◄ Kai & Sulli



“Holding my breath, I cried.

Everything I had was at the end of a cliff, it was dangerous.

Oh in a rainy world, I walked without an umbrella.

Following the light of your eyes, those eyes.

Somebody take me away.”

UKISS – Take Me Away


He ran as fast he could, his eyes on one and one person only.

Shoving the others out of the way, he panted as he saw the figure dropped to the floor, her once wide eyes now turning smaller as it closed.

Her smile remained intact as she caressed his cheeks, her words soft but loud enough for everyone to hear.

But to him it was silence.


“Can you believe them?!” Kyungsoo sighed as he slumped next to Kai. “You’d thought they have the decency to lay low but no. Instead, they waged out a war.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Krystal who just came asked curiously. “You’re not talking about the Outcasts, are you?”

“We are.” Kai growled as he remembered the scar he received yesterday. “It’s not our fault that they were locked out of both Heaven and Hell. And now, they’re on Earth creating a huge ruckus. The mistake lies in their decision anyway so why did they take it out on us?!”

‘But it’s honestly sad, isn’t it?” A voice interrupted him. “To be kicked out by your family and friends?”

“Sulli!” Krystal went to hug her friend. “You’re here!”

“Y-Yeah. I-It’s sad.” The once manly Kai turned soft and fluffy.

Seeing how quickly his friend changed, Kyungsoo gave a quick nudge and he chukled as he made space for Sulli to sit.

“I heard you got hurt.” Sulli uttered seriously as she tried to lift his clothes. “Can I see?”

“W-What?! N-No!” Kai exclaimed, flustered. “K-Keep your hands to yourself.”

“Okay, okay.” She laughed as she rested her head against his shoulders. “There’s rumors that they’ll come back again tomorrow.”

“The angels in heaven and earth will be sure to defeat them all.” Kyungsoo said as a matter of fact.

The man then turned guilty upon seeing Krystal giving a small smile. After all, it was no longer a secret that she had joined Lucifer in hell.

“Hell too, right?” He tried to make things better but Krystal had nodded her head meekly.

Way to go, Kyungsoo… Kai was mentally shooting arrows at the man.

“So!” Sulli clapped her hands as she tried to erase all forms of awkwardness. “How’s… Sehun?”

“You know I’m not speaking to him.” The other girl frowned. “Can we don’t talk about him, please?”


“So…….” Kyungsoo felt the need to step up again. “You guys sure you’re ready for the next fight tomorrow?”

“You guys are joining as well?” Kai scowled, turning to the other two ladies. “You guys shouldn’t.”

“Why? Because we’re girls?” Krystal sniggered. “Come on. We’re all angels at the end of the day.”

“You can get hurt.” He insisted, solely turning to Sulli.

“What? I’m not going to let you fight alone.” She retorted.

“But you have no experience in throwing starshots! What if one hits you and you die?”

“It won’t!”

“Sulli!” Kai raised his voice. “I’m not allowing you to go to battle.”

“What? And Krystal can?”

“I’m not particularly happy about Krystal going as well but at least she has experience. Baekhyun thought her something but you… nothing!”

“I’m going, Kai.” Sulli said her final words. “I’m not going to let you guys suffer alone, okay?”

Knowing how insistent she was, the said man kept mum as he tried to recompose his breaths.

There was only so much that he could do to stop her.


“Krystal! Watch out!” Kyungsoo pushed the girl down to the cold, hard ground.

The girl froze as the man lay on top of her and she sighed as she pushed him off.

“I can take care of myself.”

“Says the girl who almost got struck by a starshot.” He chided. “Do you want to turn to ashes?!”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry and thanks.” She stuck her tongue out only to get knock in the head.

“Focus. I don’t want to be saving you again.”


“Sehun looks like he’s in trouble.” Sulli glanced towards her friend as he fended off the outcasts.

Seeing his friend so unbalanced had a certain young man worried. He had vowed to keep Sulli safe but seeing how she was doing fine…

“Stay here, okay?” Kai warned the girl. “I’ll be right back. Fight when you need to.”

The angel then flew over to his friend while handing out an emergency starshot. The Outcast who had grazed the sharp weapon over Sehun’s chest died, before quickly turning to ashes.

“Thanks.” Sehun muttered awkwardly.

