Why won't you Say it?

I work for a bully, and I like it!!


Leeteuk woke up first, a smile on his face.

This day was big....bigger then big. This was the day that Leeteuk got to be in a men's health magazine! He had been working tirelessly to achieve this and with a smile he rolled over in the bed and Kangin's face lovingly. 

His manager was still sleeping, his even breath proving that he was not pretending.

'I will do a good job for you Kangin, I won't screw up this time' Gently Leeteuk shook Kangin's shoulders.

"Kangin." he spoke his lovers name quietly, leaning over and gently pressing his lips to the sleeping mans.

Kangin's eyes slowly opened and wrapped his arms around his lover, a tiny moan escaping his parted lips as he let out a smile.

"Morning." He spoke sleepily and hugged Leeteuk to him.

"Kangin uh....its nine thirty."

Kangin released Leeteuk and rolled over to look at his bedside clock. "Why so it is."He spoke calmly and Leeteuk raised his eyebrow wondering if his manager had forgotten in the heat of things.

Kangin noticed Leeteuk's funny face. "Whats so special about it being nine thirty?" He yawned and sat up in the bed, realizing he was still .

"Aish!" He ruffled his hair, then settled his gaze on Leeteuk, who was as well. "Leeteuk," He winked and sneakily tried to cuddle up to his lover, who grabbed a sheet and jumped off of the bed. 

"Kangin ah, I have my mens magazine photoshoot today!" Kangin his lips at Leeteuk, who was blushung like mad and hiding his body behind a WHITE sheet.

"Leeteuk ah...you look amazing."

Leeteuk let out a yelp and Kagin jumped from the bed and brought Leeteuk to him.

He nuzzled Leeteuks neck then froze, what Leeteuk had said just coming to him.

"Today is the-" Leeteuk nodded his head and sighed, slipping himself from Kangin's grasp.

Kangin remained frozen, save his blinking eyes "and it's-"

Leeteuk finished for him "9:37 now yes."

Kangin took off at full speed to his closet ripping out a suit and rushing into the bathroom slamming the door, Leeteuk could hear the shower going.

"Kangin-ah, I need to shower to!" He pounded on the door, but Kangin did not answer.

"Kangin! Kangin! I need to look better then you it's my shoot!" Still no answer and Leeteuk let out a growl. 'Selfish !'

Leeteuk finally gave up and dressed in front of the mirror. Kangin knew how important this was to him, yet he would not let him shower! How rude!

Within ten minutes Kangin was ready and he stepped out of the bathroom feeling refreshed.

"Teukkie babe are you ready?"

Leeteuk turned and glared at Kangin.

"Yeah, I am ready." He finished doing his hair.

Kangin approached him from behind and kissed the back of his neck. "Babe, I'm sorry. I just needed to clean up because the man is a real hard to the managers." 

Leeteuk slightly nodded his head and all was forgiven.

"Your lucky I love you." Kangin smiled and brought his mouth to Leeteuk's ear, "And you're lucky your so special."

Leeteuk was confused.

"Im lucky i am special?"

Kangin nodded his head. "You are a speial person to me Leeteuk."

Leeteuks face got slightly red and he rolled his eyes. "What happened to the mean manager? The one that constantly criticized and scrutinized everything I did? I miss him."

Kangin let out a breathless laugh. "His heart was stolen by someone special."

Leeteuk grew flustered with all of the comments and as they made their way to the photo shoot, his eyes kept wandering to Kangin's face.

He wondered how he had fallen in love with this man driving the car. He wondered why Kangin liked him. Then, he wondered why Kangin never said he LOVED him.

"Hey Kangin ah, do you love me?"

Kangin looked surprised at the question. "Of course I do...." He trailed off as they arrived at the set, his face blank.

'Then why don't you ever say it?'

Still, Leeteuk would drop it.....for now. "Ah, okay."

Kangin got out of the car and held the door open for leeteuk, and together they walked into the photoshoot. 

Leeteuk could not stop his heart from beating furiously. What if this guy hated him as much as Katie bootell had!?

