Skipping Stones

The Coffee Shop (Hiatus)


Joon’s POV:
“Mmmm….” I moaned as I felt a bright light in my face.
“Go away,” I snapped, and shoved the pillow onto my face.
“HYUNG~” It was Cheondoong, damn his aegyo. I threw the pillow to the floor and allowed my eyes to adjust to the light. I was going to be late,
“!” I scrambled out of bed and hopped on one foot as I tried to put my pants on.
“Haha HYUNG LISTEN!” Cheondoong pushed me on the bed.
“Noona says no work today. She told me to let you sleep in so, I turned off your alarm. Sorry to worry you hyung,” he said cutely.
I pushed him to the side as I got off the bed, “Idiot…” He shot me a smile as I went into the kitchen to eat.
“No school today?” I asked as I opened the fridge.
“It’s Saturday hyung!” My eyes widened and I quickly turned to face him.
“Really? Hm… I guess I’m behind in the week,” I joked causing him to giggle. I love Cheondoong’s giggle, it is probably the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. I smiled at him and he came into the kitchen with me.
“Where are the others?” I asked him curiously. He hugged me and said, “Sleeping hyung. I’m so bored~” He puffed his cheeks causing me to laugh and mess up his hair a bit.
“Wanna go out somewhere then? I have no idea where but, it won’t hurt to go and get breakfast together,” I offered. He released me and jumped up and down excitedly.
“So it’s a yes haha.”
I walked to Seungho’s bed and tapped him, “Seungho…Seungho~” 
“Leave already…” He mumbled. I got the hint and left. G.O and Seungho looked absolutely adorable like that. G.O had his arm slung over Seungho’s stomach and his head nuzzled in his arm. I laughed at how they were oblivious to how they slept.
“So, why no work exactly? Did noona tell you why?” I asked him as we left the building.
“She said she has to go to the next town over and buy more of the mixtures. She said it’s because of your mistake,” he responded as he looked at the ground.
“Ah~” I took his hand and we walked into the little breakfast diner.
After ordering we chatted for awhile, about work and school. I got to catch up with my best friend and it felt nice. I learned about how difficult it was for him, and how he was being bullied. I felt horrible and promised I wouldn’t let harm come to him. He gave me a huge smile which melted my heart away.
“Why are you so cute eh? Stop smiling, you’re making me feel like a pedohyung,” He started laughing and I laughed with him. It felt amazing just to relax and hang out once in awhile.
“Here you go gentlemen,” the waitress said. Cheondoong shot her a grin and she was clearly blushing. She stumbled backwards and left us alone.
“You are quite the womanizer yourself there Doongie,” I joked. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
After finishing up Cheondoong left his number for the pretty waitress.  I question his motives sometimes…
He took my arm and we left the diner, and we walked around the shopping center for awhile. His eyes lit up when he saw best friend bracelets. He released my arm and ran over to the case which they were in.
“A bit expensive don’t you think?” I asked him. He shook his head furiously. I let out a deep sigh and told the cashier, “I’ll take those please.”
Cheondoong’s face lit up, and he glomped me hard. He wasn’t releasing for a second.
“THANK YOU I LOVE YOU HYUNG!” I laughed it off and took the item from the cashier.
“Kamsahamnida,” I thanked her, “Here Doongie. Give me your wrist.” He put his wrist in my hand as I clamped the bracelet on. He did the same for me.
“Happy kid? These were expensive. Don’t lose it!” I warned him. He nodded ferociously as if his head were to fall off any second. I laughed at his cuteness and brought him in for a hug.
“Thanks hyung… it means a lot,” he whispered.
“I know Doongie, I know.”
I continued walking around with Cheondoong for awhile longer, wanting to spend as much time as I could with him.
“Wanna do this tomorrow? I know you have Sundays off,” He said happily.
I smiled at him, “If I can I will, definitely,” I told him. His face lit up again. God I love his smile, it could brighten anyone’s day. He grabbed my hand and began swinging them back and forth, puffing his cheeks as he did so. Sometimes I feel like he is much younger than he actually is. We walked past the coffee shop I work at and saw someone inside, busying themselves with tasks.
