G-Go out with me!

I think I love you

I arrived in the park but I didn't see my Bacon. I was about to quit it when I heard someone yelling. I came closer to see what was happening and I saw Baekhyun with two guys. He was on the ground and it seemed like my best friend spilled all his bubble tea on one of the boys. I was ready to appeared and rescued the princess but I forgot one thing...  This princess knew Kung Fu. Baekhyun stood up and with one kick made a guy falling. He was doing well until one pulled out a knife. I couldn't stay still, I had to help him. I ran and fought for him.

When they realized we were stronger, especially Baekhyun, they ran away. It was the first time I saw Baekhyun's Kung Fu and he was very good at it. He only had a bruise near his left eye, unlike me... It hurt like hell, I am not the kind of man who fight for fun... Maybe on my XBOX but I didn't go further.

He picked up a card they left behind, we could read -EXOclub VIP-, we decided to take it. I sat on a bench and he quickly came next to me.

"Chanyeol-sshi, thank you for your help. I couldn't beat these tall guy by myself!" He smiled and put on a dressing on my wounds.

"Don't worry, you are my friend it's okay."  I smiled back and patted his head. " And don't call me Chanyeol-sshi, it's weird from you!"

"Is that so? Then I will call you Channie~" He laughed and laid on the bench. "Ah... I'm so tired that I could sleep right now." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Baekhyun, what are you doing here alone?" I knew he came for me but I wasn't sure he remembered.

"Hm, I am not sure. I know I had to be here... " He looked in his bag and pulled out a banana-milk and a lollipop. "By the way, do you want them? I bought them earlier but I dislike the taste. Too sweet for me. "

I was surprised because they were what I love the most on this planet, after Baekhyun.

"W-Why did you bought them if you knew don't like this kind of things?"

" When I bought something to eat, I was a liiitle absent-minded and when I went out, I realized I bought all this! I had my delicious bubble tea in my hand when one of the guy pushed me, made me fall and I accidently spilled all it on his jacket." I laughed, smiled and took them. He didn't remembered me BUT I am still in his mind. I can do it!!

" Channie, what was our relation?" I choked and started to say incomprehensible things, I didn't even know what I wanted to say...

" I mean, I can see we are pretty close but I... I know it's stupid but I can't explain what I feel for you. Kai told me I knew you since we were kids, we live next to each other and all but no result. " He stood up and looked in my eyes.

" Baekhyun, I can't tell you. It wouldn't be useful, you have to remembered by yourself... " I took his hands and gave him the best smile I could do. " You just have to know that I will always be by your side. If you want something, ask me." He pouted, so cute.

" Yeah... okay. " He stood up and took my hand. " Let's go Channie, we are going to be late at school if we don't hurry." That said, we ran to school and left each other in front of the gate. I told him to met me here when school is over for going home together, he nodded and waved. Now I had to wait...


-Baekhyun's POV-

"Ah Baekhyun, I'm sooo tired. History is so boring!!!"

Kai is one of my friend, he is very kind and understanding but sometimes he can be so annoying... When I started high school I was lonely in my class and everybody already had their group of friends. I don't know why this year I feel so lonely... Kai told me I said that I spent all my middle school with Chanyeol-sshi Channie and like we weren't in the same class I had to make new friends and Kai talked to me and we kinda become friend. Anyway, Kai was complaining for the nth time and Baekhyun couldn't do anything but nod.

After the eternal History lesson, we had English lesson and we had to work in pairs. I choose Kai and picked one subject in a hat.

Love. What is Love?

I scratched his head and showed OUR subject to Kai. I didn't know what to do. I already had a crush on someone but I never fell in love. I had the best marks at English and MY accent was something I could be proud of, that's why I wanted to work hard.

" Yah Kkamjong, how would you explain love?" Kai laughed, and pointed at Baekhyun's heart.

" Love? It's not difficult, you have to think with your heart. First, there are different kind of love... You can love things, subjects... I love dancing and I could die for it, I think this is love."

"Oh!! Okay, I understand very well!" I nodded, I noted all he said on a paper and tried to translate it in English.

The teacher asked some pairs to explain their subject and they were doing quite well. Five minutes left before the end and the teacher ask a pair to do it. Nobody wanted to... until someone I wanted to kill right now.

