The beginning of a Time without Mon

Never Regret US


This was it!
The day of their trip. The trip that Yoochun had worked so hard to achieve for his lover Junsu.
With a huge grin stuck to his face, the hard working man rose up out of the bed to the smell of breakfast.
The scent of home made waffles luring him to the kitchen.
His nose had not failed him, as when he came upon the kitchen he saw Junsu hard at work with a small pink apron on, his eyes focused on the pan in front of him.
"Mmm Su Baby smells nummy." Yoochun rubbed his stomach and made a pained face. "Gosh I am starving." Junsu's eyes grew wide as he turned his attention to Yoochun and saw his pretend hurt-filled look.
"Oh! Here! Sit!" With haste he pulled out a chair from the table and pushed Yoochun into it.
Neither had forgotten about Mon, neither had forgotten that Junsu had defended him over Yoochun, that it had taken his mother to snap him back into place.
But, for now anyway, both were content to lead their lives as a couple pretending as if it had never happened.
Swiftly Junsu set the waffles onto the table along with a plate of eggs, and a small serving of turkey bacon.
Yoochun frowned at the small amount of bacon. Junsu was always making small servings of things that had too much grease, much to Yoochuns disappointment.
"When did you start this?" Yoochun used a serving fork to lay some eggs and waffle onto his plate, his lips in anticipation as he layered his waffle with golden syrup.
Junsu smiled and set his hands on the table,leaning on them as he stared at Yoochun. 'Yep, I definitely still love him' For the past ouple of days Junsu had been doubting his lover over and over again, but right now, right at this moment, his heart was pounding in excitement, due to the overwhelming love he felt for Yoochun.
"Su?" Yoochun took a huge chunk of waffle and shoved it into his mouth, his eyes on Junsu, who was just blankly staring at him, almost as if he was daydreaming.
With a few chews and a large swallow Yoochun had his first bite of waffle down and he leaned over the table toward Junsu. "Su!" He shouted the name, startling Junsu out of his daze.
"Oh! Chunnie, did you like the waffle?" Junsu asked upon noting that a bite was gone.
"Su baby, you ok?" Yoochun looked genuinely worried. He wanted absolutely nothing to go wrong on this trip.
"Mhm! Chunnie you eat up! I will go and pack your bag! I did mine this morning!" Junsu slipped off the apron and with a final smile at Yoochun slipped up the steps.
With a confused look permanently glued to hs face Yoochun finished his waffle and eggs, then devoured every single slice of turkey bacon. A contented sigh filled the kitchen and Yoochun pat his stomach. 
"God Su sure made this delicious! Usually he fails..." Yoochun's eyes slipped over to stare at the stairs. It was silent up there and Yoochun decided to had up and thank Junsu for the breakfast...properly.
As quietly as he could he tip-toed up to their room and found Junsu frozen on the bed, staring blankly at a picture of Yoochun and him, when Junsu's father took them on a trip to Greece. Junsu was doing his angel pose while Yoochun was hugging him from behind, his head rested on Junsu's shoulder.
That was one of many pictures that Junsu's father had given them once he had accepted them
'You take good care of my son now, you here? You love him with every ounce of your being! With every fiber of your soul.' 
Junsu's father had been almost like a dad to Yoochun and he had become teary-eyed at the rememberance of the mans words.
'Yes sir. I will love your son for eternity and I will always stay by his side.'
'Good then. Well young man, I suppose you should know....I have cancer and am not going to live long. I wasn't willing to die until I knew that my son had found a woman to take care of him...but are better than any woman. I know Junsu can be difficult, and I know he isnt that bright, but he is kind and I can see that he loves you...'
'Sir I...'
'Don't speak, just listen.'
'I can see you two together forever. So, when I die, I will die happy knowing that my son has you.....'
That night Junsu's father had passed away with Junsu, his mom and Yoochun right there beside him.
That night...Yoochun swore that he would watch over Junsu forever.
With a small tear sliding down his face, Yoochun crept up to the bed and crawled over to his lover, where he then wrapped his arms around Junsu's shoulders.
"Su darling, are you okay?" After a moment of silence, Junsu's head began to move up and down.
"Mhm...I was just thinking...."
Yoochun smiled into Junsu's neck as he laid gentle kisses on the man's soft skin.
"Chunnie.....ah....I am sorry...." Junsu's mouth formed an 'O' as Yoochun began to on his neck, gently sliding his tongue along the curve of his shoulder. Junsu was getting goosebumps.
"For what?" Yoochun ceased on Junsu's neck and was pleased to see the skin had gone purple and red, a lovely little mark to remind Junsu that he belonged to Yoochun.
"For..doubting you. You have always been there for me, and I doubted you over the smallest thing." Yoochun ceased the romantic kissing and began to massage Junsu's back.
"Is that what you were worried about this entire time? Su, it's fine. So....." Yoochun his upper lip and puffed out his cheeks. "You told your mom about our engagement?" 
Junsu's shoulder began to shake and Yoochun thought he was crying. "Su!? Baby I'm sorry!" But Yoochuns fear was in vain, as Junsu's cute dolphin-like laugh filled the room.
With a slight chuckle he set the picture of Chunnie and him back on the desk and turned to give his attention to his handsome lover.
"Sort of. Haha, it was more like...I was in a hurry to see you so all I did was say something like 'I need to go and see my fiance. Come visit us sometime!'
Then I flashed her the ring and took off back home. Only to find you saying something about dying." Junsu laughed some more as Yoochun's mouth dropped open. 
"Wow! Really!? That's how you told her? No, Hey mom I have great news...but...with a flash of the ring and then a run? How cruel you are to my heart...."
