Catch Me

Not too Fast


She steps on the hot white sand, even though she knew it was burning her feet. But she didn’t mind as she continues to stroll down the beach. Sound of waves crashing by the shore calms her mind as she sits down to enjoy the serenity. The sea breeze sweep past through her, dancing with the tip of her shawl.  
“You’re the one who ran away this time. Did you finally have gotten tired of catching me in the end? I am always here, waiting for you to catch me.” She scoops up a handful of sand in her palms as it quickly slithers down from between her delicate fingers. “I can never catch you now.” Minjung whispers to herself. “Not in this world at least.”
The sea, it’s her second home now. The sinking ship incident changed everything in her life but she never held a grudge against the sea, even if it was deadly. It took away his life. In the end, it was his fate; their fate, to never be together. She never would’ve thought that one particular day would come, the day when she finally needs to live without her beloved husband. 
The wind blows steadily, brushing across her tall figure and her long dress and it swept across her arms, gently ringing her bracelet. She closes her eyes, smiling slightly, recalling everything.
[25, 22]
“Stay inside the room.” He warned her sternly only to be responded with a soft chuckle.
“I will.” Minjung nodded slightly, staring at her husband to be who is still shorter than her. She chuckled a bit at this irony.
Her willingness to obey startled him a little bit. He narrowed his eyes and looked at her questioningly, “You didn’t seem to argue this time. Are you planning something behind my back?”
She responded with a reassuring smile. “No, I didn’t plan anything. In case you didn’t notice, it’s a bit hard for me to run away with this heavy wedding dress you know.”
He nodded slightly. “Good then. I don’t want to run a marathon on our wedding day.” He mumbled slowly, hoping that it won’t reach her ears.
But it did anyway when she laughed out loud, her eyes twinkling in delight. “I won’t Jonghyun. I promise I won’t.”
[18, 15]
“Run faster!”
“I am! Slow down for a little bit, wait for me!”
“And sentence myself to death? No way!” and she sped up, leaving Jonghyun lagging behind.
“How can she run so fast?” he muttered frustratingly as he tried to take a gulp of breath. He turned around for a second and saw a swarm of bees buzzing towards him. He cursed deeply at his of bad luck. “Hey, wait up!” he yelled as he sped towards safety.
[12, 9]
“Tag, you’re it!” he stumbled a bit when she yanked his shirt. He groaned frustratingly, “Again? Why am I the one who always lose?”
She laughed out loud, never really cared to answer and ran away quickly as far as she could from him. “Catch me if you can Jjong!” Minjung yelled from across the field, chuckling in delight as the sun’s rays shone above the two of them.
Five minutes later, Jonghyun sprawled in the middle of the field, panting hard. She stood near him, laughing at the pathetic sight of the lad.
“Slow down a little bit will you? You’re too fast.” He spoke with such difficulty, still trying to slow down his rapid breathing.
Minjung rolled her eyes, crossing her arms below her chest. “I’m not THAT fast. Your feet are just too short to catch up with me.” she smirked, teasing him.
“No it’s not! My legs aren’t short. And I’m not short!”
“You’re shorter than me.” 
“I’ll get taller. Wait till I hit my puberty.”
She laughed again, “I promise I’ll marry you if that time ever comes.” She ran across the field again, only to shout, “Catch me if you can Jjong!”
Jonghyun groaned angrily. “I hate runner girls.” He mumbled as he ran to catch her again. “Just slow down will you!”
[4, 1]
“Mom! I can’t get a hold of her. She’s too fast.” A whiny Jonghyun pouted, clinging at his mother’s feet.
She picked up her son, pinching his chubby cheeks softly. “What do you mean she’s too fast? Babies can’t run much Jonghyun.”
“Really mommy. She crawls really fast like a spidey.” Jonghyun said excitedly, trying to convince his mom.
She nodded while putting the little child down. “Now Jonghyun, be a good boy and play with her for a while will you? Don’t let her get out of your sight.” She turned towards Minjung, giving a small peck on her cheek. “Be good ok. Jonghyun oppa will play with you for a while.” She said as she went to the kitchen.
“I hate baby girls.” He muttered as he stared at the toddler in front of him. She grinned at him as she made some gurgling sound. Saliva trickled down , wetting her frilly pink blouse.
“But she looks cute.” Jonghyun thought to himself and smiled sweetly. He extended his hands, wanting to wipe the saliva off her face, but she crawled away immediately and left him behind.
“Hey, slow down!!!” his little, childlike voice shouted as the curious little boy chased the baby girl who had caught his eyes for the very first time attentively across the broad living room. 
gender bender Minho this time :D
anyway, can you guys guess what's the number for?
kudos for you who know.. haha
17 JUNE 2012
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Nevermind, just read and figured it out XDDD
Wae? What happened to Jongyun????? :O

Awesome though. I knew what the numbers were, I just didn't notice them until the end XDDD
the numbers are for their age right??
and it goes backwards...jjongie is 3 years older!
This is cute and sweet (referring to the flashback). good job for this story :D
jonghyunism #5
The numbers stand for their age's.
I really loved this, it was so adorably sweet :') and sad
Aw.... This is really good...