Beautiful Disaster


He clutched the bouquet of flowers tightly in his hands and entered her room. Contrasting the surreality of complications, the white walls brought forth a sense of purity and quietness. Still to almost insanity. He crept quietly to her bed, stealthily avoiding the torn up pages on the floor. For moments, he did nothing but just stare at her, taking her fragile frame in. Under his built, she seemed even more vulnerable than she was. Realizing that she was fast asleep, he crept downstairs again, leaving the bouquet of daisies behind


It was again the sweet wild wind of Texas that welcomed him this time around. He promised that he would make it right even if it meant loosing so much more. Walking to the lounge, he greeted his mother who had a worried look plastered on her face. His hazel eyes softened as the topic of her was brought up again. Was there anyone left to blame for her state?

“She’s still the same mom.” He whispered as if it was a taboo to speak of her. His mother gave him a grimacing look as he looked away. “I hate dad and Joseph so much.” He gritted through his teeth, fist clenched. “I know hun, I know..” The sun shone in through the grills as his mother hugged him and comforted his shaking body

As he was upstairs taking a nap, his mother took out the letter from LA. It was torn into half and poorly taped together at the ragged edges again. the words of betrayal and guilt was all she could read but it was worth it. The divorce meant nothing to her, not even money could weigh it up. Nicholas was the only factor that made her regret so. Her son had a bright future but he gave it all up. He left the tour and band when he found out about the bitter betrayal of his brother and father. That made her support his decision so much more, to stand for the person he loves. She kept the letter back into the drawer, along with the wedding invitations.

To his surprise, the sun rose to another brand new day again. A dreadful one. He walked into her room and saw her frantically searching through the drawers. He rushed forward, gingerly holding the bloody wrist that was cut open again. She winced but was still frantic. The sense of depression and insanity tore his heart deep in his soul.

“Demi, what are you searching for?” He cooed and held her back. Then he realized that her lips were chapped and dry too. Her eyes ran frantically to the pile of jewelries and back to his eyes. “I lost his ring..” He watched as she repeated her sentence, intensifying her sobs even more into uncontrollable tears. “Dems, he took it back. He took it back..” He hugged her, smoothing out the deadly knots in her hair


That night, he walked into his mother’s room beaming with joy and confirmation. Upon seeing his angelic smile, his mother walked towards him and messed up his hair a little. “What’s making this angle smile today?” He beamed wider, picking his mother up, spinning rounds. “Demi said to go sightseeing with me tomorrow!” The corners of his mouth lifted up, as if he was five and innocent again. “Great job son! Win her heart! I’ve got your back!” She patted her cheeks letting tears fall, their sacrifice has finally paid off.

They watched the floating clouds pass by the blissful blue backdrop. He scratch his head nervously as she looked towards the lake. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” She started with a mere statement.

“Yes indeed.” He nodded, mesmerized by her beauty that stood right in front of him like an unraveled gem.

“I heard the wedding’s today.” She continued, tracing the scars on her hand. He nodded his head once, acknowledging the fact that she knew about it.

“He’s a bastard, a rotten one.” He added on, making it clear that he was on her side. She surfaced a grim smile, brushing off anymore negative thoughts. She hated the fact that he even took back the last memory of him. The ring meant so much. Her purity, her love and her trust. The night when he said that he used her, she wanted to die so badly. To think the one that promised to never down the same path, did so, broke her heart and ground it into powder. She could never forgive this man, not until he gave that part of her heart back.

That night after she finished bathing, she went back to her room, only to find a ring on the table. The fine white gold lines that ran through the rim of the metal ring told her that it belongs to Nicholas. Holding it in one hand, she called out to Nicholas, sending him running straight into her room.

“What is it Demi?” He panted, eyes falling to her hand.

“Your ring. You left it here.” She stretched her hands out, ing it towards him. He then shook his head profusely as she frowned.

“It’s for you.” He explained, taking the ring from her cold hands. ” Joseph couldn’t give you what you need but I am willing to give you everything if you allow me.” He spoke quietly, avoiding her stare. Silence envelope them as they stood awkwardly, facing each other.

“I’m demanding, Nick. I am clingy, I have problems with emotions and my body. I am fat. I am ugly and I just need too much.” She burst out, wiping away the tears as Nicholas stood shocked at her outburst. He slowly walked towards her and took her left hand. “There is nothing more than I can bargain for except you Dems, I have lost everything in my world because I’m blinded by you. You are always there for him, you are a careful person who wants to give him the best. You are clingy becauuse you trust him to give him everything. You have depression because he broke your heart so severely. You are not fat and certainly not ugly. You need too much, just because you want someone who needs you just as much too.” He now slot the ring onto her fourth finger as she looked at him.

“You might be nothing but a disaster to him,” He looked into her eyes and found what he was fighting for once again. “But if you give me a chance, you’ll be my beautiful disaster.” He gulped, nervously waiting for her reaction.

“Finally I’m back where I am, with someone who will love me for who I am.” Her eyes shone with tears of happiness. “No one said this road would be easy. No one said it would be hard either.” He smiled.

“I guess that’s a yes then..”



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Vivi hwaiting 4ever (: