A Simple Smile

Language Barrier


Chanyeol is very excited when he arrives at SM building for the first time. He's going to take a small step to become an idol! All he needs to do is practicing and discovering something new!
A couple of months ago, he participated in Modeling Contest, after he got the second place, SM scouted him, they told him to try to go to audition, and he made it!
He comes inside the building happily, bowing to anyone who passes him, a scrawny guy who's wearing thick glasses greets him, Chanyeol guesses he is one of SM workers, he calls him to follow him, Chanyeol trusts and agrees.
He looks around inside the building and is guided to the practice room, he has no idea why he feels so nervous, he assumes it might because he's too damn excited.
The scrawny guy opens the door to the practice room and introduces him to the other trainees. Chanyeol throws them a slight coy smile, he doesn't aware that he's squeezing his fingers a lot, but there is someone who’s standing in the corner watching him in amusement.
After finishing school, Chanyeol always stops at SM building for practicing different styles of dance, he already has gained many friends, only in a few days, thanks to his friendly nature and his ability to adapt with a new situation.
This afternoon, Chanyeol cannot stop laughing at Myungsoo, the poor guy gets pranked by Jongin, Chanyeol thinks Myungsoo's angry reaction is cute, he cannot help himself to stop laughing at him, "Chanyeol-ah....please...I'm serious...!!" Myungsoo cries, "Aw..sorry, Soo-ah.., don't take it seriously!" He tries to calm the chubby guy from being upset.
Chanyeol really likes joking, playing pranks with his new friends, they are trainees, hopeful idols, some of them have been trained for quite long time than him, they are Kim Junmyun and Kim Jongin, sometimes he's always going out together with them for lunch or dinner.
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One month has passed, Chanyeol senses someone is watching him, he turns his head to the person who's looking at him, but the man quickly looks away after being discovered.
The mysterious man is sitting alone in the corner, it seems like nobody wants to talk to him, when Chanyeol acknowledges this lonely man has a handsome feature, his heart is beating faster than usual, he feels weird.
He never sees someone as good looking as this person in entire his life, he notices this handsome man is not so friendly looking, but Chanyeol thinks he looks interesting and wants to get to know him more. 
When his friends are busy chattering, he gets up from his sitting place, and walking towards the handsome man who now is seen fixing his shoelaces.
The man knows Chanyeol is coming to approach him, he lifts his head and throws a cold stare towards the doe-eyed boy. Chanyeol is a bit afraid to make a first move because this man scares him, but he's already here, standing in front of him.
"..um.... hi, there, are you a new trainee..? This is my first time seeing you here, my name is Park Chanyeol..." He reaches out his hand for a shake, but there is no reaction from the handsome man, he seems like he is thinking about something, Chanyeol starts worrying, and is about to put his hand down, but the man grabs his hand quickly, and they're shaking hands, awkwardly.
"....I'm.. fine, my...my... name... is Kevin.." The man answers in broken Korean, Chanyeol feels upset after hearing a strong Chinese accent coming from the handsome man''s mouth, his Korean is too hard to understand.
He releases his small hand from Kevin's big palm and smiles a little, he feels uncomfortable when the handsome guy smiling back at him, "I'll see you soon.." Chanyeol withdraws and goes back to his group, leaving Kevin alone.
After the meeting, Chanyeol starts avoiding Kevin as much as possible, he doesn't want to talk to him again, the main reason is simple, Kevin is a foreigner from China and his Korean is not very good.
After a few days, he starts to get more information about Kevin from his friends and other trainees who have been training for a long time, they told him, his real name is Li Jia Heng, he was born in China, but his family moved to Canada, he had to change his Chinese name to an English name, Chanyeol also heard that Kevin has been in SM for one year, he doesn't have many friends, the only friend he has and always to be around with is another Chinese trainee, Zhang Yixing, a thin and short guy, he is very talented in dancing.
Chanyeol is trying to steal a glance at Kevin, when the tall guy doesn't notice. He looks at Kevin who's seemingly happy talking with Yixing. They've always been found out practicing dance together, sometimes having lunch together. 
Yixing just enters SM soon after him. His heart clenches when he sees how close they are and how comfortable they are around each other.
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Chanyeol normally meets Kevin when they study rapping together with other trainees in studio, but not many words coming from their mouths other than,"Hi" or just a simple smile. He begins to realize, Kevin only wants to go out and talk with other Chinese trainees.