“Give me a moment Cheondoong,” I said and released my hand from his. I walked inside and the bell went off, startling the person cleaning.
“Jinyoung? What are you doing here?” I asked. It wasn’t like him to come into work when he didn’t have to. He barely came in when he was SUPPOSED to.
“Just thought I’d…clean a bit is all,” he said. He didn’t even look at me as he said it, something was up.
“Is it Seohyun?” I asked nervously. He stopped in his tracks and I saw a tear down his face, poor guy. I walked over to him and embraced him.
“It’s gonna be fine. You said so yourself, things weren’t going too well,” I tried comforting him.
“Where is Hodong-ssi? And Hyo Jin noona? Are they not in?” I asked after a moment of silence.
“They went together to get the supplies…Joon?”
“Have you ever felt like… you were in love with someone?”
I paused. Have I? I mean… I must have felt like it at some point right? I didn’t know what to say. He asked me another question.
“If your heart races when you see them and… you smile when they smile and… you get this weird feeling when you hold hands… does that mean you’re in love?”
I kept quiet. Did it? That couldn’t be right…He just thinks he is in love, those are not qualities of love. 
“Well… thanks for trying. At least you listened. Thank you Joon, it means a lot,” he said and tossed the rag to the side of the room.
“I’m gonna get going, c’mon,” he dragged me out of the shop and closed it.
“Have fun you two. Thanks again hyung,” he said and he walked away.
“What was that about hyung?” Cheondoong asked me with puppy dog eyes.
I stood silently for a moment and just thought to myself. I mean… I have felt those things before, that doesn’t mean I LOVE that person… I just, care about them. Yeah… care about them.
“ung…HYUNG!” I came back into reality.
“Haha sorry Doongie. Nothing, let’s get going back home,” I said as I grabbed his hand and walked off.
Is that really what he thinks love is? So immature…We quickly arrived home and walked in to see the dudes planted on the couch watching television.
“Home!” Cheondoong yelled to them, and they quickly shushed him. Cheondoong gave a pout and ran up to them, flopping on top of them both.
“HEY KID. OFF!” They shouted, he just laughed at them and started tickling them like a little kid would do. It worked though, Seungho and G.O were laughing like there was no tomorrow. It made a smile grow on my face, us all being together acting immature, I loved it.
“JOON! HELP, HAHA STOP!” G.O and Cheondoong seemed like they were getting along well. It’s been awhile since they’ve gotten along…
“Hey, I’m gonna go out,” I said as I quickly left the room.
I walked down stairs to the main entrance and took out my phone, I called Mir.
“Come on… pick up…”
No answer.
I slid my phone into my pocket and thought I’d walk around the park for awhile, just to think to myself. It was already starting to get dark, I told the guys I’d cook for them tonight so I knew I should be back soon. Then I saw this kid, he seemed pretty lonely. He was crouched down, knees to his chest, throwing stones into the lake. I think he was trying to skip them. Maybe I can show him how to skip a stone, I’m pretty good at it. 
I started walking up to him only to realize he wasn’t a kid, he was much older.
“Hey, trying to skip a stone there bud?” I asked him as I rested my hand on his shoulder. He was startled and hopped up instantly.
“M…Mir?” I asked. He scoffed and responded rudely.
“It’s you… Why are you out here? Don’t you have your ‘friends’ to be with?” He quickly plopped back down.
“I thought I’d take a walk. What is it with you? Is there something wrong with my friends?” Why did this punk think he could just judge them like he’s doing. It wasn’t his place.
“I see the way the young one clings to you Joon. I’m busy, and it’s getting late you should go home,” he threw another stone into the lake.
I rubbed the back of my neck and crouched beside him, copying the same position he was in.
“Cheondoong… he acts so cute ya know? He is quite a handful for me,” I confessed.
He scooted away, but I just scooted towards him.
“Here, like this…” I stood up and skipped a stone on the water, he looked at me in awe. He quickly looked back at his feet and fiddled with his thumbs.
“Who said I was trying to skip stones anyway…” He stood up and tried but he failed.
