Chapter 2.

When everything falls down


Jane saw the angry eyes. Her eyes widened and her heart was scared. Oh no! Hyuna! What is she doing here?  Their gaze met. Hyuna smirked. Shivers sent down Jane’s body. She knew what that smirk meant. Jane stiffened in her seat. Eliza realized Jane was sitting motionless. “Are you okay Jane?”

“I’m fine. I need to go to restroom. Be right back.” She gave Eliza assuring smile and stood up. She walked past tables and tables filled with idols. She doesn’t even bother look at them. She knew she was being watch by them as she was stranger within their circle. She went into the rest room, and she breath as if she was out of breath. She tried to calm herself. “It’s nice to meet you again, JANE. She freeze and turned her head. Hyuna was standing with her arm crossed and stared at Jane.

“H-Hyuna, what are you doing here? She stammered. Hyuna gaze fixed at Jane without blinking.

“What do you think Im doing here? Im trying to rebuild my dream that you destroyed, remember? The one that you stole from me.  Im surprise that you did not continue pursuing your PIANO. I guess you’re not as talented as what they see.”  Jane cringed when she emphasized on the word piano. Jane just looked on the ground when she speaks. She hated it when Hyuna kept bringing about the incident. Tears almost swelled in her eyes.

“S-stop. I know it’s my fault and im very sorry for the trouble I made in the past. It was not my intention. Believe me I wasn’t trying to take the spotlight from you.” Jane was not satisfied with these. She braced herself walk past through her. When suddenly Hyuna grabbed her wrist and speak in low voice. “If you ever trying to ruin my career here, I will make you suffer. Understand?”

Jane naturally nodded. Hyuna released her grasp. Jane went out the restroom and walked. She quickens her pace to the table. When she sat down, she breathe heavily and start wiping the dry tears off her face.  Both Eliza and Kwon noticed her change face and worriedly asked. Jane just told them probably the light in the ballroom.

When it was time for buffet, Kwon took this opportunity for them to introduce Jane to some of the idols and artists. He introduced Super Junior, SNSD, 2NE1, 2AM, BEAST and even 4MINUTE. Jane was extremely surprised when she saw Hyuna greet her with the 4MINUTE. Her nasal voice made her flinched. Her change in attitude surprised her more.

Jane bowed and greets the idols repeatedly. Every time they bowed, she bowed back. Honestly her back has been killing her. Last but not least, Kwon then introduced her to SHINEE. A 5 young men smiling and bowed to her. She bowed to every single one of them. She tried to remember their names. Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Taemin and  M-Min…. Oh crap! Minho laid his eyes on her and he was lost.

This is when they first met.

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