Is it Raining Outside?

Is it Raining Outside?

Seungri was soaked, and G-Dragon was not amused.

It was well past midnight when the loud banging around the kitchen and living room area of the dorm rouses enough curiosity in the forever-awake GD to make him leave the confines of his room. He stumbles out, eyes a little blurry, and heads toward the source of the noise. What he finds as he enters the kitchen is Taeyang patiently searching for something (presumably a dish of some sort since his head is in the cupboard), and a soaking wet Seungri, standing at the threshold of the room.

There is debris everywhere, and it is clear that Seungri had tried to find something for himself before Taeyang came to the rescue.

“What on earth?” GD manages to bite out, trying not to sound irritated, but failing most spectacularly.

“Hey, Ji, where is that plastic dish that we used to use for Gaho and Boss?” Taeyang asks, head still inside the cupboard.

Taken slightly off-guard, GD gives the back of Taeyang’s head a look of utter confusion. “umm, the cupboard by the stove?” Taeyang makes a noise and shuffles over to that cupboard.

Seungri, meanwhile, is still standing at the entrance to the kitchen. GD returns his full attention to him, and how he seems to be clutching something close to his body as he drips all over the floor.

“Raining out?” GD asks. It’s a trap, and both of them know it. If Seungri admits that it is raining out, he will get in trouble for having been out so late (and for getting the floor wet). If Seungri doesn’t admit it, then he will get in trouble for lying, and for being out so late, and for getting the floor wet.

“FOUND IT!” Seungri was saved from having to think of a possible answer by Taeyang’s triumphant shout. GD and Seungri turn to look at him as he stands up brandishing a small plastic dish, before going over to the sink and filling it with water.

“What do you need it for?” It was this precise moment that Seungri had been dreading. Taeyang ignores it, as he was too proud of himself for having found the container to really pay attention to anything else, so Seungri is left to fend for himself.

“Well, I went out for a walk-“

“At 4:30” GD cuts in, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Well, yes, but anyway I was out at--” and then, seemingly out of nowhere, a soft mew is heard. Seungri starts to squirm a little, like he is trying to keep a hold on something, and then the sound happens again.


GD’s eyes go wide and his gaze narrows onto Seungri’s midsection, where he has his arms crossed. “Is that... is that a cat?”

Seungri seems to give up trying to explain himself. Instead of saying anything, he pulls a small black and grey kitten out of his jacket.

“Can I keep it?” Seungri asks, only a little forlornly. The look on GD’s face says ‘OMG ew’ but Seungri iss hoping to catch the man’s soft side.

“What, Ri? Just, where did you even?” GD is having a hard time making complete sentences, which is a good thing for Seungri (who hands the kitten over to an expectant Taeyang for food and water) because that means that GD is going to give in.

“It was lost and look! It likes Taeyang!”

“You don’t even know if it is a boy or a girl. Oh god, why am I even considering this. Just, fine. Just, make sure it’s healthy or something.” GD is trying to sound strict, but as he spoke he moved closer to Taeyang and the kitten.

Seungri was dismissed by Taeyang to go and dry himself, while GD and Taeyang played with the bitty kitten.


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How lovely story! !!!♥♥♥♡
AWWW!!!!!! So cute!
Aww! <3
Taeyang: ! *hugs the kitty*