The Last Leaf

The Last Leaf


“Mr. Lee HyukJae, you have pneumonia. It’s in its worst state, and I’m afraid it will only get worse…” the doctor had HyukJae shaking from his seat, unable to open his mouth. His finger twitched, his eyes blinked rapidly, heart beating fast, and mouth opening from time to time. He was still in a state of shock, and he is starting to sweat. All he could do was walk out, helpless. He didn’t even let the doctor finish his explanation… his mind just drifted with the air, unable to think properly. He dragged his feet to find the exit of the hospital. His feet made scratching sounds as it rubbed with the newly polished floor. But he couldn’t care less. Everything was still a blur from him, as his mind tried to process all that the doctor said. He got outside and reached his car, and drove lazily to their dorm. When he finally reached the door and climbed to his floor, he dragged his feet to his room, not even caring not shutting the door close. His housemate, or whom he calls best friend, went into the room, trying to find out what’s wrong. He sat beside him, one of his hands patting the other’s back. He didn’t want to ask anything, he knows he would open up soon.

“Lee DongHae, is it possible to prevent death despite its inevitability?” HyukJae asked, leaving the other one confused with his question.

“Mmh, I guess not. Though if there is, it would be rare… very rare.” He replied, not interrogating any further. HyukJae understood; it would take a miracle for someone who is surely dying to be safe and healthy again. He glanced at the window, watching as leaves fall one by one from the vine. It was almost winter, and the vine started to lose its leaves.

“Then, when the last leaf of that vine outside falls, that’s when I will say goodbye.” He foolishly suggested, but inside he meant it word by word. DongHae could only look at him, shocked at his statement.

            It was a nice Sunday morning, and everything was in place, while a certain man was still scurrying around bringing heavy boxes to the truck. The thought of moving was exciting yet frightening him. He had never moved even once, and for a guy who spent 26 years living at the same old house with the same old furniture with all the memories, he was too scared of leaving it all behind. But what makes him more sure of moving, was his best friend, who will be moving alongside with him. They were childhood best friends and up until now, their relationship only grew stronger and stronger. Though people mistook their relationship as ‘gay relationship’ or bromance or any other thing, there only is friendship in their intimate actions. He placed the last box inside the giant truck, and looked at the front view of the house he will be abandoning.

“I will miss you. You gave me a lot of memories and I promise to never even forget a single detail about you. Take care of my mom and dad there, okay?” he talked to the house as if it was a daily routine. His eyes began to water, tears threatening to fall…

“Having regrets?”

He quickly wiped his eyes as he heard his best friend approaching him. His friend wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and looked at the house, as if mimicking his actions.

“No, not at all. But you have got to admit that every part of my life this is the home I go to. My sanctuary, my private happiness… It’s just… hard to let go.” He explained, knowing that his friend moved from time to time so there’s no attachment to any of his houses. Only this time, he will become a permanent resident since they will be living together.

“I know… come on, let’s inform your parents that we’ll be going…” he looked at his astounded friend, who is about to cry, again. “Or maybe, I should just inform them… I think you made your formal goodbyes already…” he said and went in.

            DongHae was furious. No. DongHae was beyond furious. He was infuriated, angry, enraged… His best friend finally told him about his case, his sickness. But the decision was foolish. They both knew it was idiotically, stupidly, not-well thought of. He just… didn’t think this through… He rushed out of the dorm, and went to an art room, where his tutor is. He banged the door shut and sat forcibly on the chair. His music tutor, noticing how mad he is, asked what’s wrong.

“What’s going on DongHae hyung? Calm down. If your voice gets drained you’ll be sorry.” He remarked.

“I’m serious KyuHyun. This matter is serious.” DongHae replied, groaning.

“Then what’s the matter? Do you mind sharing it to me?” he asked again, putting his bangs aside only to find it falling again.

“It’s EunHyuk… he’s dying…”

“WHAT?! Why?! When?! How?! This isn’t true, is it? Do you know what kind of joke you’re putting up? It’s not even funny hyung!” KyuHyun retorted, who now became angry. DongHae, on the other hand, was shocked at his tutor’s violent reaction.

“I’m not fooling around! It’s not the time for that! He’s dying! And what’s worse? He said that when the last leaf outside his window falls, that’s when he will die!” he shouted.

