Surprise Visit

My Kpop Life!

That same night Bora came over to spend the night since we both didn't have a schedule tomorrow. I told her everything that happened today.

"What happened when you guys left Chorong?!" She yelled in my face. I backed away a little and then said, "All he did was drop me off here and left. Nothing exciting. No kissing no anything."

Bora sat back with a pout on her face. "Ah I wanted some romance! Why didn't you ask him out? Who cares about his girlfriend." I shrugged. "I just don't have the guts to ask him out. I was stuttering everytime he asked me something. If I can't even talk to him how do you expect me to ask him out?"

"You could write him a letter?" Bora suggested. A letter? Isn't that kinda old school? "Do you really think he has time to read a letter?" She shrugged. "You never know until you try."

That is true. I won't know unless I try. I guess it could work. I'll just put from your admirer. Cause I ain't putting my name.

"We should get to sleep it's already 12." I nodded.


I woke up to the sound of knocking. I looked at the clock and it was only 7. Who could be knocking at this time. It can't be the manger cause we have the day off. I got up and dragged my feet to the door.

I slowly opened the door to see a bubbly Minwoo. My eyes widened. Why is he here? "You gonna just stand there staring at me or are you gonna invite me in?" I snapped out of my trance and moved to the side so he could come in.

"May I ask why are you here?" He spun around with a large grin on his face. "I wanted to come see you. Am I not allowed?" I shook my head.

"So why did you want to see me?" He plopped down on the couch and motioned for me to sit down next to him. "I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday." Oh great. He's probably gonna tell me that he doesn't like me and blah blah blah.

"You see when Chorong asked me if I liked you I had butterflies in my stomach because I uhh I kinda.." Bora came in screaming that she wanted food and stopped when she saw Minwoo. "Oh sorry for interrupting. Just don't mind me."

Minwoo was gonna start talking again, but little miss Chorong came in. She decided to plop down right between Minwoo and me. Seriously chick do you wanna fight? I took this chance to go back in my room with Bora.

When I stepped in she bombarded me with questions. I put my hand up to signal for her to stop. She stopped and looked at me with a sincere face. "Come here, tell Bora what happened." I told her and she nodded taking all the infomation in.

"That stupid Chorong! I'm gonna hurt her one day." She got up from the bed about to go out there, but I stopped her. I didn't want her to start screaming stuff at Chorong while Minwoo was still here.

After about 30 minutes Minwoo left and Chorong came in my room. "Looks like Minwoo can't live without seeing me." I threw her a disgusted face. "Like he would ever want to see your face." Bora smirked. She was proud of me backing myself up. Chorong just stormed off throwing a fit. Looks like I won that round.

Maybe Minwoo did come here just to see her because he didn't stop me from going and if he really wanted to talk to me he would have ignored Chorong and went after me. Ugh! Minwoo you're messing with my head. I can't think straight!!


Hope you enjoy the chapter! I hope you're enjoying this story :)


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sistarandinfinite #1
Awesome fic
Chapter 17: Why did he get beaten up? How did Bora get there so fast? e.o I hope they managed to gain back Minwoo's memories before it becomes worst. Hwaiting! =)
I hate Bora now! I wish he could remember ____ soon! Anyways update!
Oh my goodness. Could everyone stop cursing at Bora? You're not even sure of what happened yet. For all you know, Minwoo could've been the one who kissed Bora and she was merely too surprised to stop. This type of thing does happen. It's awful what people can do or say just because they misunderstand. e_e"
Anyway, the story's cool. Do update soon.
what in the world? :O why does he think that Bora's the girl? O.o
update soon. :)
oh my god what actually happened here?! O_o
Sorry for my language but Bora that ____
Bora??? that's the bestie right? :OO WHY ON EARTH ARE THEY KISSING? :\ and I thought she left Bora behind so then... why?? D: WHAT'S HAPPENING??? :'( gosh >< hahaha mianhae, I'm carried away.

Please update soon ^^ Fighting!~♥
WHo do you mean by BESTFRIEND ?!?! BORA ?!?!

Update soon Author-nim