What Both Desires

Christmas Confirmation--- Completed.


Chapter 3
Finale: Part 1
( The finale is a bit long so I had to divide it. And of course, to make all your curiosity rose up even more! Hahaha! )
Chapter Three: What Both Desires 
Hebe's mom and dad had left the house an hour ago. Feeling regretful, she slapped her head. "Come on, that party is for babies." She tried making herself feel better while starting to feel lonely. 'Hmm. When I was little, almost each kid had the same age as me. I wonder if they all attended,' She scratched her head in a perplexed way as she climb down their stairs. 
It’s the first time she decided to spend Christmas, alone. She thought the party that her parents were at was too childish. Or it was far too boring for her to waste her time with that kind of silly event. But being left inside the house was worse. Especially, she was having a hard time figuring out why her life started going complicated. She always thought she knew what she wanted and knew what she should do. But having experiencing it all, she felt she was a bit lost.
Inside her heart, Aaron was clearly a part of it. He had already managed to get a huge spot that she hardly denies it. She knew that this time, she had been hit pretty hard. "Aaron... Aaron... Aaron." She mumbled as she went towards the living room to see the view from outside of the window. 
Once again, a sighed escaped from her lips as she blinked twice. Everything was a mess including her who felt complicated right now. She tried to forget those memories and tried to concentrate staring at the window. It was almost Christmas after all. When she was young, she always anticipated Christmas like normal children do. She had always been energetic. However, due to her weak defense system, she always gets feverish when she gets too excited about something.
Flakes fall one by one from the skies above. One of them got stuck against the window which immediately let Hebe notice the small particle, glittering. "Snow!" She chirped and jumped up and down for joy. "Gosh, I can't believe I'm stuck in this huge house." She pouted as she found a bench near her and took a sit.
In this case, Hebe wasn't feeling the slightest cold a bit. She had worn a jacket with a hood and had thick pants to pair up with it. Her hair was neatly tied into a ponytail and had her bangs slightly tangled. "Its 9:30 already." She sighed as she plopped her two arms against her knee and rested her chin with it.
Christmas was less than in three hours. She thought she was having the best time of the year. But clearly, it didn't turn out well. She asked this year for a confirmation. 
Yes, a Christmas confirmation. She wanted to know the feelings of the guy she's in love with. She hoped and prayed for countless of times that somehow, he would be truly in love with her when the time comes; when she declares bravely her feelings for him. 
But, why didn't things turn out exactly the way it should have? He had a girl friend. That was the worst scenario for her. He had broken her heart into a million pieces without him realizing one bit. Heck, he wasn't even aware how Hebe gave her entire effort just to gather her strength in confronting him. Why Aaron didn’t tell her about Rainie? First of all, she wasn't his girl friend or anything. Second, they aren't that close to begin with.
So why is Hebe asking for unreasonable tasks from Aaron when he has no idea how she feels about him? Or so she thought. "." She suddenly jumped off from her position a while ago and rushed upstairs.
She gave a mental note to herself before changing her garments, “In due time, he'll know.”
Though that sentence didn't gave out a clear meaning, but digesting it and visualizing it, she had a feeling that this Christmas wouldn't be so bad after all. Even though she was not successful this time, but she knew that God will grant her wishes when the right time comes. Eventually, he'll know. Eventually, Aaron would be hers.
Knowing Aaron was taken as of the moment, sent a guilty feeling towards her. It was cruel of her to think about snatching him away from Rainie. Even how sorry she was, but her heart was really heating up. She wanted to be in Rainie's shoes. She was lucky, to be exact. 
But Hebe promised herself that she'll do things fair and square. Someday, he'll realize that she really is the one. Aaron will finally wake up from his daze and will know that what he got in, is a complete disaster.
Slowly, but surely, more endearment, long duration and keeping it up will result her to being victorious. Although Hebe had high hopes, she only prays that the angels from above won't let her down especially when she gave it her all just for him.
