The Year I Met You
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I know the girl on my poster doesn't have red hair like the Rose I depicted in my story :((( But her face matched the description of Rose so well... I couldn't help it ^^


There were two things at the top of Kris’s priority list. The first would be you. You had undeniably become the biggest and most influential part of his life. For a long time Kris had spent his life either alone, with his Father or with his two best friends, Luhan and Yixing. Not many people approached him, and he never had any interest in approaching others. Classmates often called him “the stone” for his lack of facial expressions and emotion, but that wasn’t true. Kris had a lot of emotions—it’s just that he had a knack for hiding them. At a young age, his father had strictly taught him that in expressing one’s inner emotion meant that he was weak. Showing someone a side of you that no one knows, meant that you were weak enough to entrust that person the most vulnerable part of you. And so, through a rough process, Kris sealed himself away from the world.  

  Yixing and Luhan, however, were his friends since the very beginning. They were the ones who stuck by him from elementary up until high school. Luhan was one of Kris’s dearest friends. If it wasn’t for Luhan, Kris wouldn’t be alive. And if it wasn’t for Kris, Luhan wouldn’t have had the privilege in attending High school. The process of becoming a black belt was one of the most torturous event that had occurred in Kris’s life. It took away his energy, and with the insults his father spewed at him every day, the life he was living became a heavy weight that suffocated him to the very pores. He often thought of suicide whenever his father punished him by kneeling in front of their shack. With his scratched knees on the dusty dirt ground, he would look up at the darken sky with all it’s luminous stars with pained tears streaming down his cheek. He often wondered why he, of all boys, had to do this. It wasn’t fair. He wanted to hang out with his friends and eat steamed buns and enjoy the beauty of China. He wanted to eat the red hawthorne candy and taste it’s everlasting sweetness. He wanted to study normally. Though he knew he would never have a shot in College, he wanted to do well, despite living in such horrific time with such little job oppurtunities. But he couldn’t do that, and that’s what sent him down into an even larger spiral of depression.   Thankfully, however, Kris had Luhan. Luhan was caring, and deep. He saw the world in a different light and sought positivity and pureness in every thing. He believed that everyone was born for a certain purpose and though people may not like what life gives them, they must endure it because one day, they will become a big significance to someone. That was Luhan’s way of thinking, and for some reason, Luhan never gave up on Kris. Despite how cold and empty Kris was on the outside, Luhan knew how warm and loving Kris really was. Luhan never gave up on Kris. Nor did Yixing. These two boys were everything to Kris, and that is why, he could never shun them out of his life. Though Yixing was clueless and forgetful most of the time, he can also be caring as well. Though he tend to annoy Kris by spilling most of Kris’s secrets, Kris could never hate him. Yixing was Yixing. And Luhan was Luhan. Two of Kris’s best friend—the two people he thought he would ever allow into his world... until the day you came bouncing into his life like a big ball of sunshine.    Now, he hadn’t ever been intimate with a girl before. He had never wanted to. He had always been a bit stiff when it came to women. Not necessarily to say he was awkward or found women strange, but rather he held no interest. He had been taught to focus on fighting his whole life that, just by having Luhan and Yixing burrowed in the small hole of his heart was enough to fill him up. Not many girls expressed their interest him either, at least not until high school when things changed and hormones began raging. Though there were some decent girls in his life, they weren’t the ones he wanted to spend his time on.  Many of his lady classmates had asked him out, but he would always decline in that curt tone of his. It was sharp, enough for the girl to back off in offense.    Thinking back to it, Kris would smile to himself from time to time when he thought about you. How you became such a big part of him. How you snuck your way into his heart and made him feel something he had never felt before. It was strange because he hadn’t realized he had fallen in love with you. But then one day it all changed as if a huge boulder had just dropped onto his head and knocked some sense into him and he just sat there, and let his mouth hang wide open as he sat by your Koi fish pond, whispering in conclusion: “I had fallen in love with her.... I had fallen deep in love with someone who is out of my reach.”    The more Kris tried not to think about you, the more his mind kept crawling back to you. He tried so hard not to fall in love with you, but the harder he pushed, the closer you got. Though he could never fathom why he did. You talked a lot, you told him things that he didn’t need to hear, you ate obnoxiously unappealing in front of him, you couldn’t cook a meal—even if your life depended on it, you were a bit shallow at times, and you were stubborn. But despite all of the things Kris did not like about you, it was the simple, small gestures that you did that made his heart grow ever so fond of you. From your sweet, freckled smile to your secret hugs to yo
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it bothers me that her hair is not red ;_;


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Chapter 17: Oh my God this completely shocked me I'm speechless omg I wasn't expecting it at all

divaauma #2
Chapter 17: rose&baek moments pleasee
Chapter 17: I hate this !! I need more rose × baek moment !!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: NOOO.... i cry like.. uh authornimm this is the best surprise i ever read in fanficss but whyy kris.. is rose's father kill him? this fic is great.. and always be my fav, so please continue this~ ㅠㅠ
Chapter 16: Oh my God Kris no :ccccc cc
Chapter 15: You are just so amazing ;A; I never thought I'd see this in my subscriptions tbh... Thanks so much for the update <3 wonder what was in the files.......
Chapter 15: oh my god i missed this sooo much! thank you for the update, I'm glad you haven't left this story! Can't wait to see who killed Kris' s father, maybe it's Big Boss himself??? Ughhh so curious
Chapter 15: you finally update!! it does makes me want to read this carefully like when i get a delicious cake after craving for it for along time, i just like want to eat the precious cake slowly ugh~
This is insanely gorgeously written and historically accurate!