" Sir! Baekhyun want to do it! I feel dizzy so I will stay here and listen to him. " Everybody looked at me, I waited for my reaction.

" Okay Mr.Byun! Come here and explain your subject, don't be shy." 

I stood up, took my paper and came in front of the class. They were looking at me and waited for me to speak. I knew I had a good accent but it was the first time I participated at school, the only person who listen when I speak English was when I sing which were rare.

" Well.... My subject is -Love. What is Love?- " I looked at my paper and saw... NOTHING!! i could only read ' I know you can do it, you don't need this! ;D Speak with your heart <3 Hwaiting~   Your Dear Friend, Kkamjongie. " I was official, after school I planned to kill him and throw him in the river Han.

"Hm... Love... Love... is not describable. I don't know really know what is love but I think it is something really amazing. Being loved and love must be the best feeling ever and that's why people want to fall in love. It had to be incredible feelings like butterflies in your stomach, being nervous anytime you came next to the person you love, being happy whenever he speak to you. Of course, when we talk about Love is not only fall in love! You can love a lot of people, your family and your friends... If you cherish them and want them to be happy, I think this is Love. If not, then tell me what is Love."

All the students clapped their hands and was impressed by my explanation, Kai too. He was smiling and made a wink.

"Wow Mr.Byun, I am impressed! I knew your English was good but it's as if you lived in an English-speaking country... You and Mr.Kim will have the best mark, congratulations." I bowed and sat back.

I was ready to kill Kai but he took my hands and gave me his candy for apologize. He made me play at one of his stupid games.

" Okay, I will said two things and without thinking you tell me which do you prefer, easy right? " I nodded and listened carefully to what he said.

" Tuesday or Thursday" " Thursday"

" SNSD or BoA " " SNSD!!!"

" Grey or Black" "Grey"

" Fire or Water" "Fire"

" Kai or SNSD" "SNSD of course!"

" Chanyeol or SNSD " "CHANYEOL!"

Kai looked at me with a disgustind smirk on his face and proud on what he made me say. He trapped me and he know SNSD are what I love the most in the world.... well not the most because I immediately said Chanyeol. So I like Chanyeol more than the SNSD?! Aish!! I don't understand anything!

" Yah, Kkamjong! What are you trying to do? " I slapped his head and he only laugh. Seriously, what is between me and Chanyeol....

I was exiting school when I saw Chanyeol in front of the gates. That's right, I had to meet him here....

"Ch-Channie!" This stupid game was still in my head. "Do we go home together?" He seemed very stressed and he was acting strangely.

"... Channie? Are you ok-"

"G-Go out with me Baekhyun!"


Yay!! An update! I know I didn't update for a long time and I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do for my two stories... I planned to stop but I could find a good ending. I mean not a déjà-vu and I want Baekhyun and Chanyeol to take their time, especially Baekyun!

I have a lot of stories in my computer but I can't choose an OTP between HunHan, BaekTao and KaiBaek... which do you prefer? (Or Baekyeol too!)

Here some pictures \(QwQ)/



They are so cute~ My feels...

I am very very tired, it's already 6AM and I didn't sleep yet so sorry if it is a failed chapter, I will try to do better next time...

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MoiChanKawaiiDesu #1
Don't even ''think'' about it channie... you don't ''think'' you love him.... you REALLY love him.. hehe.. Mianhe.....! got carried away..
*runs off*
Chapter 6: Uhm.... cheer up, I like your story :)
fighting :D
Update more, plzzzzz... ♥
Hamsterland_95 #4
T___T OMG!!

please please update more!
Poor chanyeollie !!! BaekHyunnie too !!
Why ??!! -cry like there was no tomorrow -
ohh~~~~ drama to come!!!!
Baekhyun lost his memories~>.<
hwaiting Chanyeo!!! dont give up on Baekhyun k?? *.*
thank youuuuu~~ please updaaaaaate :D
I really like it! I could never write that well in a foreign language, keep it up I want to read more ^.^
kyouya2909 #8
Oh, I love this story, the way you write is great! :)
it's soft, it's sweet & innocent, I love these kind of story! <3
Chanyeol loves him too~~!!
yes yessss just tell him, Channieeeee~ ><
awwww poor Baekhyunniee, but he will hear those three words soon he wake up!! :D
awww cant wait!!!!
thank you for the updaaaaate {}