking his phone up, he quietly walked out the door and closed it behind him, speaking into the phone microphone.


“Kibum-ah, it’s me!” a unique voice shouted, worry and panic obvious in his tone – Jonghyun.

“I know, Jjong-hyung,” Key replied, rolling his eyes.

“Key, you better have not rolled your eyes just now,” he scolded, trying to sound threatening. However, the so-called menace was quickly gone as the two idols laughed it off. It was amazing how in one moment they were down and the next, they were laughing. Perhaps it was the affect of their constant masquerade of happiness SHINee had to wear in public. After the laughter died down, Jonghyun asked warily, “How’s hyung?”

“He’s… sleeping,” Key finished hesitantly. Just like that, the conversation died. Jonghyun sighed and had promised to drop by. Key figured it was an empty promise. He knew that the talented singer had actually meant it, but it was merely impossible. Jonghyun was swamped with work, and their manager would definitely not allow him to take a break. That was how the entertainment world wxorked, after all. Schedule came first.

After hanging up the phone, Key rubbed his eyes as he walked in. SHINee’s Jack-of-All-Trades was too tired for all the complications. His eyes closed, the twenty-two year old walked back into Onew’s hospital room, only to hear a light shuffling. Looking up, he saw the said singer struggling to sit up.


Onew looked toward the source and, seeing his dongsaeng standing in a disorderly fashion with his mouth agape, flashed a bright smile – or at least, the brightest possible.


Author's Note: Hi. Updated finally, but it's not even the full one. Honestly, I've been trying to write more, but what with school and writer's block and laksjdfalsdf I call life, I haven't been able to. Go ahead and hate me for the lack of update. I deserve it.

I had this part typed up in MS Word for the longest time and I just couldn't take it. I hate splitting up chapters, but suddenly, people commented. I felt too guilty so I decided, "Why the heck not? I'll just post this part up. Even if I'm not entirely satisfied, I don't want to make the readers wait even longer." Because school is getting to me right now and I don't know when I'll be able to completely focus on writing when I have school and aldkjfaklsdf to worry about.

Hope this was okay enough for now. I promise to finish this mini-story so don't worry. I will never abandon this baby.

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Chapter 4: Just found this fic and I really like it. Are you gonna update authornim?
330nai #2
Chapter 2: wuah~~ O_O u r korean? but your eng is rather excellent to me... wooo admire u ^ ^
Chapter 5: Woooooot I don't mind you rewriting - the main thing is the plot, isn't it?! ^^ ♥
Hwaiting, authornim!!!
Hanna19 #4
Chapter 4: Merry christmas ;3 ♥ :P Buu i really want more about this♥ i like how all the members care for onew want read more^^ about they with their leader♥ =)
Chapter 4: Pleeeeaaaase continue, I love it so much! <3
Chapter 4: OMO. I DEFINITELY WANT YOU TO CONTINUE THIS, LOVE. Please. Ohhhh, I fell in love with your story!!! My dearest Onew! In hospital! WAEEEE?!?! <3 <3 <3
keziayansen #7
Chapter 4: thank u so much for the update ^_________^
waiting for the next :)
Fighting <3
Hanna19 #8
Chapter 3: i really need more please♥
SnHiromi #9
Chapter 3: omo please update soon :)
Puffy_Panda_22 #10
<3 I can't wait to keep reading <3