summer rain

summer rain

"i'm fine."

fine but not happy.

a summer not too long ago...

i yawned my way to the trail as my thoughts are really not into their best yet. i tried to pucker my eyes if that was even possible. i stretched my arms and crinkled my nose. i fixed my disoriented self and halted when i was sure of where i was. i then sluggishly slumped myself on the soft grass and welcomed the beaming ray of the sun. it was my last day in this place and so i forced myself to wake up early and make the most out of it. gosh, i want to stay like this forever. i was with those kind of thoughts when i felt a shadow --scratch that-- a person covering my view of the sun.

"hi there!" the shadow man said. i was startled and immediately stood up to run for my dear life. but as i was about to do the run of my life, i heard him laugh. the kind of laugh that insults the soul out of me. i turned to see his face. only to be more insulted. he was clearly mocking me. i glared and glared more until he stopped.

"you should've seen your face."he said trying to contain his laughter..and then he smiled.

my heart just jumped off my chest. what the-- just like that all my thoughts of being with a psychotic killer vanished.

darn~ i blinked when i saw him lazily slouched his way to the grass and closed his eyes. i just froze there and stared.

"am i that handsome?" he blurted out with eyes still closed. that made me twitched. i looked the other way and sat without any reason.

"seungri" he whispered.

"excuse me?" i asked.

"my real about you?"

"chaerin.lee chaerin." i said without even thinking about it. i saw him smiled still not opening his eyes. i looked away and stared at the sky. it was getting late. i should head back and fix my things. as i was about to get up, he opened his eyes and faced my way.

"chae,can i ask you a question?" i looked into his eyes and nodded.

"are you happy?" i was shocked by his question. it was so out of the blue.

"i'm fine." i answered. i saw him smirked.

"you didn't actually answer the question."

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Aw wow. I actually really liked that. Sad story but full of lesson. To those who are confused, this is my interpretation. They met at the beginning of summer. But once summer had to end, char had to leVe the place. Seungri was literally her summer (coz she spent so much time with him that her summer only had memories of him) and her rain (because he was the reason she was crying). <3
ohayou87 #2
I'm kinda confused but I still liked it:)
It's not bad but are you writing on your phone?
If you are not it will be better to separate it to avoid confusion on whose talking.
Can you explain the rain part. I think if you expanded this to a short 6 chapter story or so it can be more amazing:)