The honeymoon

Krelisa's Honeymoon

Jelisa and Kris arrived at the restaurant and looked around. It was a very fancy place, much more than either of them had expected of their local Italian restaurant.

"Yah, I told you I should've changed into something nicer, I feel so out of place here!" Jelisa whispered frantically into Kris' ear... or as close as she could get to it, as high up as it was. "Let's go home and come back when I'm nicer looking, ok? It's not far-"

"Shush my little ducky, you look beautiful just the way you are" Kris whispered back “Now smile nicely for the friendly staff”

            Fairly soon, the two of them were sitting at a small secluded table in a far corner of the restaurant, far from the other patrons. “How did you manage to get us such a nice spot?” Jelisa asked in awe. Kris brought up his hand and rubbed his thumb and index finger together in reply.


There were definite benefits to being the new wife of a Korean idol... and super y hot one at that. As a matter of fact, he was so super y hot that Jelisa was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on the beautiful atmosphere of the place, and instead found herself gazing into his deep, dark eyes.

            STOP IT!

She told herself angrily

            He’s a stupid ugly dragon and he forced you into this against your will! And just imagine what Baro will think! Stupid dragon and his stupid deep y eyes just staring holes in me oh how can such a perfectly perfect face even existfhjwirlvgosfhyzgbv

            At this point, she realised that not only were the deep dark y eyes staring deep dark y holes in her, but they were moving slightly, almost as if... the mouth connected to them... was trying to...

            “Oh! Sorry, you trying to saying the what?” Goddamit brain, you couldn’t pick a better time to cease function could you?

            “I said” Kris said patiently—probably repeating the phrase for the tenth time already—“What do you want to eat? The waiter has been standing here waiting to take our order for five minutes already, and you seem to have finished with your menu...” He raised an eyebrow quizzically, and Jelisa started in her seat, noticing for the first time the impatient looking guy standing beside their table tapping his foot and glaring at her while also attempting to look the part of the polite staff, there to serve her.

            “jfdsjhidfhrdozbvfh pasta” She said, remembering what she’d said to Kris before they left about wanting pasta.

            “What an elegant piece of prose dear” Kris drawled sarcastically. “She’ll have whatever sort of pasta the chef deems most suitable and delicious for a fine young lady.” He said, and the waiter took quick note and stomped away.

            Jelisa watched him go, then sunk down in her seat and stared up at the ceiling, wishing she could just die for a little bit, until they went home and she could sleep. Stupid dragon always chose just the worst times to be suddenly romantic...

            She was jerked out of her personal pity-party by a light touch on her face. Jumping slightly, she looked over to see Kris kneeling beside her chair smiling at her.




In an attempt to try and regain some mental functioning, she bit her lip and dug her fingernails into her palms. It didn’t work very well.

            Kris laughed when he saw her wide-eyed expression, and her cheek again “You’re so silly sometimes my flower, you’re so cute when you’re annoyed.”

            Suddenly seriously concerned for her sanity, she slapped his hand away and sat up straight, staring directly ahead to avoid his deep dark y hot eyes. Looking disappointed and amused, he returned to his seat, forcing Jelisa to turn her head to the side and pretend to be very interested in the wall they were seated near.

            “Madame?” a voice came from behind her. Turning her head around via the ceiling, she saw the annoyed looking waiter placing a plate of spaghetti in front of her, looking as annoyed as ever. “Enjoy your meal” He said with forced politeness, and turned and walked away. Jelisa briefly wondered whether he’d poisoned it.

            Kris pulled the bowl of spaghetti into the middle of the table—obviously having no such doubts about the safety of the meal—and took the fork sitting by his elbow. Jelisa didn’t think that they were quite up to the stage of sharing a single meal in such a romantic way like this..... then she remembered that they were ‘married’ now, and told herself that with a guy like Kris, she should get used to strange sudden acts of love and progressions in their ‘relationship’. She picked up her fork as well, and moved to stick it into the plate of spaghetti, but Kris pushed it gently aside and stared deep into her eyes.

            “You won’t be needing that.” He purred, and quickly twirled some of the pasta onto his own fork. For a split second, Jelisa was slightly annoyed that he wasn’t going to let her eat anything, but then “Open up” He whispered, and reached for with his fork.

            Shocked into obedience, she did just that, and when he put his fork into she closed it around the food and chewed slowly. Once she’d swallowed, he repeated the process several more times.

            Jelisa felt a hot flush creep up her neck into her cheeks, and was embarrassed all over again. Willing it to go away, she finally got a hold of herself and shook her head, squeaking slightly. Hurriedly she picked up her own fork and started feeding herself with determination, shovelling the food into without looking at Kris at all. Only when the pasta was all gone did she look up, only to find him smiling uncertainly at her.

            “Umm...” He began, gesturing at her, then his face with wafty hand motions. “You have pasta sauce..... everywhere. Like actually everywhere. I think you should go to the bathroom.”

            And with that, Jelisa died. Right then and there dropped dead to the floor with embarrassment. And thus ended the worst date EVARR

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