
one last dance.

"Junhong! Run! That's our bus!" Jongup held the straps of his backpack  closer to his chest and ran towards the bus stop. Junhong ran after his hyung, back pack slamming against his back. He hated chasing after buses. But it seemed like a regular thing for them.



"Uhm hyung? I think we're on the wrong bus..." 



"What do you mean? I always take this bus. There are two buses... One's the one with the blue..." jongup started, smiling his usual toothy smile. "no! This bus goes the long way. It takes twice as long! No! No hyung! No! Hyung! We'll never reach there!" Junhong cut him off and started loudly, thrashing his arms about on Jongup's lap.



"Oh... No wonder sometimes it seems to take forever..." Jongup pondered quietly to himself, still smiling brightly. "Hyung, I just don't get you sometimes..." Junhong looked at Jongup, an amused yet disapproving look spreading across his face. 



"Well, I'm still your favorite hyung aren't i?"



 "Yup. God knows why." 



And that went on until junhong got tired and opted to sleep instead, resting his head against jongup's lap. 



"Like a puppy dog..." he heard jongup chuckle as he balled up more against his hyung. They were on their way to daehyun and youngjae's apartment for a sleepover. They all went to the same school. Youngjae often tutored the both of them. And while youngjae taught them math, daehyun would teach them things like eating ramen through a straw, which to the two kids, was far more important in life than matrices, much to the disapproval of youngjae. They usually didn't mind the surprise visits by their dongsaengs. I mean who wouldn't? They were too adorable to resist. 



"junhonggie, wake up! We're here!" jongup poked the younger's cheek gently and junhong stirred, sitting up slowly. He barely had his eyes open as he smoothed his hair and stumbled out of the bus. Jongup sighed. There wasn't anything this kid did that wouldn't melt his heart. They took the lift up and skipped towards the door of the apartment. 



Junhong was about to knock when Jongup pulled him back.



"Huh? What is it h-"



But he got cut off by Jongup's hand on his mouth. Jongup pressed his ear against the door and Junhong followed suit. Bad mistake.



"Mmm d-daehyunnie you taste so good!" The two boys stared at each other, wide-eyed, mouth gaping with disbelief. 



"Mmmm youngjae-ah...." Then they heard what sounded like kissing... More like to be honest. 



Junhong mouthed what looked like "gross" to jongup, who winced in disgust.



"D-daehyun I-I can't. It hurts."



"Shhh baby, it'll get better i promise."



"AAAAH! There! There! AAAAH daehyunnie! Aah... Aaaaah! AAAAH! Daehyunnie! H-harder!" Jongup thought Youngjae sounded exhausted, like he was giving birth.



"Aaah, . Baby your is so-"



Before they heard the remainder of the sentence, Jongup pulled junhong away from the door, thinking that it wouldn't be too wholesome to find out the word daehyun was going to use on his boyfriend's . The image would be too... Much. 



"Eeew! They were... They were-"



"ing each other! Eewww! Hyung!" Junhong shuddered, sticking out his tongue. "Let's stay over at my place." Junhong offered, grabbing Jongup's arm and walking back towards the elevator. "I can't believe we wanted to stay over at that place... Gross! Junhong-ah... i feel dirty..."



"Me too hyung." 



When they reached the ground floor, they burst out laughing. It was partially awkward laughter, partially childish squirming at the fact that they heard their hyungs getting it on. The bus ride home was random talking, both didn't want to be left alone with the image of their two hyungs swimming in each other's bodies. 



"We're here!" Junhong said as he walked up the pavement to his house. As junhong extended his hand towards the door, they heard a loud bang against it. 

"Aah! Yonggukkie, not here!"



"I'll take you anywhere I want, yeobo. Junhong isn't here." 



"Oh god. Just do it quick I need your-"



With that, jongup grabbed junhong by his backpack and dragged him away from the door. The poor boy was scarred, his mouth still gaping wide from shock and disgust. 



"Let's just go to my house... At least we know there's no one there..." Jongup tried to shake off the image of Himchan against the door, which was rivaling that of a Youngjae. 



"Ok good. Because I think I never wanna come back." Junhong rolled his eyes.



And laughter overtook the empty void of silence again.



Awkward, awkward silence.

oh god... this is such an awkward chapter... sorry! (Yes it is, frick you... *this was added on 22/12/12) but i'm still thinking of how to transit to the sad part... so yup! aaaaaaaaah i'm falling deeper in love with these two litto thingos<3

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I went back to edit a few chapters, no major changes as of yet, just paragraphing and stuff... JEEZ... WHY?


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Chapter 15: Omfg I just read this story from the start and I couldn't stop! Why did you have to make me cry so much authornim? Because I cried SO HARD!! This is so sad!!! :''( But the story is really good! :)
Chapter 15: it's been weeks, i haven't check my aff.. now, i'm on, i saw you updated your fic and i was preparing my tears already even before i read the new chapter. You're the best! :"D
maknaezeloo #4
Chapter 15: OMFG SO I READ THIS FANFIC IN A COUPLE OF HOURS AND WOW. Do you even know how hard i was crying. And that about 30 minutes, i'm still not over it.. T____T Srsly my new fav Jonglo fanfic. I gotta say your Jonglo fanfics are the best and my favorites c:
Chapter 15: Don't die Junhong.. I'm crying so much TT__TT
Chapter 15: I love the story, despite the fact that I cried at every single chapter u wrote. This is one sad story :(((((
Kacichan #7
Chapter 15: Ok, I'm crying so much... Junhong-ah, how could you left Uppie?
Chapter 14: U P D A T E now I say you hear me >:-((
Chapter 14: MY ROOM IS FLOODED BY MY TEARS, OHMYGOSH! okay..okay, i know you're trying to kill me with your fanfics but like ohmygosh! Update soooooooooooon!!! I've been sharing this fic to my friends, and they LOOOOOOOOOVE it, so pleaseee, update. :( i love you.