“That’s absurd! He wouldn’t do that! He’s so upbeat just yesterday! I—” he was shocked, almost spitting out his feelings for EunHyuk. “He’s so young…” tears fell in his eyes, as if he was the best friend of the now dying EunHyuk. Well, his heart knew better. EunHyuk was his first love; from the first time he laid eyes on him he knew he was something special. He was the first one that made him act nice, being the cold-hearted man that he is.

“No! I told you to get here earlier! If you’re late, I’ll leave you… No! I said no bringing a stranger to my house! That’s final! Don’t come clinging to me the next time you need help, bastard!” KyuHyun hung up his phone, infuriated. He was waiting for his friend, or his accomplice, at the front door of his dorm. He was living by himself, a neat-freak, and a certified perfectionist. People oftentimes call him coldhearted, but he states it as being strict. He heard the sound of footsteps from the stairs. “Finally! He came!” he groaned. Then he heard clattering sounds. ‘What has he brought now huh? And why is he so determined to take the stairs when that lazy boy eats and eats all day? AISH!’ He thought. It took too long so he decided to check the stairs.

“Hey pig-brain! What took you so long huh?” he nagged. But it’s not ShinDong. It’s a thin guy, in his mid-twenties, picking up some stuff, but upon hearing him and his insults, he raised his head to look at him.

“Excuse me? Did you just call me pig-brain?” the stranger said, while KyuHyun could only widen his eyes as he stared at the beautiful guy in front of him. “Hello? Are you okay mister?”

KyuHyun snapped out of his thoughts, “I… uh… sorry. I thought you were my friend.” He said, went down and helped him pick his things.

“Well mister, I’m not your friend. And whoever your friend is I’m sorry for him.” The stranger remarked. There was only one piece left and when they both bended down to pick it up, they accidentally touched hands. The stranger picked it up, while KyuHyun was stunned in his place. He doesn’t know why but his heart started beating rapidly when they became in contact. He finally collected himself and stood up. He was about to introduce himself when,

“Is there anything wrong EunHyuk?”

            He looked at the source of the voice and it was another guy, calling the stranger. ‘So you’re EunHyuk’ he noted remembering the name.

“I’m fine DongHae, it’s just that this guy here, coincidentally called me a pig-brain. He said it was meant for his friend, but I—” EunHyuk’s statement was cut by the chuckle coming from the guy now named as ‘DongHae’. “Ya! I thought you we’re my friend! If I catch you, you’ll be dead!” EunHyuk said and they chased each other as KyuHyun watch them in a distance, still mesmerized by the face he just saw.

            KyuHyun’s tears fell as he reminisced their first meeting. He knew this one-sided love of his was an impossible thing to get over with. He is contented with sneaking a few glances at him, watching him glow as his smile make his heart beat fast. But now, if he dies, he wouldn’t even be able to glance at his lively eyes, his smile… His love has been too deep to just move on in a minute. He knew he has to do something.

            It was a stormy night, and DongHae was anxious. There were only four leaves left and he was afraid that they’re gonna fall soon. He went to EunHyuk’s room, and closed the curtains.

“HEY! Don’t close them; I need to know when the last leaf will fall!” He shouted at his best friend.

“No! I don’t want you to see. Tomorrow morning, I’ll let you look at it. But as for now, I’ll be sleeping here.” DongHae said, and he knew he couldn’t fight with him. He watched as DongHae moved the chair in front of the window, and sat there. Leaves… Why leaves?

            Autumn was a fine day for KyuHyun and EunHyuk to walk around the park, to hang out. After a few months, EunHyuk was able to melt the ice prince’s heart. They were both oblivious about each other’s feelings. Both of them felt that it was only one-sided and never found a reason in telling. They sat at a bench, their ice creams. As they both snuck glances at each other, EunHyuk started to talk.

“So, I heard from DongHae that you are an aspired artist. Do you launch exhibits?”

“I never had any paintings. I want my first work of art to be a masterpiece, and since I never had any inspiration, I never painted. I’m still waiting, though.” KyuHyun honestly replied, secretly placing his arm at the backrest of the bench, while EunHyuk could only blush. He, too, had the feeling of wanting to cuddle.

“What exactly do you want to paint?” EunHyuk asked facing KyuHyun, locking gazes with him.

“I like everything related to autumn. But not just autumn, I want to dedicate my first masterpiece to the person I love.”

