Paper Wings

Paper Wings


It was silent, just like how a hospital would always be. In room 306, sat a girl. She was very much fit and seemingly healthy except for her pale complexion. On her lap would always be a book; a book about science and research. I found it peculiar to find a girl, in her teens, to be so diligently reading so much information.

I was working part time in that hospital as a volunteer so I had something I can write down in my college papers. I was assigned to give her medicine and deliver her food. Every day for my first week, I mumbled not one word to her until she suddenly spoke up first.

“Do you think there is a cure for cancer?”

“Anything is possible.”

After saying that, she smiled at me; the first emotion I saw from her. Ever since that day, she would ask me things related to science and whatnot. I would always keep positive. It wasn’t like I was saying things positively just because I felt pity for her. It was because I, myself, believed that everything was possible and there was really no point in saying no to anything.

Through our short conversations, I learned much about her, little by little. She was an aspiring scientist who wanted to find a cure to cancer and everything she can. She, despite her own illness, wanted to save lives before she, herself, dies. Unconsciously, I started revealing more about myself too. We started to talk more.

I personally loved it whenever she smiled and laughed, reminiscing about her past. Even if she was going through such a hard sickness, she was still thankful for everything around her and she still aimed to give service to others.

I also enjoyed it when she just blurts out random things like how she hates the smell of lemon grass or how her grandma used to make so many cookies for Christmas. Listening to her little stories made me feel as if I was there to witness it. In exchange, I told her about how everything outside is at the moment. I told her the latest news and showed her some pictures of places I would like visit someday. There would be times where we would be getting into a trance and would simple stare far away.

“Hey, YunHwa, don’t you ever want to go out of this place?”

“I’ve thought about it lots of times but… I’ve learned to love this place.”

“You’re really something Park YunHwa.”

“You’re also something, Shin DongHo.”

I remember having that conversation with her. And every time I reminiscence about it, I can’t help but smile. But, there was one conversation we had that I might never forget.

“YunHwa, why doesn’t anyone come visit you?”

“Why the sudden question?”

“I dunnow, I just never see any guests I guess…”

“Do you really wanna know?”


“My little brother died of cancer, the family I had left died in a car accident and my grandparents are too old to travel. The person who pays for all my hospital expense is my godmother who’s living in London.”

“Oh… sorry about that.”

“No, it’s nothing to be sorry about. Actually, I’m thankful for everything that had happened to me. I may seem pitiful in my state but I try not to think of that. I read that animals don’t feel self pity. Wouldn’t it be great if we, humans, were able to do that too? There would be no selfishness and greed. Come to think of it, I’m still pretty lucky to have people who care about me like my godparents and grandparents.”


“What about you, DongHo?”

“My dad died in a flight when I was 12 and my mom is working hard as a single parent. At that time, I felt like I was alone against the world. I took pity in myself and I kind of rebelled. I was shook back into reality when a friend invited me to join the journalism club. They had articles about starving people from Africa there. They talked about poverty too. At that time, I felt like I was pathetic for being so shallow minded. I started to get myself straight in priorities. Right now, I’m just volunteering for stuff to put into my college apps. I’m planning to get medicine as a course.”

“All of us make mistakes. But you know what?”


“Only a few are able to realize their mistakes early and get themselves together again. Kind of like paper. Once you crumple it, it might not be as good as it was before but if you’re able to straighten it sooner, it’s still as good and useful.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’re special, DongHo. Don’t ever give up on what you want and don’t ever feel alone, okay?”

“I don’t plan on accepting defeat, YunHwa.”

“I guess, I really am a lucky one… I’m lucky I met you DongHo.”

“Same here…”

That day, I went home with a content smile on my face. I looked forward to seeing her again the next day.

Only, I didn’t. Or rather… I wasn’t able to.

The next day, when I arrived at Room 306, the girl who sat on the bed with a book on her lap was gone. Everything that was hers was no longer there.

My heart jumped inside my ribs and I ran out and asked a nurse where the patient there was. She told me she stopped breathing last night, about 6 pm, just after I said goodbye to her.

The best friend I had accidentally found was gone.

The girl who had showed me so many things was gone.

Park YunHwa was dead.

I returned to the room, still light headed from the information. And as I recalled her smile as she said goodbye, I started crying, leaning on the bed for support. When I slammed my hand down on the pillow, I felt paper lying there.

I reached out for it and read what was written on it.


Dear DongHo,

By the time you read this, I might not be here to see you anymore. My life, it had a limit. The doctor just told me yesterday. I couldn’t tell you about it. I didn’t want you to worry. If you’re angry at me for this, I’m really sorry but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you. I didn’t want to see you sad or anything.

DongHo, thank you for always talking to me. Even if I said I was fine with no one visiting me, I found it a lot more enjoyable having someone to talk to. You gave me a great last month of life. I was happy to be able to know much about you and I was happy you seemed to enjoy my little ramblings. Thank you. Thank you for always encouraging me with what I do. Thank you for laughing at my lame jokes. Thank you for describing to me what the outside world looked like even if I had no interest in going out. Thank you for making me feel alive.

Well, I guess, I won’t be able to reach my dreams. DongHo, please do me a favor. Reach out for your dreams and take my dream with you. I’ll watch you from up here. Live a happy life, okay? Once you’ve found the girl, introduce her to me. And remember, you’re never alone.

Forever and Always,



As I walked out of the hospital building that day, I looked up the sky and reached my hand out. I smiled as I saw the evening star, twinkling just like how her eyes sparkled when she smiled.

Park YunHwa, you’re something special.


Author's Message:
There you go! Another ukiss fic~
I never thought I would actually create a fic for Dongho
But... here ya go~
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shmur_itskurry #1
Daebak~ I almost cried at the end~ ^-^
nina_liew #2
I love it! ^^ n I love dongho too haha good story!! :D