Tucked In

Infinitely Yours

Myungsoo could hardly breathe as he lay there on the bed. He was immersed in pain, and he couldn’t bear it. All of the sudden skin had been placed onto his lips, he wasn’t sure what was happening but a sudden sweet yet powerful taste was hitting his lips.

It was only the way it tasted, but how it was making him feel. Myungsoo couldn’t describe it one hundred percent, but it was sort of like being wrapped in a warm blanket; he could feel warmth and comfort flow throughout his whole body. And then another sensation set in, not just a sweet loving one, but a sensual one. He began to realize what was happening, and that he was laying down on his bed with his head on Suzy’s lap. The pain had completely subsided, and it felt like all of his wounds were healed and more.

While he was drinking the blood it was almost as though he could feel her presence somewhere inside. A thoughtful presence that moved him and made his heart beat faster. The strange part was that Myungsoo didn’t feel scared of what was happening; there was an immediate intimate feeling he now had for her. He couldn’t do anything after feeling so much better but to get up and kiss her.

After they parted lips, they each slowly moved back and looked at each other. Myungsoo stared at her intensely, and noticed tears falling from her eyes

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that so suddenly,” he said in a rush. He wiped the tears with his fingers gently, and then took her hands and held them in his. She suddenly threw her arms around his neck, and sobbed in his ear.

“I’m not crying because of the kiss, dummy. I’m sad because you were hurt,” she whimpered next to his ear. Myungsoo liked the feeling of her arms around his neck. He wrapped his own arms around her and patted her softly on the back.

“I’m okay, thanks to you…” and he pulled back to look into her eyes. “But… what just happened? What were those guys? What… are you?”

After hearing this she quickly sat straight and peeled her eyes away from his. She stared out of the window beside his bed for a moment. Myungsoo was anxious to know what was going on; his memory was hazy after encountering the group of vampires from earlier. Suzy finally spoke with a nervous voice, “I’m someone who’s dangerous. If you associate yourself with me, things like tonight can happen again.” With this said she stood up, avoiding his dark serious eyes, and got ready to walk out of the door. Myungsoo grabbed her by the wrist without hesitation to keep her from leaving.

“You’re not, maybe they were, but you’re different,” Myungsoo said with sternness in his voice. She immediately turned to look at him. Myungsoo looked back at her with honest eyes; he meant what he was saying. “Suzy… you saved my life. And whatever you did to save me… having me drink from your wound… I just—I just know what kind of a person you are.”

After drinking Suzy’s blood, it was like getting to know her on a personal level. She hesitated, but the look in Myungsoo’s eyes was powerful. Myungsoo grabbed a hold of her with both hands now, and she naturally moved closer to him without uttering a word.

“Can you stay here tonight?” Myungsoo suddenly said embarrassed looking away from her for a moment. The words came out of his mouth before he thought about what he said. “I mean—I just feel like I’m in shock… that’s all.” And he looked back at her sincerely. She grinned and nodded.

“Only until the sun comes up… I’ll tell you why…” she responded taking a seat next to him.

The rest of the night was spent talking. Myungsoo was absorbed by her soft and sweet voice; he couldn’t help but be interested in everything she had to say, about what she was and where she came from. He barely spoke, but listened carefully. After a while of sitting next to each other, they began lying comfortably on his bed. Each of their heads lay on a different pillow; his right arm supported his head, while he looked to his left at her and she mirrored him.

The sun was ready to rise and he began to fall asleep. By then Suzy had him tucked into bed, and laid a soft kiss onto his cheek.


Ji Eun shook Wooyoung gently, but he still wouldn’t wake up. She had already fed him her blood while he was asleep; however, he managed to stay unconscious throughout the process. Finally she decided to slap Wooyoung, and it worked. Wooyoung stirred in her arms, and mimicked sounds that would come from a child being forced to wake up. Ji Eun had Wooyoung propped up against her outside of his parent’s house; she was trying to wake him up before she took him inside.

His eyes finally opened and he propped himself up immediately.

“What? Where are we?” As he was asked he began to feel his face. There wasn’t a gash bleeding anymore, and then he noticed a taste in his mouth; it was blood. His reaction wasn’t too surprised; he just cleared his throat and took a look around.

“We’re outside of your parent’s house,” she said with a comforting voice. “Here,” she said passing him a bottle of water from her bag. “You probably have the taste of my blood in your mouth.”

Ji Eun was surprised with how straight forward she was with Wooyoung; she had the feeling that she could trust him. She felt it deep down. They sat there for a while and talked about what happened that night, who they encountered, and about the immortal creatures everyone was except for him and Myungsoo.

“I’m feeling really hot right now,” Wooyoung asked while taking off his jacket. Ji Eun turned away shyly.

“What’s wrong?” Wooyoung asked.

“Oppa… you have rips all over your shirt,” Ji Eun said still looking away.

“Aish,” he said as he put his jacket on.

“I should get going, it’s almost sunrise. I’ll call you later,” Ji Eun said while getting up. Before she could begin walking away he grabbed her shoulder, forcing her to turn around.


“Yea,” she responded blushing. He nodded and watched her go.


Suzy arrived home to find everyone in Lee Joon’s room in the basement. It seems everything that happened that night was being talked about.

“Suzy… we found out a few things while you guys were gone,” Bora said with a hushed tone. “That guy from last night, Seungri or whatever--his territory belongs to Ye Eun.”

Suzy’s heart dropped to the floor. Ye Eun Park is the woman who turned her and Ji Eun back in the Joseon Dynasty.


I am so sorry for the late update! School's been keeping

me busy :(... I'm doing my best I promise. I've been

writing tid bits here and there. Summer classes have

about two weeks left though :)! Ty for the comments

and new suscribers. xoxoxo<3

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Not sure if anyone is reading this, or if anyone cares anymore... but I am editing my story "Infinitely Yours." I'm planning on making two parts to the story.


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Chapter 20: Please update again it's been around 2 years since last time:(
sekaibaekarelife #2
Chapter 20: Plz update soon!
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 20: Finally u update....its sad dat suzy has to stay away frm myungsoo.tsk tsk tsk....great chapter worth waiting,plz update soon.
louieistrash #4
You're story is unique and it is very interesting. I hope you update it soon. I love it. Thanks for writing! :)
sekaibaekarelife #5
Chapter 18: Plz update soon!
candyvt #6
Chapter 17: hi, i'm a myungzy shipper too. i think your story is so excited... so can i tranlate your story into vietnamses? best wish for you and hope you replay my text @@. sorry! my english so bad ><
mahida456 #7
Chapter 17: plz update soon!