Yoochun placed his hand about his heart and closed his eyes, slowly he became aware of Junsu's warm breath as the man pressed his lips against Yoochuns.
Gently Yoochuns hands slid down from Junsu's shoulder to his hands. With a small moan he kissed Junsu and smiled as they held their lips together. 
"Chunnie..I really love you. So much sometimes my heart hurts." Junsu pulled away from the kiss, and began to slide Yoochuns shirt up. "Let me feel you inside of me." Slowly, inch by inch, Yoochun's taut stomach was revealed..and then his chest...and soon the shirt was off.
Yoochun growled and began to attack Junsu's mouth. He slipped his tongue into the cavern of Junsu's mouth and began to Junsu's tongue. This heated, passionate kiss began to get more as Junsu began to slide off Yoochun's pants.
"Chunnie...mmm..." Yoochun bit Junsu's bottom lip, and kept his eyes open, watching his hot lovers reaction.
"Chun-" Both men stopped midway as the phone rang.
"I'll get it..." junsu glared at the phone and stormed over to it, angrily he answered.
"Hello? Thanks for interrupting my morning !" He roared into the phone not even bothering to find out who it was.
"oookaayy....." Mon's shocked voice answered and Junsu felt his face flush red. Behind him on the bed Yoochun began to slip back on his shirt.
"Erm....well it's true!" Junsu spoke defensively and cluthed the phone tightly, his eyes turning to Yoochun and smiling.
"That's what I wanted to know...." Junsu stuck out his bottom lip in a pout at Mon's tone.
"If your gonna be that way I'm gonna hang up, I have to pack."
"Pack?" Mon's tone became serious and no longer angry.
"Where are you going?"
"To be frank Mon..that's really none of your business." Junsu kept staring at Yoochun who gently smiled back, then frowned when he heard Mon's name.
"None of my.....but Su darling...we are friends aren't we?" Junsu clenched his jaw together and pointed at the phone with his other hand and rolled his eyes.
Yoochun did not smile, but he did appear to lighten up abit, as a moment ago he had appeared tense and now he was laying on the bed in a y pose, trying to encourage Junsu to hang up the phone.
"Su baby, just hang up...we only have an hour before we have to leave and i cannot go like this...." Yoochun pointed with both hands at the bulge in his pants.
Junsu his lips at Yoochun and winked. "Listen Mon I have to go. When I get back fom my trip in say....two weeks...let's have lunch okay?"
"Su where are you going? Please tell me?" Mon sounds so sad. "You are the only friend I have...the only person I connect with...two weeks without you is a very long time....Im going to be lonely."
"Aish...Chunnie and I are going on something kind of like a honeymoon ok? I will be back and we can text and stuff while I'm on my trip..."
"Just text? What about calling?"
Junsu heaved out a sigh. "Nope no calling, this is just for me and Chunnie....not even my mother is going to call me..."
"Su....I will really miss you...." Mon's voice sounded so lost and pathetic that Junsu began to feel slightly bad for not telling him about the trip sooner.
"I will miss you too Mon. I assure you that I will text you as often as I can okay?" 
Junsu heard a small sniffle on the other end of the line. "mm...what if I get beat up again?"
Junsu furrowed his brow. "Then tell me who they are and what they look like and I will deal with them when I get back. Mon I have to go now. Bye!" Then without waiting for an answer Junsu hung up, and unplugged the phone.
"Now....where were we...." Chunnie grinned devilishly. "Too late! Haha, let's finish packing." Junsu crossed his arms and resumed the pout he had while on the phone. "That's just rude! RUDE!" 
"Dammit! you JUNSU! YOU Yoochun! God..DAMMIT!" Mon threw his phone at the wall in frustration.
"How the hell could Junsu NOT tell me about this!" 
Yoochun had won this round and Mon knew it. Somehow Yoochun had convinced his Su not to tell him about the trip. 
"Junsu is MINE dammit!"
Mon would ruin them. He HAD to, this wasn't about getting Junsu as his..this was about getting revenge. After what had happened to him, Mon decided that NO COUPLE deserved a happy ending. Junsu and Yoochun were just the beginning to an endless string of lovers that Mon was determined to end.
"Chunnie you are such a tease!"Junsu whined in the car the entire drive to the ship. 
He had been so eager to feel Chunnie inside of him but Mon had ruined that.
Why did the guy always come in at the worst times?
"Thank you Su." Was the only thing Yoochun had responded with during the entire trip in the car. 
Junsu was unsure what the 'thank you' was for but he had seen how Yoochun's face was lit up the entire time.
'Boy he sure is happy...' Junsu adjusted his seat belt and pouted out the window.
Both of them looked forward to this two week trip, this was their time to relax, to get to know even MORE about eachother (like THAT was possible haha), and get to spend every waking second second smiling at each other happy.
They were in love and there was no stopping them. 
When they arrived at the port where there ship was waiting, Junsu's mouth hung open.
hundreds of people were in line at the entrance, each with their own belongings in tow.
"Chunnie.....I...this is incredible."
The huge ship loomed before them as they exited their car, a smile plastered to Yoochun's face.
'Finally, I have made Junsu happy with me' These past few well....weeks had been hard for Yoochun as he watched Junsu begin to slowly slip away from him, and he was powerfless to stop it.
But, within these next two weeks he knew that their relationship would be repaired and when they returned they could get an official marriage. They could officially become one.
As Junsu raced to the line, Yoochun let out a small quiet chuckle. His Junsu was back to his old self, and acting like a child.
"Su wait for me!" Yoochun quickly followed Junsu to the line and began to wait with him.
'Hmm..maybe I should....' Yoochun eyed Junsu's happy, gorgeous face and he decided instantly.
"Su baby I have to use the restroom. I will  be right back." Junsu looked surprised but pointed behind them.