What a lucky bastard. 
Bastard? That's for being an insensitive jerk and for leaving Hebe on the dance floor, alone. Hebe might had thought about cursing him while she was asleep. But whatever happens, whether she did out of depression. Still, the fact remains that she's completely 101% thinking about him. Hate him; still, he's the only guy who’s always on her mind. 
The irony of it is why can't she shove her thoughts about him? Strange, maybe he's thinking the same as well?
"Bubu, are you in a hurry?" Mrs. Yan wandered off seeing Aaron slid down onto the stairs in a speed of lightning and quickly hopped his way towards the main door. He swiftly turned his head sideways as he gathered the keys to his car. After all, he was in a rush. "Bubu, we're going out as well. Are you coming with us?" 
Aaron sighed while setting back the others that entangled with his car keys. "No ma. I- I have somewhere to go." He then reached for the doorknob and twists it. He appeared to be astonished for a second there watching the snow crushing down onto their mat. "Oh dear, it’s going to be a rough snow tonight." Mr. Yan shook his head while approaching Aaron. "Um, you're driving?"
"Yeah. Cause, I got some things to discuss with~" 
"No need to explain. You're a grown up now. I'm sure, that whatever that thing is, I'm sure it's very important." 
"And kind of urgent, pa. So, if you both don't mind-- Ma," He glanced at his mother who was clueless of what was happening and back to his father. "Can I go now?"
"Hurry up." Mr. Yan briefly said with a smile. However, Mrs. Yan waved her two arms in the air, feeling alarmed. "Bubu, Lao Go!" She called out as she held onto Aaron's father wrist and shook it vigorously.
"Aiya, Lao Po! Can't you see Aaron is an adult now? Let him go." Mr. Yan tried to do the convincing part but Aaron's mother was a bit stubborn. "No! I won't let him go. Bubu! --- Don't go anywhere. I want to know what you're up to!"
"Lao Po, you can't! ~"
"Ma, you really want to know?" Aaron ran a hand through his hair; sighing in frustration. His mom was being a pain on the which was already ticking him off. Seeing his mom's glares, it made him roll his eyes. "Look, I want to confess and to confirm solidity from someone. Is that information alright?"
"What? Solidity... What's to confirm? I---" Mrs. Yan mumbled while Mr. Yan hugged her and gestured Aaron to go. Or else, his mom would emote right in front of them and would cause another tension that would take days to be gone. Aaron nodded and ran out from the house towards his convertible car that was parked in their garage. On his way out, he felt flakes settling onto his jacket as he tried to increase his pace onto reaching his car. As soon as he got in, he the engine, shoving the keys to its key hole and twists it. Due to the coldness, he had to at least heat up his car in order for the ride to be smoother and will not fire up the radiator. While he was at it, waiting for the car to be at least heated up for two minutes, he pressed the sky roof button for it to close. With this, it made the car warmer.
Aaron huffed and rubbed his two palms against each other; burning it up; trying to chase the cold away. "Pa's right. It’s going to be rough tonight." He placed his two palms onto his warm face, to loosen up.
After repeating the action for a couple of more times, he then felt hot within and accelerated his car and drove off.
Both sensed an inner feeling; but what is it, to be exact?
Hebe felt that the angels would grant her wishes. And that is, to be with him.
Aaron got the feeling of desire; to conquer his feelings. He felt both shared the same emotions for each other. But what happened? It left him to consider his love for Hebe a complete unrequited love. Is that how it is?
With Hebe being clueless of the situation, will both end up at the right time and right destination?
Aaron is now heading towards her house. Will he make it in due time?
Hebe decided that it won't be a bad year. Is she planning to head out and catch up with her parents who are attending the party?
Few more hours, and it will already be Christmas. Would both make it on time?
Time, feelings, desires, fulfillment--- Will it all come down to one and will each of these categories be accepted?
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d0rkii #1
I love your story !!! You're a great writer!!!