Boku wa vampire


Okay, if anyone want to insult me, just do it but I only can say that I will never read it and becareful with your words as I actually can curse people. I haven't use that speciality for ages since 2010 after I finish my school. Just enjoy read it ne~~ ^^



"Hi, I'm just a normal human who hope died in that forest but a vampire safe me. Actually, I don't know both of them are vampires. I only know when the problem come. I really hope everything will be okay"


"When I saw Sora for the first time, my body react by itself and that make Aria mad. She really like to shout at my ear even she already know my hearing super sensitive. She also ask me to change Sora into vampire but I don't want to do it because... I love her more that everything."


"Okay, I may look younger than Hikaru but actually I'm older than him. I really shock when see him bring back a human. I keep telling him that human are our food but she never want to hear it from me. I just let him do as long he know what he should do."

will continue another vampire fanfic XD


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Karina-Ai #1
Spice_Cake: my curse more to turn their life upside down only.
wow! sugoiii! update soon!
Spice_Cake #3
LOL Maybe they disappeared?
Karina-Ai #4
well, I don't know if it's still working now as can't find any relevant victim anymore
Spice_Cake #5
Wow you can curse people?