"Haha well, there's a port-a-potty." Yoochun frowned at the small bathroom but took his leave form Junsu and approached it.
Once inside he took out his cell phone and diled Junsu's mom's number.
"Hello?" Her voice was like music to his ears.
"Hi! It's Yoochun!" 
"Oh Chunnie! How are you? How is Junsu?"
Yoochun felt so much gratitude to this woman. She had brought his Junsu back, had made him remember how much they loved eachother....
"We are....great. It's all because fo you mom. All because of you. I called before out trip so that i could thank you..." His eyes began to well.
"Chunnie darling, I did nothing but remind him of the love he felt for you. I don't know who this Mon guy is but he needs to leave the picture."
"Mom Mon is...." Then Yoochun did a short and fast summary of who the man was.
"Chunnie....he...and Junsu let him....and.....oh my...." Junsu's mom's voice was tight. 
"Well, I am glad you stuck with him Chunnie."
"I am going to stick with him forever Mom. Even if he walks on me like I am a welcome mat, I love him to much to leave."
"If he EVER walks on you like that, then I will personally kick my own son's . Now Chunnie you have fun on your trip and call me afterwards. I was to hear everything!"
Yoochun said goodbye and hung up the phone, then he wiped his eyes and stepped out of the restroom, returning to Junsu's side.
"Chunnie...." Junsu eyed him. "Were you crying?"

Yoochun smiled lightly at the concern and waved his hand in front of him. "I'm just happy to be with on this trip."
Junsu let out a shy smile as, in public, in front of all the people, he leaned up and kissed Yoochun on the cheek.
"As am I."
AUTHORS NOTE: I am back! For a while I just couldnt get into my YooSu (even though they are my favorite pairing ever O_O weird huh?) But I have now!!! :3 I shall update this story more often now! ^_^ Thank you for patiently waiting! I love my readers! SO kind! <3 <3 remember to Comment!
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Update my YooSu! ENJOY!!


