i'll kiss you

whistling .
Haera's POV
Okay I admit that I'm obsessed with whistling. I mean... It looks cool and fun. 
But I don't know how to. right? I've tried so many times for the past three months. 
It would help if my idiotic boyfriend would help me. It would be so much easier.... 
But no. He decided to be cheeky and doesn't want to teach me because I'm fun to tease. 
That nerve of Sehun! 
I looked to my left. There he was, lying down beside me at the rooftop at school. 
We would always come here for lunch. It's like our secret place. No one disturbs us because students are not supposed to be up here. 
But who cares. 
"Yes babe?" He said still closing his eyes. 
I widened my eyes, how did he know I was looking at him?
"I know I'm hot, you don't need to stare at me so much," He suddenly sat up straight. His face was almost a centimeter apart, "I'm forever yours." He winked. 
I rolled my eyes. "Ugh. Stop being so full of yourself." 
"Hey!" Sehun pretended to pout, "But you still love me, right?" 
I stared at him for a second before replying, "No I don't." 
He showed a hurt face, "Ouch babe that hurts. A lot."
"Tell me you love me!" He wailed like a child.
A genius idea came to my mind and I smirked. 
Why haven't I thought of this earlier? I'm such a genius.
"I will.... If you teach me how to whistle." I proposed a deal. 
He smiled lazily, "No, I won't." Then he stuck out his tongue.
"Yah! Why won't you teach me?!" I slapped his arm.
"Because I don't want to. I want to see your pitiful and pathetic face trying to whistle." He laughed, clutching his stomach. 
"You ! Meanie! Jerk!" I shouted at him and turned around so that my back would be facing him. 
I tried to whistle again. I 'pout' my lips and tried to blow it. But it didn't make any sound. 
I tried again and again but I still couldn't get it. 
"Trying hard I see." Sehun smirked before drinking his chocolate milk. 
I showed him a face before returning to my attempt whistling. 
I didn't realize Sehun was looking at me while I was whistling. His lips suddenly crashed into mine. 
He kissed me while I was trying to whistle. I didn't push him away and kissed him back. 
I put my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. I need to ask him what shampoo he used because it's too darn soft. 
After a while, we pulls away. I was panting because I was out of breath. 
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked.
"Why can't I? I'm your boyfriend." He replied, twirling my long hair around his finger. 
"Yeah but when I was trying to whistle?" 
"Have I ever mentioned that you look so adorable when you try to whistle? The way your lips pout to whistle always makes me have this urge to kiss you. I always tried to hold back to not interrupt your 'whistling session' but today, you look so darn adorable that I couldn't resist you." 
I lifted my eyebrow, "Oh so you want to kiss me all this while?" I smiled, "Maybe I should whistle every time." 
Sehun smirked, "You can just ask for it anytime." He leaned in forward, "The way you try to whistle turns me on." He whispered. 
I smiled. "Teach me how to whistle?"
"Sure. If you don't produce any sound, I'll kiss you." Sehun smirked.
okay i know what you are thinking... it's horrible yeah i know.
yeah but i just wanted to write this kind of stuff ._.
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--minyoungiie #1
hha,Im bored~
so im reading this,
omo omo, so cuuuuute!!! lovely!
It's realllly cute!! I like it!
this is so cute :)
jangtaera #5
So cuteee!
Is there any guy that's like That in this world?! XD
dawn_yhm #6
AWWWWW...:3 So darn cute!
Chymariot #7
sorry if it's short I kinda tried to make it longer.... but it failed ._. sorry :(