Smexy Nerd



You dress as a nerd but really, you are beautiul and should I also say that you are SMEXY. You work for 2PM-LEE Coorperation, and work as Junho's, the president's son, 'assistant' but you feel like his EN SLAVE! One day you drunkinly did 'it' with him!! OMFG was all you could say but it seem that he thought you were someone else not his nerdy assistant...

You as Park Jae Hyun - Dress like a nerd but actually is smexy ;)! She is 20 years old working as the , Junho, assistant. Well she calls it HELL! She has a very cold attitude to most peope especially to Junho... WELL NARH.. She sometimes goes clubbing.

Junho- The 2PM-LEE Coorp president's 21 years old son. He is a player and his charms to woo girls are eye smile and his so infamous smirk... Clubbing everynight and let you do all the work! Loves to tease you as a hobby.



Heyy I'm JiniJinJin... Weird name right? Hehehe couldn't think of a name so yeah.

This is my first Junho and You fanfic... so please show its support by commenting and subscribing!

I might no be able to update regular;y because of FCKEN SCHOOL and...

FREE TIME!! Hehehe... 

and also the plot... 

Thank you for viewing,commenting and subscribing!



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PJ-Yang #1
Update soon pleaseee!!!!
Smexy Nerd Please!!! I am like obsessed with this guy right now:D