Morning Sun

Morning Sun

Key stirred awake. His room was peacefully silent, except for the soft hum of the heater in the background. Sunlight seeped through the long satin curtains and flowed right onto his bed. Usually, he would have gone back to sleep, but something caught his attention and he decided to wake up. He quietly slid off his bed, rubbing and blinking his eyes in order to adapt to the morning light. He walked towards the direction of the light. Key glanced back nervously, hoping that his roommate had not been awoken by him. Gently, he slid open the curtains.

The view of Paris laid before his eyes. The streets below him were bustling with activity. he could hear the muffled sound of traffic through the glass windows of his hotel room. People were going up and down the cobbled streets, huddling close to their scarves due to the cold. The sun was bright, but it wasn't warm. Key felt the winter chill as he gently touched the panes of the glass. 

Ah, this IS Paris, he thought, lips curving in a contented smile. He had fallen in love with this city not only for it being known as a fashion state, but also for its way of life. Things were so easy-going here. People's lives seem to be wrapped around the gentle aura of romance. It was, simply put, a pretty city in Key's eyes. He loved art, and this city is like a living piece of art to him.

He felt very adventurous. An idea had popped up in his head. Turning back again to see if his partner had any signs of waking up, he crept over and turned the heater up. When he was satisfied with the heat, he crept back to the window, now equipped with his phone. Curling his fingers over the latch, he softly pushed open the windows.

The cold gush of winter air hit him like a slap. He bit his lip and inhaled the sharp cold air. The heat from the heater was just enough to keep him from shivering. He turned his phone camera on, and held it near the sun. He quickly snapped a few selcas. Upon reviewing each picture, all of them showed the bright but chilling sunshine shining on his face. He was grinning into the camera, trying hard not to cringe from the cold. Finally satisfied with one picture, he chose that to update onto SHINee's me2day.

Suddenly, he felt a strong pair of arms wrap over his waist. A head gently rested on his back. 'Yeobo, you're gonna get a cold like this~' he heard the person's raspy mumble. Key suppressed a giggle. 'Oh Jjong~did I wake you?' he turned around, wrapping his own arms around the shorter man's muscular back.

 'Mmm...' Jonghyun looked up at Key, his puppy eyes barely open as he shook his head. Key giggled out loud this time, sweeping the older's bed hair into place. Jonghyun groaned softly, nuzzling Key as they remained in embrace. Key ran his fingers up and down Jonghyun's bare arms. With the chill of winter still blowing in through the partially opened window, Key was amazed at how Jonghyun managed to stay so warm. His lover was clad in nothing but a black singlet and grey shorts. He, on the other hand, was wrapped up in thick pajamas and fluffy shoes.

'Sometimes, I really I wonder if you were a husky in your past life,' Key wondered aloud, causing his partner to look up at him, eyes now wide in confusion. Key laughed again, reaching to shut the windows. 'Good morning, my sun~' Key smiled lovingly at him, before leaning over to kiss his cheek. Jonghyun responded, pulling Key into a kiss on the lips. It quickly ended with Key pushing him onto the bed, squealing 'YAH! We haven't brushed our teeth yet!!'  The puppy glanced at his lover with sad eyes, watching hopelessly as his lover ran away into the toilet. 

Key shut the toilet door, realising that he was still holding his phone, and had yet to upload his photo. Deep in thought, he wondered what captions should he type. Chewing on his lip, he remembered the sweet but shortlived kiss he had with  Jonghyun. A loving smile formed on his face. As if on cue, his fingers flew onto the keyboard, typing out a new caption.


'With the morning sun in the hotel!!!' 

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susumiya08 #1
awwwww soooo cute!!!♥3♥
Awwws so cute!!!! Jongkey love in Paris~~
monsterheartbreaker #3
Soooo fluffaaaaayyyy~ >//<
phiiee #5
Key, Jonghyun, Paris and whole loads of fluff <3
write more~!
Awwwwwwww, I love that reference :3

So cute and simple, I loved it <3
keygakeun #7
Adorable ;___;
So sweet Jongkey, I love this short fic ;)
(And man, I waaaaaant to go to Paris XDD)