            EunHyuk smiled at the thought, but tears fell from his eyes. Everything was too sudden that he made that decision without even thinking it through enough. But he knew his unrequited love was worth it, even though he was the ‘pig-brain’. KyuHyun made him see the world in a different direction. And if only he would recover from his sickness, he could’ve told him his true feelings.



            Morning came, and EunHyuk’s eyes shot open, knowing that this will be the decision that will end his life. DongHae was still asleep and EunHyuk quietly opened the curtains. But to his shock, one leaf remained stuck on the window. He smiled. He shook DongHae awake at his excitement.



            Three days passed and the leaf remained intact. EunHyuk, surprisingly, recovered from his sickness. It was indeed a miracle, but he knew that this leaf is what encouraged him to live and move forward. He arranged his collar, before going to KyuHyun’s art room, to tell him the pretty good news, and his true feelings. He promised himself a couple of nights before that he would, and now he is sticking to his promise. He went inside, but to his surprise, it was empty. This time, it was not cleaned. Being the neat-freak that KyuHyun is, EunHyuk started to worry. He went further to KyuHyun’s desk, to find a giant piece of fig leaf on it. He went to it and took a closer look, which has KyuHyun’s messy handwriting. It was almost as if he was a pre-schooler. It was only dated yesterday.


            Guess what? I’ve made my first masterpiece! It was awesome! It’s about autumn too. Thank you for everything, EunHyuk-ah. Thank you for being my inspiration. You were the only one who could melt my cold heart, and I’m sincerely thankful for that. You are also the reason I made my first masterpiece, so thank you again. And, before it’s too late, I want to say I love you. I’m writing this with all the strength I have left, trying to keep on living even just for a minute to express my feelings for you. Ever since I met you, I knew you were different. You weren’t someone I would underestimate, because you are one weird guy. But let me tell you, even though the next days after we met I kept calling you names that may hurt your feelings, I was only seeking your attention. I love you Hyuk, every detail… And even if this is the consequence I have to take to make you smile again, I would take it happily. Besides, I’ve achieved my goal. It was to paint a masterpiece about autumn, and dedicate it to my first love… It’s you… Anyways, I love you… and keep on living… I’ll watch you so you behave okay? Take care of this leaf… you’ll know what it means someday.

My heart is only for you,

Cho KyuHyun.

            EunHyuk was expressionless. He was trying to process KyuHyun’s words. He searched his room for Kyu’s painting… He destroyed the whole art room until he found an opened locker. He looked closer and tears were let free. It was a painting of him and KyuHyun, sitting on a bench one autumn day. He looked at the back of it and saw a note which said that it was dated that stormy night.

My last masterpiece… Me and EunHyuk~

            He rushed back at his dorm, to his room and opened his window. His hand scratched the leaf from outside, and found out that it was only paint. He sobbed hard and fell to the ground, holding the leaf close to his heart. DongHae rushed to the room, crying, holding two letters. He handed it to EunHyuk. The other one said:

The last fig leaf, preserve it… On that window, I dedicate that masterpiece, for you. --KyuHyun


Death Ceritificate

Cho Kyuhyun

Died: March 09, 2010 10:00PM

Diagnosed of pneumonia and died two days after.




A/N: How was it? To tell the truth I don't like it very much... but i appreciate any kinds of comments~

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vesevour #1
Chapter 1: Sooo wtf happened...I thought hyuk was the one diagnosed with pneumonia and no don't tell me it was cuz he gave hyuk his heart or sth cuz he would definately die in an instant.Thx for story anywayz its really sad
omg it really made me cry ;;
You make me cry T^T I loved this one-shot. It hurts me but this is well written and beautiful... Never thought of really shipping KyuHyuk but, I will now. Thanks for writing such a beautiful fic.
T___T you make me cry....
I cried, I loved it.

one life for another, one dream for another, it hurts but it is beautiful
leehyosonn #6
"sniff sniff..omg..wae it must be so angsty huhuuu
kyu leave hyukkie with his precious thing..
i feel sorry for hyuk >___< what is the point of living when your love ones no longer stay with u..
thanks for this ^^
as long its kyuhyuk i will read n subscribe it ^^
cant wait for the next update...
thank kyuuuu
noname022 #10
im glad its KyuHyuk.. cc:
waiting for your update.. ^^