Expect the Unexpected

Lucky Star

Normal POV

*phone rings*

You were wondering who called you this early on a Saturday morning. 

Your POV

Urgh.. I looked at my phone and an unknown number appeared on my screen. I pressed the green button and "Hello?" I said. 

"Hello. ________ are you getting better?" said the caller. 

The voice sounds familiar to me and it pops up in my head that the caller is 

"Is this Hoon?" I ask for a confirmation.

"Yes, yes. Hoon here." said Hoon.

"Oh! Hoon! How did you get my phone number?" I ask

"It doesn't matter. Are you okay?" said Hoon. 

"Yeah. I'm okay. Why?" I said. 

"Are you sure that you are really okay?" asked Hoon. 

"Yeah. Hoon. I am totally okay." I said. 

"I was so worried yesterday. Anyway, I think you need some fresh air now, even though it is afternoon already." said Hoon. 

"It's afternoon already?!" I said with shocked as I didn't know that I slept that long. I slept early yesterday and I woke up in the afternoon. Wow. 

"Yeah. Do you think it is still morning?" said Hoon and he laughs out loud. 

I laughed out loud too. 

"________, I need a favor." said Hoon. 

"Yeah. Sure. What is it? If I can do it, then I'll help you." I said. 

"Go to your window and look outside." said Hoon.

"My bedroom's window? Okay." I said and I get up from my bed and go to the window and 

Hoon's POV

I saw __________ at the window and she was looking outside and she spotted me standing in front of her house's gate.

Your POV

Hoon waved at me and "When did you come here?! Why didn't you tell me earlier? You must've been waiting for so long." I said to Hoon on the phone but still looking at him from the window. 

"Naaaah. I just came here." said Hoon. 

"Okay. Wait. I'll go downstairs. Wait." I said and I press the red button and go to the washroom, brush my teeth and without changing my pajamas, I ran downstairs and open the gate for Hoon. 

"Come in and next time just call me when you reached here." I said 

Hoon laughs and he said "Okay." 

"Just make yourself at home. I need to go upstairs and take my bath. If you're looking for food, just go to the kitchen." I said while walking up the stairs.

"Okay and _________, are you free later?" ask Hoon and I stopped walking.

"Hmmm.. Yeah. I'm free.  Why?" I ask. 

"Do you want to go out later?" ask Hoon. 

"Sure! I have nothing else to do at home today." I said and I giggle. 

"I'll get ready then." I continued. 

Eli's POV

My little sister's birthday is coming. I decided to buy her an acoustic guitar today. 

To : Kiseop

Where can I find a really good acousitc guitar? 

I just sent him the text message and he replied me in less than 40 seconds. 

From : Kiseop 

Myeongdong Street 

Back to Hoon's and your scene

Your POV

"Where are we going?" I ask Hoon who is driving. 

"We are here. Myeongdong Street. You gotta love the noodles here." said Hoon. 

"Really? Great! I haven't had my breakfast and this is just in time!" I said.

"Well, it is afternoon already, so it is Brunch for you." said Hoon and he laughs while trying to park his car at empty parking space. 

Eli's POV

I found the music store in Myeongdong Street. The door has the "Open" sign and so I placed my hand on the door and I was about to push it, suddenly a girl's hand is on the same door and I looked to my right "Eli! You are here too? This is so unexpected!" said Mimi. 

Normal POV [Eli's Scene] 

"Errr. Yeah.." Eli said while oushing the door without looking at Mimi and straight away approach the salesman.

"Excuse me. Do you have a beginner acoustic guitar which is in pink?" ask Eli. 

"Yeah. We do sir. Please follow this way." said the salesman. 

"Who is the guitar for?" ask Mimi and she wraps both of her hands aroudn Eli's right arm. 

"It's for my little sister." answered Eli and he pulls his arm. 

"Oh! You are such a wonderful brother! How I wish I have a boyfriend like you." said Mimi. 

"Why did you came in here but you haven;t look at any musical instruments?" ask Eli with his eyes wandering around the music store. 

"This is actually my brother's store." said Mimi and she giggles. 

Eli nodded. 

"This is the guitar, sir." said the salesman. 

"How much is it including the bag?" ask Eli. 

