Only Onew [Closed Contest]

There are two types of people in the K-Pop world: people who love Onew and liars.


First of all, I'd really love to thank everyone who entered my contest. I was hoping and praying that people would, and I wasn't disappointed, so thank you all so much. I had a great time reading all the stories and my Jinki feels are through the roof right now. 

I scored each story according to a rubric that adds up to fifty points and encompasses twenty points worth of plot, twenty points worth of style, and ten points worth of boosts. Every story recieved at least one boost point and several stories got as many as six. I read each story carefully and scored as objectively as I could. If you'd like me to comment on your story saying what I thought in detail, please either comment below or send me a wall post/private message. 

That being said, please congratulate the winners of the Only Onew Contest!

In third place, with a total of 44 points: SavvySunshine with Stars!

She wins her choice of

  • a Shinee Sherlock poster (member of choice)
  • Shinee cellphone strap
  • or one pair of Shinee socks (member of choice)!

In second place, with a total of 45 points: babydoll-15 with Free!

She wins her choice of two of the following

  • Shinee Sherlock poster (member of choice)
  • Shinee cellphone strap
  • one pair of Shinee socks (member of choice)!

And in first place, with a total of 47 points: Isadora_Quagmire with I'm Not Moving!

She wins

  • a recommendation of her story at Two Moons Recommendations
  • her choice of one of the following: Shinee lightstick or small Shinee 2013 Calendar
  • and her choice of two of the following: Shinee Sherlock poster (member of choice), Shinee cellphone strap, or one pair of Shinee socks (member of choice)!

Winners: I'll be sending a private message sometime this week to communicate prize logistics. 

Again, thank you all so much for participating and giving Onew the love he deserves.



"There are no boundaries or limits when it comes to love."


- Lee Jinki


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[Only Onew] Winners have been announced!


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Chapter 3: So, I read just now everything that you wrote. :D Sorry 'bout that. :D
So, I want you to comment my story. Because I can understand that it's a little confusing. :D
hae_ki #2
Chapter 3: congratulations to the winners!!! XD
Chapter 3: Congrats to the winners~ <3 I'm happy that this contest was a success~ ^^
Chapter 3: CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS! \ (^◇^)/
Chapter 3: Congrats to the winners. ^^
Chapter 3: I got home from practice just now, and my throat is sore, but I literally screamed when I saw my name. Wow. It's a surreal feeling right now.

Congrats to the other two winners; those were the two stories I liked the best as well! And thank you, extensively, to the other writers, because I had fun reading all of your stories. I have such great Onew feels from them~

Thanks, Exie, for doing this. It was a lot of fun, and I'm so glad I participated. ^^
Chapter 3: oohhh i read all of those and they were very good!!! congrats to the winners! :D also, if you wouldn't mind, would you comment on the story i wrote? I would very much like to know what you thought ^^
Chapter 3: Congrats to the winners! Their stories are really good.
When will you be announcing the contest winners?
Chapter 3: OH GOD. WHY DID I ONLY SEE THIS CONTEST NOW. T_______T */cries eternally