

(Donghae POV)


We just stared at each other, none of us moving. I know I was looking for her but I never thought that I'd actually see her again. After 2 weeks searching, after nearly giving up..she shows up. A few seconds ticked by before she moves, walking towards me until she was a few inches in front of me and lifted her umbrella a bit higher towards me, shielding me from the rain. 


"No use for that you know." I wanted to be mean, really. But I wasn't sure if I sounded mean enough. 


"I know." but she still held her umbrella above my head. If I wasn't so..upset I would have found the situation a bit endearing. Well..I still did but I wouldn't show it to her, at least not now.




We ended up walking away from the bench, off to who knows where. She was the one leading me this time, but unlike last time when we first met, we were walking side by side. Some passerbys were looking at us, though I'm not too sure why. Was it because I was drenched from head to foot walking beside a girl holding an umbrella above our heads? I wanted to take the umbrella and hold it for her but she wouldn't let go. Said that she was fine with it and could handle it.


How headstrong.


We didn't talk at all, she of course not bothering to speak and me? I wasn't in the mood. She finally stopped walking and I looked at the place where we were at. I wasn't familiar with the area but it looked like subdivision. Did she live here? 


There weren't any lights on as she opened the gate and ushed me in. The yard wasn't kept at all and completely outgrown. She stopped again infront of the door and took out something from her bag, her house keys probably. The house looked abandoned. It really did look like it. I can't believe she was living in such a place..was she living alone? Where are her parents?


A lot of questions began to fill my head before I was dragged inside. She told me that there was no need for me to remove my shoes since the floor was dirty. There wasn't any rags for me to dry my shoes with either. 


She told me to wait her here and not to move around so much while she left to get some clothes upstairs, probably her room. I just nodded half-heartedly, too busy observing my surroundings to even listen. When she finally left, that was when it hit me. She actually brought me to her home. I blushed at my realization but quickly shook my head, thinking that she only brought me here out of obligation since I was, well, wet from the rain while waiting for her. Though we never talked about it.


I looked around the small room and found everything was almost covered in dust, spiderwebs everywhere. Everything was a mess. It was like nobody lived here for months or years even. But through all the dirt and grime there seemed to be nothing out of place. At least from my point of view. 


There were picture frames, books, trophies and among other things displayed but were equally covered. I even swore I saw a rat run from me.


I can't believe she lived in a place like this. 


I looked through the photos and saw her. Well, at least it was her..only younger, with two older people I'd presume to be her parents. When I checked the other photos, all of them were younger versions of her. And then I remember back when we first met, at the restaurant that someone called her..oppa she even said. But I don't see anyone who could be her brother in all of the photos displayed there.


"What are you doing? I told you to stay put."


I nearly jumped at the sound of her voice. She was holding on both her arms a large towel and..was that a set of clothes? Are those hers?!




"Here. Take these first and change. There's a bathroom upstairs, second door to the right. You'll get sick if you stick to those." she said while pointing at my clothes and handing me hers. I took the towel first and immediately placed it on my head to hide my face but her clothes...


"Those aren't mine. They belong to my dad. And they're clean if you're wondering."


Thank goodness! Wait! Did she just say her dad's? "I-I couldn't possib--"


"Go already."


Yes ma'am.

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@Kimjade I almost cried at your comment! I'm so touched~ Really I am! I wanted to create a story that wasn't too rushed and I tried to put as much emotion as subtly as I can. Thank you so much for your comment~ You're my new bestie now! :D and yeah, I don't have much subscribers at all :( I'll try to post a new chapter by today :D
I can't believe you don't have more subscribers!
Oh how sweet! I almost cried at the tender moment at the end of chapter ten. Donghae's sweetness over her touching his hand.
I can totaly imagine it too. This is such a great story but I'm afraid it will make me cry.
No matter I can't wait to read more once you've posted it.
It's really good ^-^
@tokiunicorn @haruma2911 I just updated!! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you guys like the new chapters!!
aww we are cute together~~~
I bet she's going to visit her oppa...maybe
update soon~
haha.. hae ask yuri on a date..
update more..
@tokiunicorn : ahahahaha love the "kiss...kiss...KISSS" part in your comment :D thank you so much for the love! You'll know soon enough why :) though I don't want to rush things :D All will be revealed soon~ And thank you for the advice too~! Kinda new here so I don't know much what to do :D
Reading the end of the last chapter I was like "kiss...kiss...KISSS" XDD I wonder why she's so distant >.< This is a good story. Maybe tag super junior to get more readers
@tokiunicorn : thank you so much!! I love your comment! <3 will update real soon! busy with work :) so happy thank you <3
Such an interesting story! I like Donghae here and his character. Also yuri. She's cold,but warm and hopefully Donghae brings that part of her out. Update soon