The Journey




Chaerin is sitting at a table with the family who are all eating falafel while she eats meat.


Sophie and Miles parents, have some difficulty relating to their daughters attitudes. They belong to a generation of counter cultural radicals whose priorities have, over the past decade, shifted and they’re now trying to assimilate into mainstream society whilst still holding on to their ideals of autonomy and social liberation.


They felt genuinely troubled when Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes got divorced. Sophie is describing a recent cultural phenomenon while she picks at her food.


Meanwhile Chaerin eyes the crowd, constantly on the lookout.


Sophie is still talking to what have become alien topics for Chaerin’s brain to process.


“I’m pretty impressed that you’re travelling on your own, Chaerin.” Sophie’s father suddenly asks.


“My father encourages me to be independent.”


“That’s wonderful.” Sophie’s mother said impressed. “I was backpacking at your age.”


“Spent a heavenly summer island hopping around Greece.” Sophie’s dad says under his breath. “Bed hopping around Greece.”


Sophie’s mom flashes him a look.


Sophie’s father continues. “No, no, it was valuable. Our experiences make us who we are (pointed to the table). “Are your parents still together, Chaerin?”


“My mother is dead.”


“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that. I lost my mother young, too. See, kids. All the things you complain about. Your shoes aren’t the right brand. The Tivo doesn’t work...”


“My ipod doesn’t have enough gigabytes.” Miles protest.


“You don’t know real sadness.” Miles’s father continue.


“It’s ok, it was a long time ago.” Chaerin reply.


“What did she die of?” Miles asks.


“Three bullets.” She answer.


“Oh My God. How appalling.” Sophie’s mom and dad are appalled, Sophie’s cool deserts her, she is weirdly impressed.


In the hotel bedroom , the TV flickers illuminating Chaerin as she sits on her bed looking at the DNA report folded up into a tight wad. She smoothes it out and reads.


The test reads: “SGM + test results. Interfering sequence present. Abnormal. B sample confirms result.”


Chaerin stares at the words. “Interfering sequence present. Abnormal.” Chaerin looks at the photo of herself and those words.


“Abnormal” What does it mean?




A barren rocky outcrop on the coastline at pre down. Seungri arrives. He has a rucksack on his back. Seungri undresses and puts his suit in a plastic bag that he knots tight. He puts the bag into the rucksack and puts it on his back.


He stares across the water towards in the distance.

Then he begins to wade into the water.




In the parking lot, Seb struggles with the family´s luggage. He shoves the bags in and, no matter how hard he tries, they just won´t fit. He stomps his feet a bit like a grown child. Chaerin watched him from afar.


Chaerin lurks around the van and tries the doors. All locked. She climbs up onto the roof. The sun roof is open a few inches. She slips her fingers into the gap and pries it open.


After a several hours of journey, the family van arrive and pulls up to a busy ferry port. Across the sails of tiny fishing boats, the enormous hull of a modern passenger ferry gliding into dock.




Michael is at a small TV speeding through CCTV footage of the hotel carpark. Titch stands over the now bruised hotel owner.


“Who are you? What is your business with the girl?” the hotel owner asked them before he growled in pain.


“Oh, I´m her uncle. We´re very concerned about her well-being.” Michael answer.


“I don´t know what - what you´re looking for. She came, she was nice, she left.”


Michael signalled at Titch. Titch hits him.


“There we are.” Isaac murmured. On the CCTV there is a footage of Chaerin climbing into the family’s van through the sunroof.


“Has this van checked out?” Michael ask the hotel owner.




“North or south?”


“The ferry, they catch the ferry to Spain.”


“Very good......... Titch.” Titch flips open a knife.




Cars are parking, their headlights on in the dark hull, horns blowing, ferry guards directing people to parking spaces - it’s chaos.


Sophie’s father parks the van with some difficulty, complaining all the while. They get out, taking with them anything they might need - knapsacks, computer games, suit cases.

They head off towards the stairs up to the decks as we hold on the van.


Chaerin was in her hide out lies quietly, cramped into a tiny space.

Her eyes glistening in the dark. She listens to the strange sounds of the ferry beginning to leave dock.


Michael arrives at the ferry port, but is too late. He looks out to sea where, on the horizon, he can see the ferry sailing into the distance.

He pulls out his cell phone and punches in a number.




Ext. the coastline, it was dark rain pours down onto long wooden walkways that stretch out into the sea.

A figure slides through the water. Then, like a monster from the deep, Seungri emerges. He pulls himself free. Water dripping from his body.


He takes a deep breath, tries to shake off the unbearable cold.

His lips, fingers, and toes are almost blue. At the far end of the walkway

Two policemen approach.


 “It’s a little cold for a swim isn’t it?”





The family’s van speeds up through Spain.

Hills are emerging and the land is turning green.

They pass a lay-by where Razor is waiting on a motorbike.

He sees the van, drops his helmets visor, and follows.


Chaerin is still in her tiny hide out. There is a small spyhole through which she can see glimpses of the family who are all singing along with great enthusiasm to final bars of some classic song.


Miles notices the shadows and light moving in the peep hole.

He knows she’s there.









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Chapter 20: I've been wanted to read this one since long time but unable to, and now I read all the chapters in one go. It's really thrilling to imagine each scene with all of that actions in my own brain. One thing I waited in each chapter is to see both Chaerin and Seungri reunite.
Chapter 1: I just found this story and I haven't made it too far in it to actually affirm for myself but, is this somehow based on the movie Hanna? :D
AkI-ra #3
Finishing this story soon XOXO
angelin #4
Chapter 17: Wow just found out ur story very interesting....
NaddyshipsSD #5
I love your story! There's something abstract about it but i dnno the words to describe it tho, haha! But anyway update soon^^
update soon ^^