“Take better care of yourself.” Kai chuckled as he gave his friend a punch. “How are you to take care of Krystal if you’re unfit?”

“Says the man who lost against me.” His friend protested.


Kai turned around to see where the screams were coming from. He saw how wide Kyungsoo’s and Krystal’s eyes had been as they ran over to their friend.

His eyes flickered around the scene and everything seemed to pass by in slow motion as he saw the love of his life getting struck down by a starshot.

Crying a rage, he shoved his way through the battlefield, eliminating all other Outcasts that were in his way.

As he ran, he saw her figure dropped down on the cold hard floor and he saw how strained she was, trying to keep herself alive.

She had been prolonging her death for him.

“S-Sulli?” He called out to her as he cupped her face, his fingers quickly removing the starshot that was in her chest. “Sulli? Don’t die.”

The girl smiled as her hands caressed his cheeks. He didn’t realised it then but she had been wiping his tears away.

“I l-love y-you all.” She whispered but her voice thundered in her friends heart. “Especially y-you… K-Kai.”

“Sulli?” His breath turned rapid as he her hair. “Y-You’ll be okay.”

“I will.” The girl agreed before shutting her eyes. “I’ll always be okay as long as I’m here.”

Her fingers that had been caressing his face traced down to his heart, but before Kai could grabbed her hands, the angel turned into ashes; an after effect of the starshot.

“SULLI!!!!” Kai screamed loudly as he embraced the ashes in his arms.

“K-Kai.” Kyungsoo tried to comfort the man amidst his own tears.

“SULLI!” He stood up and upon seeing an outcast, fired a starshot at him. “It’s all your fault! Why did you wage a war?! Why did you kill Sulli?!”

“Kai!” This time Kyungsoo was restraining the man from going on a rampage. “S-Stop it. She wouldn’t want to see you like this.”

“But Sulli…” He cried as buried his face in Kyungso’s shoulders, despaired. “Sulli’s gone…”

Sulli…. Don’t leave me…



“What? Why do I have to be a trainee?” Kai sulked as he strangled Kyungsoo jokingly. “I don’t want to suffer because of your mistakes.”

“Come on! If Krystal can get in, so can you.” Kyungsoo nodded his head. “You can dance way better than her.”

“And what’s your role in all this, huh?”

“Me? I’ll be joining you later of course. It’s all part of the plan.”

“But I don’t want to!”

“Stick to the plan, Kai.” Luhan came into the room and sighed. “We have to do this for Tiffany.”

“We have to do this for Tiffany.” Kai mimicked the man only to get a shoe thrown at him. “Fine fine. You owe me though, Luhan hyung.”

“The two of you owe Jessica, don’t you?” Luhan found a loophole. “She’ll be pissed if you guys screw the plan up.”

“W-Well, to be fair, Sehun’s supposed to be part of the plan as well.” Kyungsoo nodded his head knowingly. “But we don’t see him becoming a trainee.”

“That’s my boy.” Kai agreed as he put his hands over Kyungsoo’s shoulders.

If he could have pulled his hair out, Luhan would have done just that but the man kept his patience, knowing that the two just needed extra persuasion.

“Sehun will join.” He enunciated his words clearly. “That is if Kai would just hurry up and go for the audition already.”

“Fine fine!” Kai laughed as he noticed how serious the conversation was turning. “I already went to the audition and I already got in.”

“Really?!” Both Kyungsoo and Luhan exclaimed incredulously.

“Like you said, I can dance better than Krystal.” The man was offended at how disbelieving his friends were. “Anyway, I’m going off to meet her now. Said something about newsworthy or something…”

“Okay. You better get going.” Kyungsoo pushed his friend out of the door. “Krystal has a temper you know.”


Once the man left, Luhan raised an eyebrow to his friend.

“Newsworthy? Is it about…her?”

“I don’t know.” Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders.


“Hey Kai!” Krystal greeted him but she frowned upon seeing how displeased he looked.

“Why am I here, Krystal?”

“You’re here because I want to introduce you to someone!” She squealed but got put off again when he didn’t turn excited.

“I’m not interested in your matchmaking, Krystal. I’ve said that for the past few hundred years.”

“Ahhh, but this girl’s special.”

“How special can a human get, really?” The man rolled his eyes.