His face went a shade of white as an attractive man in a tanktop and shorts made his way to him. "Welcome!" He spoke happily at Kangin, then focused his gaze on Leeteuk.

"You are the model?" Leeteuk nodded his head, his face still pale.

"Wonderful! Do me a favor?" Leeteuk nodded again. "Spin for me." Leeteuk did as he was asked and spun around for the man.

"Perfect! You are TOO perfect. I didn't know men like you existed!" Kangin was both happy and angry at the comment from the man. This was HIS Leeteuk after all.

"Your name?" The man held out his hand to Leeteuk who grinned and took it.

"Park Jungsu, my model name is Leeteuk."

The man returned the smile with equal warmth.

"I am Eunhyuk!" He let out a yell "Donghae! The model is here!"

An attractive man with brown hair and a pink shirt and skinny jeans came over and let out a holler.

"Damn boy, you are FINE!" He gave Kangin a thumbs-up who shifted uncomfortably.

To put it bluntly, he was jealous.

"If you will come with me...." Donghae took Leeteuk's hand and gently pulled him towards the dressing room.

Kangin glared at the two as they walked away, completely oblivious to Eunhyuk's smile.

"You two a couple?" Eunhyuk chuckled at Kangin's face.

"A couple!? Mmmm....No." He crossed his arms.

"Really? So that man is single? Hmm...good to know." He pretended to tap his finger on his chin and his lips in the diretcion Leeteuk had gone.

"I-I mean yes! Leeteuk is my boyfriend!" Eunhyuk feigned a frown. "Aww dang." 

Then without much talk regarding Leeteuk Kangin began to discuss price.

"Leeteuk is number one in our company right now!" He spoke proudly. "So, how much do you think he is worth?"

Eunhyuk smirked, this Kangin guy was really in love with his model wasn't he?

"Well I usually pay around ten thousand but for Leeteuk.....he really is something special isn't he? How about I toss in an extra two grand."

Kangin's mouth dropped open. NEVER had someone offered to pay that much for ANY model.

"Really? Twelve thousand for one photoshoot with Leeteuk! WOW!" Kangin clapped his hands together, he was truly ecsatic.

Eunhyuk grinned. "I think you misunderstood Kangin, it is twelve thousand by the hour." Kangin's eyes grew wide and his mouth opened and closed in shock.


But both men ceased to talk about money as they noticed Leeteuk coming out of the changing room.

His golden brown hair was combed forward, complimenting his facial structure and he had a body tan lotion on to make himself appear darker. But what caught Kangin's eyes wasn't the hair, of the make up...it was how HOT his abs were!

Donghae had put a black shirt on him and...DAMN! Kangin gulped and felt his breath catch in his mouth.

Even Eunhyuk, who was dating Donghae, could not help but stare with an open mouth.

Donghae looked proud at the transformation and he bowed. "Thank you." 

"Leeteuk...."Kanign approached his lover and felt an overwhelming urge to have with him.

"Kangin...do I look...ok?" Leeteuk pulled down on the shirt, like he was uncomfortable with the open-ness of it.

'You look great!' He was going to say, that is, until Eunhyuk butted in.

"Leeteuk you look incredible! This magazine is going to sell fast!"

Eunhyuk rushed Leeteuk off to the stage where the photos would be taken.

The pictures began immediately and everyone in the room was enraptured by the beauty that was Leeteuk, as each shot was taken flawlessly.

"Leeteuk why don't you smile for one photo please?" Eunhyuk winked and Leeteuk shifted his gaze to Kangin who smiled. 'You can do it' He mouthed.

With a slight aire of discomfort Leeteuk smiled making Eunhyuk squeal with delight...until...

"Leeteuk you look so much cuter when you smile!" Eunhyuk gave a hitchpitched 'Eeeee!' screaming in adoration like a fan girl.

"But he has a dimple!" one of the camera crew complained.

Leeteuk's smile was instantly siped away and Eunhyuk glared around the room looking for whoever had spoken.

"Yah! I find out who you are you are SO FIRED!" everyone remained quiet and the photoshoot continued with Leeteuk refusing to smile the rest of the time.

At the end of the shoot, when Leeteuk came out fully dressed he was met with Kangin's strong arms, as he hugged him tightly.

