

Readers, this is the second last chapter that I'm going to write for this story. Hope you guys would like this too! Personally, I like this ending more.

No one's POV

"Doctor, his heartbeat is decelerating. It stopped.". The sudden 'beep' that sounded through the hospital room increased the frenzy of activities as the nurses quickly pushed the machine towards the patient that laid, unmoving on the bed. A single line had appeared on the heart monitor, was all hope lost? The doctor shouted out a series of instructions as he prepared the cardiac defibrillators, attempting to revive the patient. The doctor deliver an electric shock  to the patient to try to restart his heart and the body jerked in response of the shock. However, after several tries, the line on the heart monitor remained straight. Reluctantly, the doctor announced his death at the case of a heart failure. He instructed his crew to clean up the rooms as he sighed, bracing himself as he had to break the news to the men outside. After cleaning himself briefly, he opened the door to a Chinese who stood just outside the room, crying, "Rella, Please! Rella!". His screams stopped briefly when he saw the doctor. "How is he? Is he alright? Please, tell me he's alright, please!". The Chinese man, whom the doctor now recognized as Hankyung, held onto his hand tightly as he asked, almost hysterically. The doctor looked at him in sympathy, he hated to break out the devastating news to family members, or in these case, people who loved the patient but it was all part of his job. "I'm sorry, Kim Hee Chul ssi just died at the time of 4.17 p.m. We tried out best.", He announced. A stunned silent preceded over the corridor where 12 members of the Nation's idol group, Super Junior, occupied, before cries and sobs erupted. "No, Rella! Rella! Come back! Don't leave me, please! Rella!". Hankyung screamed, trying to get past the doctor to get into the room. The doctor was about to say something to Hankyung when the door opened suddenly and a nurse stepped out briefly, "It's ready, Doctor." Doctor Kim nodded and stepped aside, releasing Hankyung in the process who ran immediately into the room and said, "You all can now go in and see Kim Hee Chul ssi for the last time." Before he could finish the sentence, the doorway was empty of people except for him. All the Super Junior members had ran in after Hankyung, leaving the doctor behind.

Hankyung's POV

Hankyung ran into the room, despair clawing at him as thoughts swept though his mind, 'No, no.... Rella wouldn't have died. He was strong, stronger than him. He wouldn't have died just because of his departure. He would have lived on happily without him. No, no!'. His legs bought him to a stop just by the bedside as his eyes took in what his heart fervently denied. Hee Chul laid in the white bed, his face as pale as the bed sheets that covered half of his chest, his long, black hair stood out even more prominently against the paleness of his skin. If not for the paleness of his body, Hankyung would have thought that Hee Chul was asleep. Hankyung could barely register the sudden sobs that erupted from behind as the members ran in and saw Hee Chul.  "Rella...", he called out softly as he reached a trembling hand out. "Rella, wake up. It's not the time to sleep now, wake up.".  He looked through a film of tears as his hand contacted with the coldness of Hee Chul's cheek. "Rella! Wake up! Stop sleeping, Rella! Answer me, talk to me, Kim Hee Chul!". He shook his lover harshly as he laid, unresponsive. A strong pair of arms grabbed him from the back and pulled him away slightly, "Hyung! Hyung, don't do this to yourself! Hee Chul hyung is gone... Stop torturing yourself like this, he... he wouldn't have wanted you to be like this." Sungmin sobbed. Hankyung fell to his knees as bitter tears of guilt and sorrow fell like rain drops down his face as he cried. The pain in his heart was the only emotion he could feel as images after images of Hee Chul's face flashed through his mind. He had been such a vibrant and loving person and now he was gone just like this, leaving behind an empty shell devoid of life. It was all because of him. If he haven't left him all of a sudden that night without even trying to explain the situation, would things have turned out differently? Hankyung would never get to know about the outcome anymore as Hee Chul was dead. Rella left him, just as he had left him in the first place. The pain was so intense, it was as if someone had stabbed a knife into his heart and twisted it. It engulfed his entire body and he sank to his knees. His entire existence and life looked so meaningless now that Hee Chul was gone. Only one sentence repeatedly flashed though his mind as he sobbed uncontrollably on the floor, 'I didn't even get to see him the last time and I just left and sent him away..."

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Chapter 13: Oh man it's been so long since I cried like this
I read the first ending and was like "Oh sht this was a happy ending ... It's gonna end on a sad ending???" And then I spent like five whole minutes just scrolling up and down the last ending without reading my mind was like
Read it!
No! Do you want your heart shattered??
Read it!!!
And then I was like "oh f it I'm reading it," I SHOULDN'T HAVE I'M CRYING
WHYYYYY *sobs* you evil authornim can't let a reader die happily can you
Kyeo-Baby-Min #2
Chapter 13: I also like the second ending better (sad)

Don't get me wrong! I love Hanchul and I love Heechul and to kill him off is really not my thing and Hannie.... He joins too? That's just not what I like but for the story's sake...

It feels more natural and more of what all of what happened was leading up to. That's why I can't say I dislike it.

The first ending (happy) Feels a bit just off... Sure a miracle happened but still it's just feels off, like something was missing from it.

Good story though I enjoyed it.
Kyeo-Baby-Min #3
Chapter 13: I also like the second ending better (sad)

Don't get me wrong! I love Hanchul and I love Heechul and to kill him off is really not my thing and Hannie.... He joins too? That's just not what I like but for the story's sake...

It feels more natural and more of what all of what happened was leading up to. That's why I can't say I dislike it.

The first ending (happy) Feels a bit just off... Sure a miracle happened but still it's just feels off, like something was missing from it.

Good story though I enjoyed it.
mysterycodes #4
Chapter 13: Great story.Love it. <3
crimson_xy #5
@Missladybug I did write a happy one, it starts from chapter 10 and ends at chapter 11. Looks like it's not happy enough to be considered as a happy ending? Still, glad that you enjoyed the story. ;)
yeah i hate you now -_- i hate sad endings.
though the second ending made me cry, it was well written, even though i hate sad endings.
you should do an alternitve ending, like a happy one.
maybe that's just me, i mean some people like sad endings.
i don't.
but it was a good story. i enjoyed it
crimson_xy #7
Thank you all for your comments! @SaranghaeSujuChullie, I like the second ending better too. I think I can't really write happy endings, I couldn't get the emotions across. But still, glad you like the sad ending!:) @Imcassielf, thank you for commenting, I'm so happy that you liked it:)
Btw, I'm writing a new story about Minwook, do help support me by reading and commenting about it.Thanks! :)
TTATT Normally, I don't cry... But...(bawling in a corner) TTATT

Personally, I like the second ending better (sad one), even though it is kinda depressing... It has more emotions... wow, I'm thinkin' waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too deep into this, aren't I? XD
Awesome fic! Hanchul 4ever! <3
imcassielf #9
this was so beautiful i cried so hard TT
thankyou for sharing this ! TT
omo Heechul come back to Hannie >< thank so much for updating so fast, this chapter made me cry. ahh update soon neh? it's getting good now!