"It's 300 USD for the guitar itself and 380USD including the bag," explained the salesman. 

"I'll take it then." said Eli and he walks to the counter. 

"Eli. You can just take the guitar for free." said Mimi with her right elbow on the counter while looking at some random business card at the counter. 

"No, it's okay. I have my own money." said Eli and he takes out his credit card from his wallet. 

Eli's POV

Mimi pouts. What is wrong with her? Can't she see that I just want to be alone? 

Back to you and Hoon's POV

Your POV

"What do you want to eat?" ask Hoon. 

"Hmmm. I would like to eat Japchae Noodle" I answered while looking at the menu. 


                  Japchae Noodle                                           Naeng Myun

"One Japchae Noodle and one Naeng Myun." said Hoon to the waiter who is around his early 30's. 

"with drinkd or without?" ask the waiter. 

Hoon looks at me and I said "with" and Hoon said "With" to the waiter. 

"Okay." said the waiter and he collects the menus on our table. 

"Have you been here?" ask Hoon. 

"No, I've never been here. It is so nice here. By the way, just now when we were walking from the car park to here, I saw a stage. What's that for?" I ask. 

"Oh! The stage. It's for couples. Any couples can sit on a bench on the stage and do whatever they want there for example, take pictures together while kissing or just do normal pose. It's up to them. Some would just like to sit there without taking pictures." explained Hoon. 

"Is it only for Christmas?" I ask. 

"Yeap! Only around Christmas." he answered. 

"Can we go there later?" I ask. 

"Yeah. Sure." said Hoon with a smile. 

Normal POV

After they have finished eating, both of them went to the counter to pay. 

"How much is it?" asked Hoon. 

"Oh! Hoon! You brought your girlfriend this time. It's okay, it's free this time." said Mr. Park, the owner of the noodles restaurant. 

"Just for this lovely couple." continued his wife.

"No, no. We are not a couple. This is my friend __________" said Hoon to the husband and wife.

"You are not a couple? Awww.. Too bad, You guys look good together." said Mrs. Park.

You just giggle and you look at Hoon. Hoon just smile, look at the floor for a few seconds, not more than 2 seconds, and he looks at them again...

"So, how much is it?" ask Hoon.

"It's okay. It's free, Furtehrmore, you are our regular customer. But, don't forget to bring your girlfriend here next time." said Mrs. Park and she laughs.

Hoon laughs and "Okay, if I have one."

You bowed and said "The noodels is very delicious. I will defintiely come here again if I have a chance. Thank You." you said and you bowed again.

Both husband and wife just giggle. "You are such a nice girl. Come back here again, okay?" said Mr. Park. 

"Okay." you said and you bowed again. 

Hoon's POV

Hoon walked out from the restaurant and I followed her from the back, with 1 step behind her and suddenly someone stopped me by placing his/her hand on my shoulder. I turned around and "Hoon, don't wait until she is someone else's" said Mr. Park. I looked at __________ who is standing outside of the restaurant, looking at us, waiting for me. I noedded and said "Okay. Thank You." I bowed and walk towards ________. 

Normal POV

Both of you spent your time together walking around Myeongdong Street. Hoon bought for you a red bow headband. 

You played a game in the arcade and if you win, you'll get a doll or a teddy bear. You played a few times but you keep on losing. Hoon helped you by playing the same game and he won in his first try. He gave you the the teddy bear he won and you were very happy and you hugged him.

   <--- the teddy bear 


Eli's POV

Mimi asked me to accompany her walking around Myeongdong street. I refused at first, but she was beggung me and she almost kneeled down but I stopped her and everyone was like staring at us. I pulled her up and I agreed to accompany her. We went to the arcade and as soon as I stepped in the arcade, I saw Hoon and ____________. Hoon gave her a doll and ____________ looks very happy and she hugged him. I grabbed Mimi's hand and pulled her out of the arcade. 

"What's wrong?" ask Mimi. 

"Nothing. Let's just go somewhere else." I said and I let go of her hand and walk ahead without waiting for her. 

Back to you and Hoon's scene.

We didn't realize it was night already. We kept on walking around Myeongdong Street and I saw a long queue. Theer were many couple queueing up.

"Is this queue for the.." I didn't know how to continue my sentence my Hoon looks like he knows what i was trying to say and he said, "Yes. Do you want to go?" he smiles. 

