
Bandages and caring boyfriends

Right after their performance on music bank was over and they disappeared behind the stage, were safely out of view of their fans, Kiseop slumped against the nearest wall and closed panting his eyes.

He grimaced painfully when he tried to stand on his left foot, bit down on his lower lip and tried to handle the pain in one or another way.

"You know you shouldn't do that!", Soohyun said with a scolding tone in his voice. "Can you walk?"

Kiseop glanced at him, before he leaned back at the wall and nodded his head. "Yeah..."

Soohyun sighed. "Liar...", he chuckled und shook his head disbelieving. "You know that I know you pretty well after all that time and don't have to play strong. I know you can't walk!"

Startled, Kiseop looked at Soohyun, when the latter suddenly crouched down in front of him. "Come on honey. I'll carry you."

"That's not very romantic...", Kiseop grinned and climbed at Soohyun's back, looped his arms around his neck. "But... thank you..."

"It's my pleasure.", Soohyun looked over his shoulder and showed Kiseop a loving smile. "And back at the dorm I'll take care of your ankle."

Smiling, Kiseop buried his face at Soohyun's neck and closed his eyes, could hear the screams of the fans back in the studio and in front of the stage. Luckily there were no fans in the backstage area and on their way to the elevators.

Kiseop could hear his follow band members chatting with each other, but he was to tired and exhausted to really join their conversation. The painkillers he had taken moments before they arrived at the KBS building, had done a very good job since he hadn't really felt his injured ankle during the rehearsal and their performance.

But now that he had danced as usual, the pain came back and it ached even more.

Kiseop was glad that Soohyun had placed him gently at the back of one of their vans, seated himself right next to him that Kiseop could put his leg and his injured ankle over his legs.

As soon as their manager started the motor and drove into the direction of their dorm, Kiseop dozed off.

"Are we home?", Kiseop asked mumbling and snuggled up at Soohyun, who carried his still sleeping boyfriend on his arms.

"Yes. Wait a moment and you can go back sleep.", Soohyun nodded with a fond smile and was glad that the others helped him with their clothes and luggage that he could take Kiseop to their shared room, where he gently laid him down on their bed.

More asleep than awake Kiseop lifted his arms and legs while Soohyun took off his clothes and put on his pyjamas, covered him gingerly with the duvet.

"I'll be back in a few minutes.", Soohyun whispered and kissed the already sleeping Kiseop on the forehead.

When Kiseop woke up in the middle of the night, he heard Soohyun's steady breathing right next to him and could feel his arms around his waist.

He blinked sleepy and looked around in their dark bedroom, when his gaze landed on the first aid kit at their desk. Right in that moment Kiseop felt something odd at his actually injured ankle. A warm smile appeared on his face when he saw the thick bandages at his foot and he hurried back into Soohyun's embrace and cuddled up to him.

"Thank you.", Kiseop whispered and gave Soohyun a quick peck at his lips before he drifted back into dreamland.

Yes, he really had the most caring boyfriend on the world.


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Chapter 1: Aww, thats sweet <3 Simple and short~
cloudy_icyng #2
Chapter 1: it's so sweet
if you don't mind, would you like to tell me in what program that kiseop limp?
i really curious about that, thank you
naww, it was soo romantic :D
if you don't mind, would you like to tell me in what program that kiseop limp ? thank you :)