Another Bite

Infinitely Yours

 “I don’t know where is best for you to bite,” Myungsoo said with an unsure voice, and he tilted his neck from side to side. Myungsoo heard Suzy laugh for the first time that day and he instantly felt a little better after all that had happened.

He sat beside her closely, offering his blood freely. Myungsoo could see indecision and worry in Suzy’s face, but he gently lifted her hand that was held in his and brought it to his face.

“I know you won’t hurt me,” he said.

“You don’t know that.”

“I do know,” and he suddenly moved in closer to lay a kiss on her. But before he could land the kiss, Suzy suddenly had him laid pinned down onto the floor with her vampire power and speed.

Myungsoo felt her hair draping down onto some of his face and shoulders now. Her eyes had changed from the normal dark brown to an almost black with lightened specs. There she was on top of him with bloody marks all over; he could tell she was still in extreme pain.

“If I do this… Please, don’t think badly of me,” she said in a soft pained whisper.

And without a word he grabbed her behind the neck and forced her into his neck. Myungsoo felt her fangs graze his skin for a moment, and the next moment they pierced into his skin. It doesn’t hurt, he thought, it actually feels… really… different?

Myungsoo thought of when Ye Eun bit him earlier and the excruciating pain he dealt with, but this was almost the complete opposite. Suzy’s fangs that pierced his skin only left him with a fleeting pain. The actual feeling of her drinking from his throat was sensual.

One of Suzy’s hands supported his neck while she drank his blood gently, and Myungsoo felt her other hand move down slowly from his shoulder and down his arm. Without thinking about what he was doing, he moved his left hand onto her hip, and wrapped his right arm around her waist pulling her in further.

Myungsoo didn’t feel any pain since the initial bite; in fact he liked her soft lips on his neck. The sensation of her taking blood was something he never felt before. Myungsoo felt intensely close to her, just as he had when she forced him to drink her blood when he was on the brink of death. 

His eyes were closed the entire time, but he suddenly felt her release her hold. Once he opened his eyes he saw Suzy was now completely healed and perfectly beautiful just as before. A smirk appeared on his face in satisfaction, and with one of his hands he brushed the side of her cheek.

“You look all better now,” Myungsoo said, but he could see a shy look on her face now.

“I’m so… I’m sorry,” Suzy said as she wiped the corner of her lip with her fingers to get rid of the evidence of blood. He felt her begin to get up from her position on top of him, but his other arm that had been around her waist gripped her even more firmly.

“Suzy, you don’t have to be sorry. I wanted to help.”

Her worried look began to disappear, and once it did he pulled her in for a real kiss. This time he could feel her lips pressed warmly against his, and . Myungsoo’s one arm stayed around Suzy, and now the other caressed her chin as they kissed deeply. He felt her become more comfortable as her arms now wrapped around his neck in their embrace. Myungsoo's head was so full of the gentle yet deadly goddess on top of him.

Myungsoo felt Suzy’s face suddenly freeze.

“Myungsoo-ah… Your heart beat isn’t regular right now,” she said suddenly with a serious look.

She was right, he thought. He had been feeling faint since the attack, but his mind was on her the whole time. There was a dizziness that suddenly began to overwhelm him.

“Hey!” Suzy yelled at him as he felt his head beginning to pound in a bad way. “Oh my god, I shouldn’t have drank so much.” Suzy turned to his neck gently to take a look at his other wound from Ye Eun, and it was much more vicious than the small bite she left him with.

“Myungsoo-ah,” she said shaking him a little now. But he was so dizzy now he could hardly pay attention. Then he felt her seat him upwards, and she then bit into her own wrist.


Myungsoo looked at her wrist with his head tilted to the side, and unlike before, he just saw her inflicting the wound onto herself. She didn’t look scary with her fangs out. The blood poured out in a dark red, and at first the wound seemed rather deep, but it began to heal.

“I said drink! Or else it will heal soon,” Suzy yelled.  And without another thought he put the wound to his lips voluntarily; and yet again the pain began to disappear. The warm sensation spread through his limbs almost immediately, and just before he took his final gulp, he looked Suzy straight in her eyes.

Myungsoo gazed at her soft eyes that lay underneath her dark bangs. He noticed her cheeks had a glowing red flush to them, and her eyes were still dark but glimmering. Finally he broke his mouth away from her bleeding wrist.

“How are you feeling?” Suzy asked. She noticed that Myungsoo still held onto her hand even though he was done drinking.

He let out a low sigh.

“I can’t help how I feel about you once I’m drinking your blood Suzy… Actually, I can’t help but feel a certain way towards you since we’ve met.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… The first time is a fuzzy memory, but when I drink, I feel a lot of emotions… It’s hard to explain, and as cheesy as this sounds-- I feel like I’ve been close to you for a very long time.”

Myungsoo couldn’t look at her in the face as he spoke these last words. They were embarrassing; she must think I’m crazy, he thought.

“I need to tell you something Myungsoo. I’m not sure if what I’m about to tell you is accurate at all, but you still need to know.”


Ji Eun had finished talking to Lee Joon and Bora about what had happened at Myungsoo’s dorm. She told them what they needed to do to take care of the situation.

“I need to make sure Wooyoung’s safe,” Ji Eun said suddenly to the two of them.

“Do you want us to come with you?” Bora responded.

“I haven’t sensed any danger from him, I can go by myself.”

When a vampire feeds a human their blood, the vampire can feel a faint presence of the human. It’s possible to feel their emotions if they concentrate hard enough and this sensation is especially heightened if blood between the human and vampire is exchanged, but in this case of Ji Eun and Wooyoung so far, it’s only one sided.  

And after that sentence Ji Eun traveled to Wooyoung’s parents home. She knew which window belonged to him now since last night. Ji Eun saw Wooyoung with his headphone’s  on; his head was bobbing to music, and it appeared to her that he was doing some studying. Her hand reached to tap onto his window, but suddenly she could hear yelling from inside of the house. It sounded like two adults, and with her vampire hearing she took a closer listen. It was definitely an adult male and female, it had to be his parents.

Ji Eun climbed into his room in a flash through an open window. Wooyoung didn't notice yet, so Ji Eun uncovered one of his ears from his headphones.

He greeted her with a warm smile. But despite his handsome smile, a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Ji Eun-shi? What's wrong?"

And he freed his hands from the book in front of him, and gently patted the top of her head.


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Not sure if anyone is reading this, or if anyone cares anymore... but I am editing my story "Infinitely Yours." I'm planning on making two parts to the story.


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Chapter 20: Please update again it's been around 2 years since last time:(
sekaibaekarelife #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon!
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 20: Finally u update....its sad dat suzy has to stay away frm myungsoo.tsk tsk tsk....great chapter worth waiting,plz update soon.
louieistrash #4
You're story is unique and it is very interesting. I hope you update it soon. I love it. Thanks for writing! :)
sekaibaekarelife #5
Chapter 18: Plz update soon!
candyvt #6
Chapter 17: hi, i'm a myungzy shipper too. i think your story is so excited... so can i tranlate your story into vietnamses? best wish for you and hope you replay my text @@. sorry! my english so bad ><
mahida456 #7
Chapter 17: plz update soon!