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Chapter 19: Wow, how come I only JUST found this story? I read it all in one day ^_^ apthough the ending was sad, I'm glad that Suie isn't suffering and is with Yoochunnie again.
silvergalleon #2
Chapter 15: i reread this story again..
Chapter 19: whyyyyyyyyyy junsu you stupid pabooooo bakaaaaaaa janaiiiii!!!
poor chunnie he's suffering a lot damn you Mon!!
such a beautiful story^^
Chapter 19: Whoa i m still shocked there death hurts me. I wasn't expecting your ending. Your story taught me how valuable love is. I still feel bad that Yoochun had to suffer due to Junsus mistakes of meeting Mon. My heart is literally sad and I have read a lot of angsty fictions. Author ssi your good. I plan on reading another of your stories. Keep up the good work. (y)
1210theRose #5
Chapter 19: I know it would end like this tbqh.
Because their relationship was a mess.
I never said this in my life but I would blame Junsu for this.
He's more than stupid. Letting a man that was not your lover kissed you and called you darling in front of your lover was an as*hole would do. (I CALLED JUNSU AS*HOLE? o___O) Yet he still blame his lover. Junsu didn't even realize it. Tsk.
Mon is a bastard, if he didn't happy then kill yourself. Don't drag innocent people -,-
And then Junsu again, he knew that Mon was up to something but still contact him. He even dare to lie to Yoochun about him dated with Jae back then.
This fic is really something and I like it. I NEVER mad at Junsu but this fic made me XDD
Just read it for 1 day today haha
Thanks for the great fic^^
Chapter 19: why?? oh.. why??
i never expect it will end like this T________T this story really give me a deep impression.

even if it has character death, but i still like it. congrats for finishing it ^^
Chapter 19: I don't know if I'm doing a good thing writing right after I've read it... I didn't see this coming. I didn't at all and now I am just shocked and teary..
Aish, this.. I don't know, is this bittersweet? I suppose it is.. I figure the worst way would be for Junsu to keep living after Chun's death.. He'd never recover, I'm sure of it so I think.. I think I may be relieved. Afterlife or not, at least neither of them will have to hurt anymore.. To be honest, I don't mind this because I don't just like happy endings, but I must admit this caught me by surprise. Damn Mon! *rants angrily for a while* and longterm, damn Seo! xD Sorry, I'm trying to lighten myself up a bit, I hope you don't think I'm being insensitive.
Honey, believe me, your story has deffinitely motivated me to continue supporting you and so I will! *hugs tightly* I'm sorry if I was a bit incoherent with my comment, I'm just still a bit shaken up.. I hope you can forgive me for that :) And now I shall move on to your next story ;) Ahhh... *composure*
Chapter 19: WHY THIS TT__TT cry a river.. suie.. chunnie.. STILL CRYS
Chapter 19: WOWOWOWOW~~~~~
Author-nim...o dear..I`m in panic now..
really didnt expect the story to end this such a big twist..Yoosu died?and my heart dies too..
anyway,author-nim its your story and I am your are the plot maker and i am just a supporter(huhu,like I can make a song from it)..but really~~your story really leave a big impression to me...

So sad to know that it is complete...I am gonna miss this story and definitely gonna visit this story sometimes(i sound ridiculous) you so much author-nim..Chongmall~~~<3<3<3 xoxo
Chapter 18: Omg!!! I probably shouldn't have read both chapters at once. How the hell will I manage to stay coherent now? XD Aish, I will attempt. *composure*
First things first. I feel bad for Mon. Okay, he is an ___ for ruining Yoosu and even Jae, but I can't help but feel sorry for him. Seo really is mean! >.< And I do wonder if someday in someway Mon will manage to heal. I hope so :) Perhaps he'll fall for Changmin and end up happy! Hahahaha! XDDD Joking, joking. It's your plotline :)
Then I have to say that while I do understand Yoochun I feel he can be very temperamental at times. I don't think a break would do Yoosu good unless it is decided mutually, you know? I was happy to see Su firm and ready to go back to Chun, but then.. O.O
I was just gawking at those moments. Oh pleaaaase to get Jaesu scarred, it would be so sad!!.. Aish, did Mon do this? Gah, one moment I sympathize him and the next I want to punch him! I think I'm turning bipolar! XDD
Great chapters both. I can't wait for the next chapter (technically I can and will) xD Author-ssi, fighting! I'm glad my comments work as a motivation to you! :*