Don't push me away

Just maybe...


DongHae sat outside HyukJae's room taking in everything he just heard. For a second it made him smile to know that he wasn’t the only one who has fallen for the other. He still couldn’t shake his past experience.

Yes he knows that not every relationship is the same but this situation is too similar to what he's been through. 

He was ready to be there for Hyuk in anyway after the party. He was willing to go the extra mile and do whatever it is Hyuk may ask for him, because that’s how much he has fallen for him and his gummy smile. 

Even though he knows HyukJae is nothing like Kibum, but the fact that someone close to him liked him and he never knew is just too close for Hae.

DongHae and Kibum were inseparable for years. Wherever you saw one you saw the other. Then one day a mutual friend confesses to KiBum, although they didn’t break up right away, but they eventually did. KiBum left DongHae for that mutual friend.

The pain that he once thought was healed ripped a new piece inside his heart thinking he might have to go through the same thing with HyukJae. That he wasn’t ready  to face if it was to happen. It's been so long since he has been this happy with someone he liked.

"Hey..." SungMin said to DongHae which barely registered to him, because he is too lost in his thoughts. 

"Ya" SungMin said a little louder but not loud enough that HyukJae who he left to sleep some more could hear. He waves his right hand in front of his face drawing Hae out of his thought.

"Hey SungMin" Hae said as he got to his feet.

"Are you okay?" SungMin asked genuinely concerned for him.

"I'm not the one you should be asking" he replied as he looked towards the room door. 

"Well I was saying hi to you for like a minute and you were just staring blankly, so yeah I think I should be asking you." SungMin said as he put a small smile on his face, hoping Hae will open up to him. 

"No I’m not okay, well it’s more along the lines that I am scared. I don’t want to lose him to anyone." DongHae admitted shyly as he let his head hang afterwards. 

"Hey" SungMin began to say as he placed his right hand on DongHae's left shoulder. "You're not going to lose him." SungMin said with reassuring smile on his face. "He likes you, like really likes you" SungMin said when he didn’t get a positive reaction like he thought he would've gotten. 

"I know he does" DongHae replied. "I kind of heard you two talking before.

"If you heard, what are you doing out here then?" SungMin asked a bit confused.

"It’s just this stupid feeling I have. I know it’s very stupid but I’m feeling like this right now." Hae tried to explain and failed, he didn’t know what to say.

"You know you should just really talk to Hyukkie, he more than understanding. Whatever that is bugging you he might be able to help put your mind at ease." SungMin said as he tried to encourage Hae to let Hyukkie in. "You don’t have to do it now but sooner the better"

"Thanks SungMin" Hae said to him feeling really grateful that Hyuk's friend is trying to help him instead of being rude like some people. 

"Hyukkie likes you and so do I. I think you guys will be good for each other. I don’t want you guys to end things without giving it a real shot you know." SungMin said as he looked at Hae with genuine care.

"Thanks, it feels good to hear you say that" Hae replied with a small smile on his face.

“Fighting” SungMin said with a smile on his face before he walked away.



On his way out the hospital SungMin texted Kyu “I need house”


SungMin walking up to his house, and no other than his KyuBaby is waiting there for him at the door.

“Why is my cute Minnie looking like this?” Kyu asked before he pulled SungMin into his arm for a hug.

“Thanks for coming” He replied back as he hugged his lover back.

“Anytime baby” Kyu replied back as he backed out of the hug.


As they go through the door Kyu said “you want to go out, get something to eat and maybe watch a movie.”

“Not really...” Ming replied as he takes off his shoes.

“You want to go play some video games then at the arcade?” Kyu asked.

“I don’t want to do that either” SungMin replied with a pout. “I just want to stay in and have you here with me, is that okay?” SungMin asked as he sat down on his couch.


KyuHyun looked at him, observing and trying to think of how he can get his boyfriend who is usually so cheerful and full of life especially when they are alone out of this mood.


“If that’s what you want to do, then that’s what we’ll do” Kyu replied as he went to sit at the end of the couch that Ming is sitting in.

“Come here” he said as he tapped on his lap, motioning for SungMin to lay his head there. Ming obliged and rested his head on Kyu’s thigh.

“Talk to me, tell me what’s got my cute Min like this” Kyu said as he slowly started to SungMin’s hair out of his face.


The feel of Kyu’s hand running gently through his hair, sent chills throughout SungMin’s body, while soothing him. His eyes closed briefly and when he opened them up again he saw KyuHyun looking down at him with a loving gaze.

“I’m just worried about them you know” SungMin said as he let his eyes close again as Kyu’s hand goes to the side of his head, his hair behind his ears.

“I saw both of them today, and I don’t get why DongHae is distancing himself from HyukJae. Clearly he has his reason, but whatever happened to him in the past he shouldn’t punish Hyuk for it.”

“It’s not that easy...” Kyu replied defending his best friend.


“Okay clearly, he’s gotten hurt before and doesn’t want to jump the gun, but so has Hyukkie and well he’s already jumping the gun for him.” SungMin replied a little more defensive than he intended to, he sat up and looked at Kyu to see his face properly.

“I like DongHae don’t get me wrong Kyu, but I just don’t like how he is dealing with Hyukkie. He’s such a fragile guy and I just don’t want to see him get hurt again.”