“Jinri!” Krystal ignored her friend and called the girl anyway. “He’s here!”

Upon her calls, a sweet girl scurried over, her eyes on Kai’s figure the whole time.

He had recognised her immediately. That eye smile… That rosy cheeks… That smile…

“S-Sulli?” He choked on his words.

“H-Hi.” The girl greeted him. “How did you know that my stage name was Sulli?

“Er, ah!” Krystal cut in. “I told him.”

“Your stage name is Sulli?!” Kai got a grip on himself as he took in her beauty.

“Y-Yup. Lee Soo Man songsaengnim gave it to me. I think it fits, though. I really like the name a lot.”

“Me too.” He muttered absent mindedly. “I mean, yeah. Sulli’s a nice name!”

“Okay… I have to go rush somewhere for a while.” Krystal muttered a fake apology as she walked away. “You two get to know each other or something, okay?”

“S-So your name is K-Kim Jongin?” Sulli asked.

The man gave a sheepish nod and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

“I prefer to be called Kai, though.”

“Kai’s a nice name.” The girl complimented. “It… fits you.”

“How would you know if it fits me? You’ve only just met me…”

Sulli blushed as she realised how true his words were. Of course, this was the first time she had met him, right?

“I… don’t know. You just seem familiar, that’s all.” She giggled and covered her face as she turned pink again.

“Really?” Kai smirked before grinning widely.

“I feel like I’ve known you before as well.”



Told you that there'll be double updates (; To be honest, I'm not a fan of Kai/Sulli pairing but since Sehun's already with Krystal....... lol. The next update will feature Tiffany with someone and it can be considered as a 3 way pairing lmao. So complicated OTL Hope you guys liked this chapter and hoping that I didn't disappoint! 


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madesunren #1
I love it!
xJennyySNSD #2
Hehe we have the same biases :3
Love this ff :))
Chapter 34: Baekhyun i really feel so sad for you now even if you are Lucifer. You werent bad in th beginning. poor Baek :( Your side of the story should also be heard.
Aahhahh! I love FALLEN novels by Lauren Kate! I love Luce and Daniel xD and I absolutely love LUFANY!!! XD <3
OMG!!! I just finished reading this story .... and please believe me when I tell you that is one of the best fic I've read lufany!! I fell in love
Chapter 41: thank you so much for this! ugh. LUFANY! kyaa~
Chapter 30: Omg i love it! My lufany feels ;;;help i feel like reading it again, ;;
Chapter 41: The final chapter was OH-SO-CUTE!:I Love how it's all light and romantich and humorous <3 and LuFany is just too sweet and Im so jealous cuz Luhan is mine. Lolss. Anyway congratulations on this, you did an amazing job! Im looking forward to reading your new fic :) fighting! :*
Chapter 41: Gaaaaah, I can't stop smiling! To be honest, I wanted to cry because it's finally over ;__; But, instead, this beautiful final chapter made me smile from ear to ear! I'm really happy it ended so well, with everyone together, in love and carefree. <3 The Angels Gang omfg So precious :')
And LuFany <3 My ultimate OTP ;w; Their last moment was beautiful <3
The BaekSoo couple, yes yes! I love these two so much! In fact, BaekSoo was the first EXO pairing I got into, so it's nice to see them ending up together here! ^-^

My first ever LuFany fanfic, and yet one of the best EXOShiDae fics out there! Thank you so much, author-nim, for writing such a stunning story! <3 I'll never forget it, definitely. :)
And I'm gladly looking forward to The Vampirs! Woot woot~

Once again, and finally, thank you very much, author-nim, for writing such a gorgeous and unforgettable piece of artwork! <333
Chapter 41: honestly I don´t have adequate words to thank you for write this beautiful story ... suffered, I cried, I was excited, but above all, I enjoy ...
I have mixed feelings ... I'm really sad because it's over, but also happy for your work and you end up one of the best lufany fic that I've read ....
with respect the end, it was beautiful ... I really liked the couple BaekSoo ... I think love is love .. does not matter, while there love <3
and well .. congratulations for this great story .... I would give a gift, but probably we live in different countries *u*
and finally, I am eager to meet the new vampire fic ... vampire stories are interesting and very y xDDDD
and again, thankyou for this beautiful reading!! <3