"You did great baby." He kissed Leeteuk's forehead and Leeteuk closed his eyes, his head resting on Kangin's shoulder.

'Kangin ah, why won't you say you love me?' Leeteuk tossed the idea of asking back and forth in his mind.

They made their way to a restaurant, Kangin going on and on about how proud he was of Leeteuk. 

He did not cease the compliments until they sat down and Leeteuk interrupted him.

"Ah Leeteuk you had everyone in the room complimenting you and--"

"Why wont you say you love me?" Leeteuk stared straight at Kangin when he spoke.

"Erm...excuse me?" Kangin grabbed his glass and took a sip of wine.

"I said, why won't you say you love?"

Kangin frowned.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Leeteuk pressed harder, he WOULD get an answer from Kangin.

"I tell you all the time that I care about you." Kangin spoke defensively.

"Yes, but you have not ONCE said you love me!"

Kangin reached out and gripped Leeteuk's hand. "Teukkie, can we not talk about this?"

He spoke with a soft pleading voice, but it would not work on Leeteuk.

"No! I want to know now! Tell me, or I will get up and leave you RIGHT NOW." Leeteuk chugged his entire glass of wine and wiped his mouth, his stomach was starting to hurt again and he grimaced in pain. "Ahhh..." He leaned over, shrugging off Kangin who was worried.

"Teukkie, you okay?" Leeteuk bit his bottom lip, causing it to bleed.

"D-Don't change the subject."


AUTHORS NOTE: Well? How did I do? -__- I have been losing readers lately my writing must be bad...I APOLOGIZE! Mianhae! MIANHAE! Please stick with me on this story..I will try my best to make it LONG...as Leeteuk still has a LONG way to go before he is CURED! :( TT_TT Thank you to my faithful readers I love you all.

ALSO off topic....I am getting alot of lightning and thunder right now O___o Its scary >_<

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Okay soo...I SWEAR I updated this..but it's not showing..if if doesnt show my tomorrow night I will reupload the chapter!! Thanks for your patience!


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Xkangteuk_elf1771x #1
Hello but it's 2016 and still u rn't updating anything
DuckieeHyung #2
Chapter 17: update please TT.TT
DuckieeHyung #3
Chapter 17: update please TT.TT
Chapter 17: Do update soon... waiting for the next chapter :)
BaeYeonRin #5
Chapter 17: sungmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin TT.TT
hebteuk #6
Chapter 17: i'm just a bit surprised y sungmin affected on teuk that much..i know i know he has the same situation or remembers him of himself! but he didn't treat him well..i know my comments look like i'm a sungmin's heater, but he's the bad guy here. i mean teuk has cancer too, but he didn't treat ppl badly. i liked when kangin talked to leeteuk on the phone..it was short, but i liked it :)
"I feel like this story still has a LOOONG way to go!"..oh! really? i thought we're near the end!..anyway, i like that u become uploading faster..work well on ur story line nd i'll wait for u :)
Chapter 17: Yeay~! You update. Even if it's short but I'm really satisfied. I was shocked when Leeteuk's said he don't want to model ever again, maybe that's the best for him but, he had gotten so far and he worked really hard to be one. And the last thing Leeteuk said made me think as if Sungmin is...dead or at least dying. I would love it if you make this story LOOONGER. XD. Update again soon, okay? Love you. <3
kakashiXshaniqua #8
Chapter 16: Wow...I just got through reading this WHOLE thing and I just gotta say one thing to you D:<...I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!! TTWTT!! OMG!! I love what you've written so far and I can't wait for the update!
Chapter 16: Woah you're back! and with such an intense update~ yes, it was short but i felt like a lot of things happened here. I understand why teukie ran away but i'm getting a bit frustated, he just should let kangin help him ;~;
And sungmin! my poor minnie T-T i really hope he'll be okay. He's been a total hypocrite, but I think kangteuk could turn him into a better person if he let them, so don't let him die T-T

Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next one ^^
cherjeanne #10
Chapter 16: Oh, thank you for your update!


I hope u'll update more..
Love ya! <3