Chapter 2

Cherry Off the Cupcake [One Shot]

She walked into one of the store and randomly picked on a pricey pair of stunning heels. She tried it on. She took two steps but quickly held onto the display cabinet on her right for support. “Damn it!” she muttered to no one in particular. It was only about 2-inches high yet she couldn't stand on them properly. It was bizarre as of normal; she could even run in a 4-inches pair. Eun Hee changed back to her own pumps and just left without a word, leaving the puzzled salesgirl to put the heels back on display. She continued to roam around… until she saw the place.


The place, the café that come to store so much memories… both you and him.


She didn't even feel like having her all time favourite coffee anymore. It used to be an essential every time she walked past the joint. It had been really irresistible when she bumped into that familiar aroma of newly roasted beans. Without hesitancy, she would joyfully walked up to the barista on duty, ordering her usual. Now, it seems like the message got lost on the way up to the head and went on a cruise down her system instead.




That wasn't even the right taste of mocha she used to love! Could her taste buds been up to mischief as well? Her actions had all gone haywire. Her thoughts too. Her brain cells had failed to collaborate. Fantastic. How illogical. Heck, if she even knows the logic behind all these.


Eun Hee sighed heavily. She felt crappy.


It was very sudden. She hasn't got the time to register everything into her head yet. She hasn't got a moment to come out with a reaction yet. Everything came to halt so abruptly that she felt as though she got flung out from her sit when she had forgotten to buckle up while in a fast moving vehicle.


Given the extreme impact, has she, really got to bear the blame of it all?


Her visions blurred.


She would've enjoyed the final rendezvous; just so she didn't know it was a final one. She tried to in her emotions. She needed air. Even at the very last second, she could still sense that familiar scent surrounding her. She wanted to live that very moment. It was getting faint, but she was still striving for it.


A single teardrop quietly fell on the pavement. “Junhyung-ah…” she whispered and cried silently.

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thanks for reading and dropping your comments! appreciate it ;)
Grrr ..... Such a jerk of junhyung .. How could he ............ ?!!!!

Well, nice story by the way ..
Grrr ..... Such a jerk of junhyung .. How could he ............ ?!!!!

Well, nice story by the way ..
@unniest gomawo!!! i know.. he's such a bad boy here :"(
awww...T_________________T<br />