


“There was nothing Satanic about it at all.”

Detached, Indifferent and Unemotional.

Those were the words to describe Tiffany at the current moment. Not that he had been looking at her…

Well, all right. He had been looking at her. He looked at her when she was sneaking glances at him. He looked at her again when she was trying to suppress her nervousness every single time she talked to him. And he intensely looked at her when she left the beach with him.

It was him, every time. It will always be about him. And it sickened Kris to the very core.

Luhan wasn’t so bad when you get to know him. In fact, he’s quite close to the guy. But what he didn’t like was his attitude towards Tiffany. Every single time the poor girl came in contact with him, the girl ended up broken-hearted.




He didn’t like it at all. So that was why he was here. To make her feel better.

“Noona ah. Are you okay?”

The girl didn’t bother to snap out of her day-dreaming. Not even acknowledging or knowing who was talking to her, she nodded her head. Her careless attitude had him laughing softly. She was pretty cute when she did that. Not that she should do it always.

“Nooooonaaaaaa. Earth to Tiffany.”

The girl turned her head, to see who was annoying her at a time like this. And all the negative feelings came to an end when she saw her company.

“Oh. Kris. S-Sorry. I was just… in my own world.”

“In your own world, or were you thinking about someone, huh?” He , poking her on her arms even.

This was all so new to Tiffany. Kris and her talking like this. She felt comfortable in his presence; secured. And he had been nice to her these past few days. She was thankful for that. He helped her get her mind off him. But she couldn’t shake the fact off that…

That Kris wasn’t Luhan. He was a different entity altogether. And she noticed Kris was so much different from his stage presence. Kris on stage was, charismatic and leader-like. Kris off stage was playful, funny and yet, dangerous. She had no intention of finding out why.

“I knew it. You’re thinking about him! Noona, I think you should just give up on him. And maybe look at me instead!” He laughed; unintentionally making the girl laugh as well.

“Yah, stop it with the jokes.”

“I’m not joking.” Was what he told her.

His sudden all too serious attitude had Tiffany tense. Maybe this was when Kris was dangerous. Maybe, she may have felt something for him. But that made her more determined to keep her feelings guarded. To keep her feelings for Luhan.  She had to, but she didn’t know why.

“Umm, I got you something. But you have to close your eyes.”

The girl complied and she felt the man entangling something onto her neck. Was it a necklace?

“You can open them now.”

Tiffany’s eyes gaze down to her neck area, and her eyes flickered in surprise. She had been expecting a necklace. But a gold necklace?

“Y-you… Why did you get me a gold necklace? And why is it a serpent, of all things?”

“Well… I remember the last time round we encountered a snake by the beach. And you were too scared to touch it. So this is me telling you to be brave and to be strong in your life. And to why it is gold… Don’t ask. I think it looks great on you though, don’t you think so?”

The girl nodded in agreement, thankful that Kris had been looking out for her this whole time. She gave him a slight hug and bid him goodbye when he had to go. She will repay him someday; she knew she will.

She walked back slowly to her dorm, amused at the lack of company she had these past few days. The members avoided her like plague, just because of a warning she sternly gave them when they were just fussing over her. Tiffany made a mental check to apologise to each one of her members should she see them. So when she saw Jessica lazing on the couch back home, she prepared herself.

“Sica ah!”

“Oh, you’re finally talking to us?” The latter said, her eyes still stuck on the TV to her front.

“Sica ah. I’m sorry.” Tiffany pouted, her arms around the girl. Jessica can’t help but face her, and upon seeing the oh-so-famous eye smile, her cold heart melted.

“Forgiven!” The ice princess said, her eyes tracing down a shimmering gold necklace, and she can’t help but raise an eye at the design.

“And who exactly gave you that old looking thing?”

“Yah, it’s not old. And it’s Kris.”

“KRIS?! But I thought your boy crush was Luhan!” The girl shouted, only to realise it was too loud and so she cupped .

“I… I don’t know. I really like Luhan a lot but Kris is nice… but I don’t think of him like that. Really.”

“Well, good for you then. Stay away from Kris, okay? He’s… He’s not good for you.”

Tiffany heaved a sigh. What is it with people telling her that someone is not good for her? Couldn’t it be the other way round? She was the one who wasn’t good enough for both Kris and Luhan. But yet, she has people telling her it’s the other way round.

“Why isn’t he good for me?”

The latter smiled an apologetic smile. She had an answer to that. But, it will be too risky to say it out. So instead she patted Tiffany on her head and stood up.

“And if you trust me, you would want to get rid of that necklace. A serpent, really? Don’t you know that it represents Satan?”

Tiffany watch as the latter walked away. Since when was Sica so immersed in what’s Satanic and what’s not? The necklace was a symbol of Kris intentions, wasn’t it?  And his intentions were good. There was nothing Satanic about it at all.

The girl lazed on the couch, waiting for her members to come back; her hands twirling around the necklace that was just given to her.

Unconsciously, she took the necklace off and placed it on the coffee table to her front.

The necklace was definitely not Satanic, but it represents Kris. And if Luhan were to saw her wearing it….

She didn’t know what he would think.

Because at the end of the day, he was what matters to her most.

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madesunren #1
I love it!
xJennyySNSD #2
Hehe we have the same biases :3
Love this ff :))
Chapter 34: Baekhyun i really feel so sad for you now even if you are Lucifer. You werent bad in th beginning. poor Baek :( Your side of the story should also be heard.
Aahhahh! I love FALLEN novels by Lauren Kate! I love Luce and Daniel xD and I absolutely love LUFANY!!! XD <3
OMG!!! I just finished reading this story .... and please believe me when I tell you that is one of the best fic I've read lufany!! I fell in love
Chapter 41: thank you so much for this! ugh. LUFANY! kyaa~
Chapter 30: Omg i love it! My lufany feels ;;;help i feel like reading it again, ;;
Chapter 41: The final chapter was OH-SO-CUTE!:I Love how it's all light and romantich and humorous <3 and LuFany is just too sweet and Im so jealous cuz Luhan is mine. Lolss. Anyway congratulations on this, you did an amazing job! Im looking forward to reading your new fic :) fighting! :*
Chapter 41: Gaaaaah, I can't stop smiling! To be honest, I wanted to cry because it's finally over ;__; But, instead, this beautiful final chapter made me smile from ear to ear! I'm really happy it ended so well, with everyone together, in love and carefree. <3 The Angels Gang omfg So precious :')
And LuFany <3 My ultimate OTP ;w; Their last moment was beautiful <3
The BaekSoo couple, yes yes! I love these two so much! In fact, BaekSoo was the first EXO pairing I got into, so it's nice to see them ending up together here! ^-^

My first ever LuFany fanfic, and yet one of the best EXOShiDae fics out there! Thank you so much, author-nim, for writing such a stunning story! <3 I'll never forget it, definitely. :)
And I'm gladly looking forward to The Vampirs! Woot woot~

Once again, and finally, thank you very much, author-nim, for writing such a gorgeous and unforgettable piece of artwork! <333
Chapter 41: honestly I don´t have adequate words to thank you for write this beautiful story ... suffered, I cried, I was excited, but above all, I enjoy ...
I have mixed feelings ... I'm really sad because it's over, but also happy for your work and you end up one of the best lufany fic that I've read ....
with respect the end, it was beautiful ... I really liked the couple BaekSoo ... I think love is love .. does not matter, while there love <3
and well .. congratulations for this great story .... I would give a gift, but probably we live in different countries *u*
and finally, I am eager to meet the new vampire fic ... vampire stories are interesting and very y xDDDD
and again, thankyou for this beautiful reading!! <3