“SungMin...” Kyu started to say, as he put Ming back to how he was before in his lap. “They’ll get to talk it out, no need to worry about it. They’ve both been hurt, but they both have different ways of dealing with things” he said trying to reason with SungMin.

“But it’s not the same for Hyukkie Kyu” SungMin whined. “DongHae is thinking about his past and thinking whatever happened then can happen again, whereas Hyuk is dealing with two different things and is trying not to lose any of them.”

“Yes I understand that but it doesn’t mean that HyukJae has it worse than DongHae. You know Hyuk’s side of the story and I know Hae’s side, it’s hard on both. Why don’t we just let them have their space and not let it affect us so much?” Kyu said.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s obvious you will defend Hae and I will be on Hyukkie’s side. I just want to relax with you...” SungMin didn’t get to finish saying what he was saying. KyuHyun’s lips silenced him.


“Is that better?” Kyu asked as he smiled down at his lover.

“Much better” Ming replied as he smiled back in return.


Back at the hospital DongHae standing in HyukJae’s room, watching him sleep, debating if he should be there or not. A couple minutes passed before he walked up to Hyuk’s bedside and pulled up a chair.

“HyukJae-ah” he said in a soft whisper. “I am sorry that you ended up here. I am sorry that you’re in pain, but most of all I am sorry that I am the one causing you pain.”

He motioned to take hold of Hyuk’s hand but decided not to.

“I know that we have something, I see it, every single time you look me in the eyes.” He looked up towards Hyuk’s face focusing on his eyes, eyes that are now covered with his single eye lids.

“You know what I miss, not being able to see that shy side of you like when you came to my workplace and I was feeding you. You’ve already got me missing those little things with you, but somehow we’re still apart.”


DongHae let his head hang for a bit while he ponders what to say and how to say it to HyukJae who is in front of him sleeping.

“I like you, and you like me, so what’s holding us back?” He said out loud as he looked back up to Hyuk’s sleeping face. “I’m scared... I don’t want to feel like how I felt before. I know it’s unfair to you to let that affect us, but that’s how I feel.”

DongHae looked at his time and see that he needs to head home soon so he can get ready for work.

He got up but staring at Hyuk’s face, wishing he could see his gummy smile, so that he knew he was okay.

“Feel better soon Hyukkie” Hae said before he kissed Hyuk’s forehead.

Just as he was about to pull away, to leave, he felt Hyuk’s hand grab his wrist. Hyuk’s eyes opened looking up at a startled Hae.

“You know I would never hurt you intentionally right?” Hyuk asked while staring right into DongHae’s eyes. “I would never put you in a situation where I know you will feel uncomfortable” as Hyuk continued to talk Hae remained silent, only thing that was changing, was the tears welling up in his eyes.

“Hae, I don’t just like you, I’ve fallen for you...” Hyuk said. “The fact that you’re here now, means that you are or already have fallen for me to. You wouldn’t be trying this hard to make it make sense or give me a chance even though you’ve been hurt before.”

“Hyuk” Hae tried to find words but Hyuk was all he could say.

HyukJae lifted his right hand and placed it at the side of DongHae’s face and lightly the side of his face with his thumb.

“Stay with me” Hyuk said as he felt the urgency to let Hae know his heart, let him know that he wants him and no one else. “Give me a chance..., let me be the one to give you love, let me show you how it feels to be in love.”

A tear escaped DongHae’s right eye as Hyuk’s words touched his heart.

“Hyukkie...” Hae tried again to say, but he was at a loss for words.

“You don’t have to say anything now; I just ask that you don’t push me away.” Hyuk said as a tear trailed down the side of his face.

DongHae completely captivated by Hyuk’s confession, the sincerity behind his words. Any doubt he had before was completely erased.

He leaned down and kissed HyukJae on his lips, softly.

“Thank you” was all he could think to say to Hyuk after hearing those words. Nothing else seemed right; no word could amount to the relief in gratitude he feels towards HyukJae at this moment.

“Can you lay with me for a little while?” Hyuk asked.

Without a reply, DongHae climbed into Hyuk’s bed with him wrapping his arm around him, spooning him.

Hyuk placed his hand on DongHae’s lightly rubbed the back of his hand.

“I won’t ever let you go” HyukJae said as he holds on to DongHae’s hand.

Hae smiled to himself in response to Hyuk’s words, and then kissed the back of his head as he snuggled in more behind him. 


A/N: YAY i have finally updated this fic. feels like forever since i did but i got it done. i hope you guys continue to enjoy the story. comments are always welcome. Thanks to those who comment, subscribe to this fic  and who read its i appreciate it. 

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Chapter 21: Now, there won't aekwardness between them..
Chapter 20: I just finished read all the chapters today.. and you updated it...
I like their character.. :)
shincan #3
Chapter 20: thanks for updated this story....i'm really happy because continue to updats this story....:-)
pilikpoplove #4
Chapter 19: oh pls update again but i'll have to start to re reading it again
Chapter 2: i just found this fic from tumblr just like your "within the blood".. and i don't know if i ever read it or not before.. and yes i hope you continue this fic.. :)
and.. i need to check your other stories.. hehe..
shincan #6
Chapter 19: cant wait for you to update this fic....i really miss this story....
update soon....fighting!!
257471 #7
Chapter 18: please update soon, this is interesting...
fufufufu25 #8
Please update this soon, author-nim~ I really miss this fic soo much♥♥