It has become a routine for Chanyeol, after school time is over, he is quickly going to SM building for practicing, he comes inside the building and walking fast to go to the practice room, but he stops before he gets there, he sees Kevin is talking with Yixing and another Chinese trainee in fluent mandarin, he doesn't know what to do, so he walks passing them, but the tall guy doesn't aware of his presence, it's a bit upsetting situation for Chanyeol.
After practicing for three hours, the boys are resting on the floor, Jongin is sitting next to him, catching his breath, and looking at Chanyeol. "Hyung....are you there??!!! Jongin waving his hand on Chanyeol's blank face.
"Jongin-ah, don't give me a heart attack!!"
"Why, me?..... You are always looking at those two chinese men!!'" Jongin points his finger towards Yixing and Kevin, the guys are busy learning and arguing about new dances.
"Don't think that I'm sort of that gay..." He looks away from Jongin, hiding his face that is suddenly turning red, "I didn't expect this kind of answer from you..hyung.." Jongin smirks, Chanyeol is playfully hitting younger boy's shoulder, " I just wanted to get to know them...ok..?!"
There is a minute of silence between them, and Jongin throws a small sigh "I would love to get to know them too, hyung, but they don't understand Korean, we can't communicate with them without being limited by languages.."
".....I think so, Jongin-ah.." Chanyeol slowly nods because Jongin is right, though he feels very disappointed.
It is wonderful to have a friend like Kevin, for two months, he's been observing him from far without being noticed by the Chinese man, Chanyeol has always been taught by his schoolteachers a history about China and how the country now is supporting North Korea, maybe this is time to change his mind and forget that handsome man because they never meant to be friends from the beginning.
A heavy practice has forced Chanyeol to leave his room, he aims to go to the vending machine, he checks his wallet to make sure he has coins to buy his favorite melon soda, but there's someone else there, someone he knows well, the guy is also buying a drink, Chanyeol can hear his heart is beating faster than usual, why he gets this strange feeling every time he sees Kevin..?
Chanyeol has become uncertain to buy his favorite melon soda, he is planning how to avoid the taller man, and he slowly turns his way back to the practice room, "Chanyeol-ah!!"
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He''s almost jumping when a familiar voice is calling his name, Chanyeol stops walking and turns his back to greet the short man, " Sup, Hyung!!" He's pretending to be happy to see him.
How uncomfortable the situation becomes when Kevin turns his head to their direction, but after locking eyes with Chanyeol for a few second, he looks away and gets his drink inside the vending machine.
Chanyeol feels like he's being struck by lightning when Kevin is walking passing them, drinking a bottle of soda, he feels a sharp knife stabbing his heart, now his heart is bleeding.
"Hey, Chanyeol-ah, are you alright..?" Junmyun is checking his face,
"I'm alright Hyung, I just feel tired.."
"Oh..I see...hehe.."
"...Hyung, I want to buy some drinks...."
"Eh, ...but I just saw you about to go back to room.."
"...Hehe..I change my mind, I feel thirsty..”
Chanyeol now has seen the light, the truth that Kevin literally doesn't care about him, or even think of him as a friend, it does make sense in many ways, they barely communicate.
He wanted to slap himself, how could he have become stupid like this, didn't he decide to forget everything about Kevin, and didn't he already make his decision..?
Kevin is a foreigner, their language barrier will inhibit them to communicate, and misunderstanding might be happening in the future because they can't understand each other, but Chanyeol really can't help himself, he's crying inside, he's crying because Kevin ignored him, what is wrong with you, Chanyeol..??!
A/N : Sorry for the late update ><
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Chapter 2: Love the story
please update the next chapter
GaemChau #3
chanyeollie, you know he can't speak korean well, right? it's just misunderstanding
this chapter is good, update soon author~nim
D: nooooo but channie and kris need to fall in love *dying on floor* this is so sad...
Coversmile #6
LOL< CHANYEOL YOU FOOL. you expect Kris to be all friendly around you when all you do is avoid him and try your hardest to stay away from him...People just need to learn some lessons in this life -chuckles- Otherwise this story is great. I can't wait to see how their relationship evolves ^^ It will be truly interestiiiiiiiiiiing~~~ GOOD LUCK AND I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO A NEW CHAPTER! Yush, hwaiting!
The plot seems interesting but the 'he doesn't want to be friend with a foreigner because of their language barrier.' seems like Yeol is a jerk, what a lame excuse to not befriend someone LOL
But I wonder how long he'll bear to not be friend with Kris :P
PeachPrincess #8
the plot seems to be interesting, I'm looking forward to it!
zicogotswag #9
yaY A KRISYEOL FIC ~ :D interesting^^~~ i shall wait to your update :D