"Yeap!" I said and Hoon hold my hand and we queue up. While waiting for the line, I looked at the couples who went up on the stage. They sit on the bench which is on the stage, and some of them were kissing and some just sit and take picture. 

It was our turn and Hoon passed his phone to guy who was lining up with a girl behind us to take our picture. Hoon hold my hand and we walk together up the stage. 

Eli's POV

There were many couple queueing up. I looked at the stage and saw ________ and Hoon walking to the bench on the stage. Suddenly, Mimi wrapped her hands around my right arm and "Let's go up on the stage." said Mimi. 

Your POV

We sat down on the bench and suddenly, I saw Eli, and Mimi is beside him and she was wrapping her hands around Eli's arm. I looked at Eli and Eli was looking at me. 

Eli's POV

Our eyes met each other and I quickly turned away and look at Mimi. 

Mimi's POV

I saw Eli and ________ were looking at each other and Eli turned to me. Without any doubt, I kissed Eli's cheek.

Your POV

Eli turned away and suddenly Mimi kissed his cheek. I was so shocked and jealous on the same time. I turned away and proceed with taking a picture with Hoon. After we have finished taking picture, we decided to go back and in order to go to the car park, we have to pass through the long queue where Eli and Mimi are lining up.

Normal POV

Hoon saw a guy who was riding a skateboard really fast. You didn't notice the skateboard coming 

Your POV

Suddenly, Hoon pulled me and both of us are facing each other whith no gap between our bodies. Hoon was still holding my hand. 

Eli's POV

I was getting bored lining up and I turned around and saw Hoon and ________ are facing each other with no gap between their bodies and Hoon was holding her  hand. i felt that my heart was about to explode and I quickly turned away. 

Mimi's POV

Hoon and _______ are getting closer. I decided to make ________ jealous. 

"Eli, can you help me to fix my hair?" I ask and I gave him a pair of hair clips.

Eli's POV

I was helping Mimi to fix up her hair and the couple who are lining up in front of us made some jokes and both of us laugh together.

Your POV

Hoon let go of my hand and I said, "Thank You.". I looked to my right and I saw Eli was fixing Mimi's hair and both of them were laughing. They look very happy together. 

Hoon sent me back home. 

*reached home* 

I opened the door and saw AJ was busy talking with his phone. I decided to just straight awat go upstairs, take a shower and sleep as I was freaking exhausted. I was walking up the stairs and suddenly, "________, I have something to tell you. Can you come down?" said AJ with his eyes on his phone. I walk down the stairs and lie on the red couch. "We're moving to California back next Tuesday. Our flight is on Tuesday night." said AJ, looking at me. 

I was so shocked, I get up and "What?!" I said. 

AJ just look at me and "2 more days?!" I continued. 

"Yeah. Mom just called me. Dad got transferred to a bigger company in California. I think you can start packing tomorrow." said AJ/ 

I shrugged and I went upstairs. 

"Oh, and _________." AJ said and I stopped walking. "Eli came yesterday morning to fetch you to school but you left already." said AJ with his hands and eyes busy making a glass of fresh orang juice. 

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I said and I walk to my room and I kept thinking is that why Eli was acting so cold to me these past few days? It can't be that. He didn't even inform me nor my brother that he was going to fetch me up to school. I decided to stop thinking about it and just go to shower and sleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Woohoo! It is kind of a long update, ayy? Sorry for taking so long to update this chapter. I've been busy with school and stuff. So, yeah! 

Comments are much loved. Hee :D

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I'm going to type the last chapter today!


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Chapter 10: Really nice story, good job author nim
Chapter 10: I just re read this story omg cries my feels
This fic sounds interesting plus the picture of Eli is just so cute! He's my favorite member in UKiSS ♥
By the way, would you like me to make you a poster? If you're interested, please visit the link below~ ^^

Thank You so much for all the comments <3 I would definitely write a sequel. ^^
omg sequel please
I love this story~I just wish it was a little longer. By a chatper or two.
Ended so soon :(
its already finished! :'(
This is so cute ;~;
siennah #10
I hate Mrs. Kim

BTW, I got addicted to your story more and more when you updated. So please update ASAP. keke ;)