❥faɳtasia ⠇Update on author laziness

❥faɳtasia ⠇SM Entertainment's New Group ⠇Apply Open


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Er.... Hi there.... Remember me? Your incredibly sorry and lazy authoress who hasn't updated in eons?

GAH I AM SO SORRY GUYS. TRULY. I have had exams and other personal problems with my life, that are still kinda of ongoing. However, this will change soon, as exam period will be over (thank Shisus) and I will go back to this fic.

I truly apologize for everything guys, and I love you all for staying by this story.

I will try to be more active here and everywhere and guess what? I have two more teasers in store for everyone very soon.

Okay, now that's out, keep them applications coming and I love you all very muchly.


Hilay xx

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Chapter 9: Hi, Hilary.
Long time no update.
How will we know who got in?
Chapter 6: Hey, i changed my username, i was iRawrAsianMusic (:
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Jeuline Chae's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
ahhh, okay ... (: I'll wait, now ;D
xaverri #5
good luck on your exams!
take your time. looking forward to the teasers. ^o
Don't worry authotnim, we all can have some little problems so we can understand completely :) Fighting!!! :)
Good luck in school and your life. Come back to us when things have settled. And try to note us the next time you're leaving, okay?

Ppyong ~
ah it's okay~~~ ^^
I'm glad that you remembered this story keke XDDD hwaiting then!