The Healing

You're Never Gunna Be Alone

“Don’t go!” I gasped, sitting up in my quickly, only to realize I was drenched in sweat and sitting in utter darkness. Tears continuously ran down my face as I tried to calm down. I shivered and wrapped my arms around my legs as the nightmare came back to me and I slowly started to believe it.

I jumped out of bed and made a mad dash into the hallway until I reached Yoseob’s room. I opened the door and walked up to his bed cautiously. “Yoseob?” I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes, “What’s wrong ___?” He mumbled sleepily.

I stood awkwardly by his bed as I realized how silly it was for me to believe my dream, but it had terrified me. “I had a bad dream. Can I…sleep here tonight?”

 He didn’t hesitate, “Of course.” As I laid down on the bed he asked me gently, “What was the bad dream about?”

I sighed and rolled over on my side so I could face him. “I dreamt that you left me and I was all alone. I was so scared.” I whispered the last part as a few tears escaped my eyes.

Yoseob hugged me and I rested my head on his chest. “___, listen carefully to what im about to say and always remember it, okay?”

I nodded slightly and gripped his shirt. Yoseob opened his mouth, took a breath, then started singing.

“You're never gunna be alone
From this moment on, if you ever feel like letting go,
I won't let you fall...
You're never gunna be alone
I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone.”

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Chapter 2: Is that an actual song? Kuku~ how sweet^^ Seobbie<3
yhurrmaster #2
helloimyn #3
very very sweet.
i love it!
@Mypetjumbie - Ikr! They are my favorite lines of the song :)
@bana_hottest_elf_vip- Same here ;u; I would cherish him forever. Lol
bana_hottest_elf_vip #5
aww so sad :( i wish i had a guy friend like Yoseobbie oppa
Awww! The last lines were so cute > ///// <
Can't wait for the update ^^