Author's Note

I'll See You in Eternity

Okay, so this is the first time I've written anything remotely similar to angst.... and... it sorta >.>
But it's all good :)

Okay, so I rarely write author's notes, but I thought I'd do one this time... just for the sake of having one xD

So, this story is about Kim Myungsoo (or L) and "I" (which is Eunmi, an OC). Initially, I started writing this story with the intention of basing it off Park Bom's You and I, but when I started writing, I began veering off course and yeah.... This story is totally different from You and I ;__;
I wrote this for a contest, but now that I realized that this has nothing to do with the prompt I chose... I'm not going to enter it LOL

Uhhh... I completely forgot what I was going to say.

Okay, so I wanted to try something different. When a person dies, people usually try as hard as they can to forget about them, so they won't feel the pain of losing them anymore. They won't go to places they've been to together. They won't ever mention their name. They try to lock all recollections of that one person into a box deep in their heart.

However, I think people should try to "remember" that person instead. I mean, don't you want to keep that person sacred in your heart and remember them forever? They're never going to be with you again, so your memories together should be one of the most important things in your life.

Some people try too hard to hold on, however. To the point of insanity. In this story, Eunmi tries way too hard to hold onto her deceased boyfriend, Myungsoo. She doesn't let anyone touch their stuff and just locks herself in her room with all the stuff that he owned. It's sorta creepy, really.

When her parents throw the stuff away, it's really for her sake. They want her to "move on with life" and forget about Myungsoo. I mean, he is dead, after all. Her heart and mind won't let her though, so she goes nuts trying to get the stuff back She manages to secure a torn photograph.

Okay, so this is the confusing part that I felt I should explain, or else I don't think anyone would've noticed it 'cuz of my horrid writing ;__;

In the beginning, it shows her going to a Memorial Park (I use that term 'cause it sounds prettier than graveyard >.> or cemetary...). She goes there, sees Myungsoo's tombstone, starts crying, and then BOOM! Suddenly, some dude starts talking to her, and she recognizes the voice as Myungsoo. Crazy, huh?

He talks to her and tells her to move on, she agrees, they promise to meet in "eternity', blah blah blah. However,  at the end of the story, her parents are watching her talk to a torn photograph. So in other words, she never went to the Memorial Park to visit her boyfriend. I mean, she might've in her mind or something, but physically, she never left her room.

She starts crying while looking at the photograph and falls to the ground and everything, and that's when Myungsoo starts talking to her... you know... in the so-called Memorial Park she never went to. So she goes to sleep, and then that's pretty much when Myungsoo makes her promise to return to normal and everything. Then, she wakes up, and BAM! She's back to normal.

Okay, did anyone understand anything I just wrote? Anyways, the point is, Eunmi's definitely insane. Or at least she was in the beginning. Her mind made her think that she went to visit her boyfriend's grave, and that his spirit or whatever came to talk to her. He promises that the next time they meet, it will be forever, and then she wakes up from her dream.

There's two interpretations to this. One is that her mind is truly wanting to let Myungsoo go, something she's seems to be incapable of mentally, so it fabricated some situation that she encounters and it makes her have the courage to move on with life. So like, her conversation with Myungsoo never happened. It was just something she imagined, so she could have a reason to let go of him. Another interpretation iss that he really did visit her, just in her dream. So yeah, that's probably the more romantic one. Lol.

So uh... Pick which ever you like, I guess. Lol. I personally prefer the first one, but I don't know... (What the hell, what kind of writer am I? I don't even know my own story....)

By the way guys, "I'll see you in eternity" does NOT mean "Oh, after eternity, we'll meet again." It means "We'll meet and then stay together for eternity." I just thought it sounded prettier like that ;_;

.................This author's note was sorta useless...

..........................I hope no one reads this...

.....................................To those that did: ...please don't think I'm crazy ;__; :D

Okay, yeah bye.

;__________; my fingers hurt from playing piano for four hours straight and then typing all this ;______;

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LOL i just read the authors note.. i prefer the second one :D. reading it didn't make me think your crazy! i was actually thinking.. wow..i like this person ^^ they're funny haha (in a good way)
OMG i LOVED IT!! i ended up crying as i read this. ^^ its so touching hahah good job!!
I liked your ending (:!
I'll see you in eternity, simple, sweet and relevant (:
It's an awesome one-shot!^^
Do keep writing ~ :D
She finally moved on , thanks to Myungsoo ! I am sure their love will last till eternity ! Great oneshot ! :)