“It’s takes a little practice. You have to flick your wrist a certain way. Watch, I’ll show you again,” this time he was watching me intently.
“Whatever. It can’t possibly take me that long to do it,” he tried again and the pebble just plopped into the water.
I walked over to him and took his wrist.
“Look, see how I’m moving your wrist? You have to do it this way,” he stared at me with big eyes. His eyes were so, nice. 
He snatched his hand away, “Fine.” He tossed the stone again and it skipped once, to my surprise.
“I… I got it to go once. Is that good?” He asked me. Suddenly he was opening up to me, but I knew the nice Mir wasn’t here to stay. I wanted to enjoy the nice Mir, so I stood behind him, and grabbed his wrist again.
“Here, we’ll try it together then,” I told him. I helped him flick his wrist appropriately and the stone skipped multiple times.
“Ahaha! Look! We did it!” He seemed over excited, it was only skipping stones after all. 
“Good, haha. Try it by yourself then,” I sat on the grass beside a tree and watched him try it alone. It seemed like forever until he finally got it all by himself.
“Hyung! I did it. You were right, I just needed to move my hand that’s all, thank you.” He seemed so innocent, so kind… I knew something was up.
“I should really get going. No work on Sunday’s so enjoy your day,” I began to walk off until I felt something warm. He grabbed my hand…
“Um, hyung? Thank you…”
I ruffled the kids hair and walked home. What was up with him? One minute he’s a brat and the next he’s some sweet kid who wants to skip stones? 
Another thing, why does he make me feel so… 
Cheondoong… “Hello?”
I moved the phone away from my ears, he was basically screaming.
“I’m on my way…yea…mhm…okay… see ya soon… okay… bye,” I hung up and walked into the building. Once I entered our room I was hugged.
“I’M STARVING!” He screamed. I just laughed and started preparing food.
“That was amazing Joon,” Seungho complimented.
“Thanks. Sorry I was so late, I was…caught up,” I told them. It seemed odd that we were all talking, it’s rare we do this sort of thing.
“What do you say tomorrow… we go to the festival. Sound good?” I suggested. I thought getting together wouldn’t be too bad.
“Sounds like a plan, let’s hit the hay early then,” G.O added in. We all nodded in agreement and we went into our rooms.
After changing I hopped into bed and turned off my phone for the night.
“Yea Doongie.”
“Sweet dreams.” He kissed my cheek.
“Yea, you too.”
A/N    New chapter! I think I have a slight idea on what I want to do in the next chapter but...meh.
Did you enjoy it? I hope it was alright. It was a little short for my liking but hey, that's life.
Sorry for mistakes!
Let me know what you think and I love all my readers and subbers! Thank you!
Feedback is loved and appreciated <3
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Chapter 6: I hope Mir's arm is okay and I like how Joon was so worried about him... ~
Can't wait to see more..... ^^
Chapter 6: poor Mir got attacked! he must have been so scared! but Joon came to protect him so quickly!
he isn't aware of it yet but he has fallen for him!
it was worth waiting all this time^^ don't worry!
I can't wait to see how their relationship will evolve. they're both so stubborn!
MIRaclebiased #3
Chapter 5: Corns are moderation :)

Loved this chapter!
Chapter 2: I simply love Mir's text message!
MIRaclebiased #6
Chapter 5: Confused T.T why do I feel like everyone is hiding something from joon! Mir & his work partner. I mean mir having a switch personality and the worker hating mir doing his job and likes someone *cough* joon *cough* but still love the story so... update!!
Chapter 5: Yaayy you updated ^^ I really missed this story.
I love this chapter,it was funny and Mir kissing Joon was just perfect *fangirling* ^^
Chapter 5: Waaaaaahh it's been a long time now <3
I soooo love this omg I couldn't believe that Mir actually kissed him asdfghjkl *.*
Keep up this good work autor-shi <3
It was short but good! I really like the fact that Mir seems so hard to understand for Joon! Update soon please!
hahahaha!!! i knew Mir was gonna be jealous of how Cheondoong acts around Joon!! lol it looks like Joon's a bit oblivious too.