

(Yuri POV)


I just stared at him, trying to catch his breath. He looked different from last week..was it because of his clothes? "What are you doing here?" I asked as I saw him sit down on the bench I was previously occupying. He raised a hand at me, telling me to wait before he turned his head towards my direction and grinned. 


"Because we were supposed to meet here!" 


I raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to continue. "Have you forgotten?" He asks and ushered me to sit beside him. He took my silence as a cue to continue talking and scoffed just a bit. "You really did huh? Can't blame you though..we only met once last week."


His smile grew weak just a bit, almost bitter as he stared at the scenery in front of us. I actually can remember, faintly but it's there. I just don't want to give him the benefit that I do. A couple of seconds ticked by as I sat down beside him, not close but just the right amount of space for two strangers to sit together. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back a bit, my face towards the sun. I can feel him staring at me though I don't acknowledge it.


"I was looking for you, you know. Since you never answered my question when we'd meet again."


He continued talking as I listened to the sound of his voice. Come to think of it, he has a very nice voice but not as nice as my oppa.. but still soothing. I opened my eyes just a little bit to see the sky above us as he coughed a bit to grab my attention. "Wasn't expecting you to look for me." I said. 


When there was no answer I tilted my head towards him just a bit to see his face and I saw him blushing, faintly but still blushing. How cute, handsome. I had to force myself not to react to this. 


He looked away embarrassed and stared at the sky instead, trying to avoid answering. Well, not that I was waiting for his answer anyway. I was curious, but I wouldn't force him to answer. "Do you even remember me?" he asks faintly and I couldn't help but smile just a bit at this. 


"Of course I do. You're that guy who tried to steal my bench last week."


His head snapped towards my direction and he looked slightly mortified and shocked at the same time. Inside I was laughing, outside I tried to project a cool and calm demeanor. "That again? I stole no ones' bench!" 


By this time I was already laughing. I couldn't help it! He was just like a kid! His emotions were spilling out from his face, like I could read him easily like an open book. "I'm just kidding! You don't have to take it so seriously." I tried to stop myself from laughing anymore. 


After my laughter died down things went silent again only this time, he was at me. If I was a weaker woman I would have melted on the spot but since I am me, I didn't.


"Mwoh? Is there something on my face?" What's with the smiling?


"'s just that, first time hearing you laugh."


"We did just meet you know." Is he crazy or something?


He shakes his head while laughing and took out his hand towards me. I just stared at his hand, wondering what he wanted and he just laughed again. Is he alright in the head? "Take out your hand." He asked but sounded more like a command. I did what he said and he immediately grabbed my hand and shook it. 


"Lee Donghae! Age 25! Working as a Dance Instructor and part-time DJ at a radio station!" 


He introduced himself while still shaking my hand. I just stared at him and then to our hands. It was rather..warm..nice even. His hand was big and covered mine securely. It felt..comforting. 


"Park Yuri. Age 20." After I introduced myself he stopped shaking hand but didn't let go. "Could you..let go of my hand now?" I asked, as I looked at his hand holding mine before he let go. "Is that all?" He asks again. Clearly my introduction was not enough.


"Uh..I think it's nice that you're a dancer and a dj as well?" What more did he want?


"No! I mean yes! I mean..thank you but how about you? Is that all you have to say?" that's what he meant. We're not that close so I don't think he needs to know. "I'm unemployed nor am I in college." Damn mouth, why did you have to betray me? 


He looked a bit puzzled. I swear he's gonna ask me why.




He did. "It's none of your business." I couldn't help sounding mean. It wasn't something I wanted to tell a stranger. Though I'm not so sure if we're still strangers now but.. I looked back to the river in front of us, trying to ignore him as if telling him that's that when he opened his mouth again.


"Are you sick?"

And upon hearing those three words my head just snapped to his direction, I stared at him shocked. I shook my head in denial and started to gather my things. I didn't like the direction things were going. "Hey wait! Don't leave yet!" he grabbed my hand before I could leave and held on it firmly. 


I turned slowly to him and tried to smile, saying that "I'm not, it's just that I remembered I needed to go somewhere important." and tried pulling my hand away but he wouldn't let go. "It's just a simple question." he says. Ha..simple..right.


"It doesn't concern you." 


And with that I pulled my hand away and left. Just like our first meeting, I left him without looking back. 

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@Kimjade I almost cried at your comment! I'm so touched~ Really I am! I wanted to create a story that wasn't too rushed and I tried to put as much emotion as subtly as I can. Thank you so much for your comment~ You're my new bestie now! :D and yeah, I don't have much subscribers at all :( I'll try to post a new chapter by today :D
I can't believe you don't have more subscribers!
Oh how sweet! I almost cried at the tender moment at the end of chapter ten. Donghae's sweetness over her touching his hand.
I can totaly imagine it too. This is such a great story but I'm afraid it will make me cry.
No matter I can't wait to read more once you've posted it.
It's really good ^-^
@tokiunicorn @haruma2911 I just updated!! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you guys like the new chapters!!
aww we are cute together~~~
I bet she's going to visit her oppa...maybe
update soon~
haha.. hae ask yuri on a date..
update more..
@tokiunicorn : ahahahaha love the "kiss...kiss...KISSS" part in your comment :D thank you so much for the love! You'll know soon enough why :) though I don't want to rush things :D All will be revealed soon~ And thank you for the advice too~! Kinda new here so I don't know much what to do :D
Reading the end of the last chapter I was like "kiss...kiss...KISSS" XDD I wonder why she's so distant >.< This is a good story. Maybe tag super junior to get more readers
@tokiunicorn : thank you so much!! I love your comment! <3 will update real soon! busy with work :) so happy thank you <3
Such an interesting story! I like Donghae here and his character. Also yuri. She's cold,but warm and hopefully Donghae brings that part of her out. Update soon