Rain Showers

Rain Showers


The aroma of coffee beans and the muted sound of people chatting surrounded the two boys as they sat in the coffee shop. They were tucked comfortably into a booth in a far corner, deaf to the rest of the world.

The taller of the two placed his elbows on the table, leaning forward as he spoke, his eyes animating as he became more enraptured with his topic. The younger boy looked hypnotized by the other, smiling down at his lap at his excitement. When he stopped talking long enough to breathe, the younger stretched out his arm to touch the soft, mahogany coloured curls which came to the base of his neck.

He the silky hair, smoothing it down while running his fingers through. The dark haired boy moved his hand over top to hold the other hand in place, and then brought it to his lips, kissing the palm.

“I love you Taemin,” he murmured against the skin, the phrase coming so easily it was obvious he had said it countless times before.

The one called Taemin shivered as warm breath fanned out in sweets tendrils along his thin, pale arm. He put his hand against the elder’s cheek, hand molding to the shape of his face. He made eye contact, blushing beautifully before moving his hand back into his lap.

He was looking out the window, watching the rain fall outside when the server came, dropping off their drinks with a chirpy “Enjoy!” before scampering back behind the counter.

Taemin turned his attention back to the tall, dark-haired beauty in front of him, who was studying him while taking a sip of his chai latte.

“How is it,” he asked, gesturing to Taemin’s untouched white chocolate mocha sitting in front of him.

He bowed his head, quickly reaching for the porcelain mug. His eyes lit up as he tasted it, savouring the sweet taste on his tongue. His date watched in amusement when some whipped cream was left on his top lip.

The other noticed his expression, whining “Hyung! Why are you laughing at me?” He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

His senior only chuckled more at the adorable expression in front of him, reaching over the wipe the whipped cream with his thumb, it off teasingly before grinning back. Taemin merely peered at him over his drink, refusing to smile back, but failing miserably when his hyung ruffled his fine blond hair.

“Minho,” he whined yet again, feigning annoyance. Minho just stuck his tongue out, standing up next to Taemin and holding out his rubber duck-yellow raincoat for him to put on.

“Shall we go,” he offered, helping the blond with his sleeves. Taemin looked up at him with wide doe eyes, nodding, and eagerly reached for the other’s hand.

Minho led them out of the coffee shop, into the old cobblestone streets. The rain began to come down harder, if that were even possible, forcing everyone else who was walking along the streets to hurry on to their destinations.

Taemin pirouetted slowly around, taking in all the views of the water-drenched city. He paused in his turning to notice some tulips in the small park just across from where they were standing; he loved how beautiful they looked with the water droplets sliding swiftly down each petal.

“Look,” he gasped, gesturing with his hand towards the ruby coloured flowers. “Aren’t they gorgeous?”

“They’re alright,” Minho responded, unimpressed. “I see something more beautiful than that by a long shot.”

Taemin furrowed his brow, craning his neck to look up at the taller boy. “What is it?”

Minho bent down slightly so they were eye level.


And with that, he leaned forward and gently pressed their lips together. Rain cascaded around them, and just like that, they became the only spot of sunshine in the middle of a rain shower.

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Chapter 1: oh my gosh thats so beautiful! <3
Allimac #2
Chapter 1: So cute and sweet...<3
That. was... so.. ADORABLE AND FLUFFY ♥ hehe very well written >3<
awww thats so cute!!
so sweet!! i love it! XD
Such fluffy loveliness! Very nicely done ;)
Cilover #7
That was sooo lovely...it should have been longer <3
Adorable~! ;_;
thank you!
Aww that's so cute i love it so much