Fresh start

Black Friday

Dragging my suitcase, I went to the nearby park and walked to the park bench under the big old tree. I always liked coming here; it’s a quiet spot where people don’t usually cross. Sitting cross-legged, I opened the mysterious envelope, and poured the contents out. What came out was a letter, a train ticket, a necklace  and a key. I looked at the train ticket, and realized it was a ticket for the train to Seoul that leaves in three hours time. Then I remembered that the college I had to attend was in Seoul, and wondered who have been so thoughtful to send me this, could it be the school itself? Curious, I unfolded the letter and read it.

Hello my daughter,

You must be surprised right, to see that this is from your father. I hear that you have successfully made it into Power College as I have wished, and here I congratulate you. Now, it may have already struck you that you are now going to start a new life in a new city, and everything is on your own. I have considered that, and already found you a place to stay, as you will not have time to look for a place on your own, since your school starts tomorrow. I strongly urge that you stay at the house and make it your home, as it is crucial to answering the doubts in your head. I too am searching for answers and the missing pieces to the puzzle.

You will realize that there will be other people living in the same house, twelve other people, in fact. However, do not be afraid of them, as they will guide you to your answers. Together, the thirteen of you will raise new doubts; at the same time uncover new information. I must emphasis that TRUST most basic yet the most important in building relationships among humans.

The key is of course the key to your new home, and the address is written on the back of this letter. I am sure that by now you know that you are an extraordinary girl; I must urge that you keep your secrets safe. The necklace in the envelope represents your identity, the identity that you are looking for. And remember:

In darkness, one must first find the light that will lead them on.”

I read the letter again, trying to analyze any possible hidden meaning in his words, as tears slipped down my cheeks. After seventeen years of hoping that someone would come and tell me who I am, take me home and shower me with the love I never had, and all I got was this? The answer to my doubts, will they finally unfold one by one? And him, my father, have he known that I would be different all along? The twelve people that will guide me to my answers, is my secret safe with the? The identity that I am looking for… Is it referring to the legend of the cursed child, the devil child, is that really what I am?

The sky started to turn dark, and I looked up, a clap of lightning struck in the distant sky, followed by a deep roll of thunder. Shaking my head, I tried to push the negative thoughts away, and instead focus on the necklace in my hand. I had the sudden urge to and followed my feelings, pulling up my right sleeve and taking a deep breath, I slowly put the pendant on my birthmark. For a split second there, I thought I saw the pendant glow red, but nothing seemed to have happened, so that must be the trick of my eyes. A sudden rush of newfound hope flowed through me, and I stood up, putting the necklace on, and zipped my hoodie up, hiding the pendant. I put everything else back into the envelope and stashed it safely in my backpack. Pulling my suitcase, I wiped my tears dry and replaced it with a small but hopeful smile on my face as I walk towards the bus stop to catch a bus to the train station.

The sky was clearing up again.

just a quick one ^^

 dont worry~ exo coming next! i promise!

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Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^.
Chapter 17: Please update soon author-nim~
plz update T.T
Chapter 17: plz update soon!
waiting for ur update!!
Liyanamyssha #5
Chapter 17: Our Kai is in love!!! Update soon.
sayuriNami #6
Chapter 17: Kai!!!! Would you do it on me if i'm unconscious too? That was the sweetest innocent gesture ever!!!!
sayuriNami #7
Chapter 16: You did great with the action. I love it! I could never write something like that~~~
i totally love your fic, i loved when kai kissed her <3 update soon^^
Chapter 17: wow! your fic is so good! i almost cry
jantinekpopfan93 #10
Chapter 17: i'm gonna like this fanfic. yep really ^^