Chapter Ten (FINAL CHAPTER!!)

From the Past


                “Ommo…It’s the time machine…” Yoona whispered, grasping onto Taecyeon’s hand tightly.

                “It’s fine…As long as we don’t touch anything, it’ll be fine… Just ignore it.” Taecyeon led Yoona around the time machine so they wouldn’t touch it. But every time they continued walking down the street, Taecyeon and Yoona would always come across the flashing wooden box.

                “Taecyeon…” Yoona bit her lip nervously.

                “Let’s see…” Taecyeon crouched beside the wooden box, and examined it. “Oh. Look here. Here’s a letter…Hm…” Taecyeon grabbed the piece of paper propped up beside the wooden box, careful not to touch it.

To Im Yoona and Ok Taecyeon,

                As you may have figured, this is no ordinary wooden box. It is a time machine that sends you centuries forward. But this time machine was created for a reason. In times when a relationship was at a crisis, and the two people involved loved each other, this would come in handy. In other words, this time machine separated two lovers and then brought them together if their love was meant to be. You two have accomplished that, even with tears.

                Yoona, you managed to forgive Taecyeon because you loved him. That’s unbreakable love. Taecyeon, you never gave up, and in the end, you got what you wanted. Now that you two are happy, I give you another choice. You may go back to the Joseon dynasty or you may remain here in the 21st century. It’s your choice, but you should make it soon. You can carry it, just be careful not to press any buttons on this wooden box. When you make your decision, if you want to go back into the past, you should put this note on top of the box, and it will disappear for the rest of your lives. However, if you want to stay here in the 21st century, just throw away this note. Good luck with this decision, I know it’ll be hard, so take your time to think about it.

Sincerely yours,



                “Taecyeon, do you want to bring this home to think about it?” Yoona glanced at Taecyeon worriedly.

                “Do we need to? I think we both know the answer…” Taecyeon shook his head, hoping Yoona would understand where he was going with his thoughts.

                “N-Neh.” Yoona nodded slowly.



                Yoona and Taecyeon found themselves smiling at their friends’ vows. It was longer than a usual wedding ceremony, because instead of one couple getting married, two were getting married.

                “I’m so happy for you guys!!” Yoona exclaimed, jumping up and down. “Have fun on your honey moon!!” After the wedding, the three couples stood outside the hotel saying their goodbyes.

                “Mmhmm…Where are you guys going to for a honeymoon?” Ara hugged Minho before glancing at Seohyun and Yong Hwa.

                “Hehehe…We’re going to New York.” Seohyun giggled as Yong Hwa whispered into her ear.

                “We’re going to Paris!!” Minho exclaimed. “Here I come escargot!” He beamed happily.

                “Speaking of Paris, you two need to go with us. You have a photo shoot.” Ara exclaimed, all business-like.

                “Yeah, I know…It’s tomorrow right?” Yoona stuck out her tongue.

                “Neh. We already finished packing.” Taecyeon nodded.

                “Well we ought to be going! See you tomorrow Yoona and Taecyeon!” Minho nodded before leading his wife away to his car. Yoona and Taecyeon waved goodbye, and gave Yong Hwa and Seohyun departing hugs for they were leaving tonight to New York.

                “Remember to get me something Seohyun!” Yoona giggled.

                “I know!! Byebye!” Seohyun smiled brightly before following her husband’s footsteps.

                “YO YONG HWA! GET ME SOMETHING TOO!!” Taecyeon screamed, hoping his best friend would hear him.

                “YAH. I KNOW!” Yong Hwa shouted back.



“YAH! OK TAECYEON!! COME BACK HERE!!” Yoona screamed at her boyfriend who took her hat.

                “I NEED IT!!” Yoona chased after Taecyeon, waving her fist in the air.

                “Scary lady!!” Taecyeon chuckled, running north. He slowed down after they arrived in front of it. The Eifel Tower. It was at night, and the lights illuminated the tower beautifully. Yoona stopped chasing after Taecyeon and widened her eyes at the sight in front of her. “It’s…beautiful…”

Taecyeon turned Yoona’s head to face him before he spoke. “Yoona, I’m not perfect, but I swear I’ll be perfect for you. So will you marry me?” Taecyeon knelt down on one knee, glancing up at Yoona with sincere eyes.

                “YES!!! I WAS WAITING FOR YOU TO ASK ME THAT LIKE YEARS AGO!!” Yoona laughed, jumping into her soon-to-be husband’s arms.



                “You may say your vows now.” The priest gave permission to the couple standing in front of them.

                The bride nodded slowly, before reading the sheet of paper held in front of her face. “I, Im Yoona will forever and always, love Ok Taecyeon. Nothing will break us apart, even time won’t break us apart.” Yoona paused to look at the crowd in front of her. Everyone on the benches cocked their heads, giving confusing glances, but Ara and Taecyeon understood what Yoona meant by time. Yoona continued. “After today, not only will we be an official couple, but we will be two newly-weds. Together, as husband and wife, we will brave through any obstacle thrown at us. Through thick or thin, I, Im Yoona will always stay by your side.” Yoona smiled at her soon-to-be husband, but a tear leaked out of Yoona’s big doe eyes. Taecyeon smiled back reassuringly, reaching over to brush off the tear.

                “Mr. Ok Taecyeon, you may say your vows.” The priest nodded his head after Yoona finished speaking.

                “I, Ok Taecyeon, had given up so many wonderful things to be where I am now. But I don’t regret it, because the woman standing in front of me is the love of my life. She’s the only reason why I continue on to live.” Taecyeon grinned at Yoona as the crowd below them all heaved a happy sigh. “Even time shows that our love is unbreakable. We were meant to be, and I will forever love Im Yoona, no matter what.” Taecyeon scratched the back of his neck. “Mianhae…I’m not very good with vows.” He addressed everyone in the crowd, but they all chuckled.

                “You may now kiss the bride.” The priest smiled at Taecyeon. Taecyeon reached over and kissed Yoona happily. “Your vows are good enough for me.” Yoona whispered against her husband’s lips. He smiled through their kiss.

                “I’ll love you forever Ok Taecyeon…” Yoona said, after breaking away from the passionate kiss.

                “I’ll love you forever Im Yoona…” Taecyeon smiled at his wife.

                “Forever…We’ve been through a lot, tears, heartbreaks, but in the end…Our love…is timeless. Even when we’re from the past.” Yoona smiled, overjoyed that her dream as a child finally came true. To end up with Ok Taecyeon.  


HEHEHEHE!!! STORY IS NOW MARKED AS COMPLETED. i'm really grateful for you guys. for all your support. so here's the last chapter(: YAYYY they end up together!! hehehe^^ gah. sorry for such a short chapter, it's done after all!! to clear things up, in the end, yoona and taecyeon stayed in the 21st century because if they went back to the Joseon dynasty, yoona's parents wouldn't approve. Same Face, Different Place this is another story i'm currently writing, except its with luyoon instead of taecyoon(: i'm glad you guys enjoyed this story (AT LEAST I THINK SO.) i really want to thank everyone for their comments, including  j_love2pm, weloveyoona, strawberi1928, tylover123, GSL1999, taeyeonlover, and novamp! (SORRY IF I SPELL YOUR NAME WRONG, AND THIS IS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER....its just that i was looking through the comments and all, and thats the order..hehehe) i also want to thank my friends: ForeverYoon26, musicxdance, crazyorange45 for letting me know how you feel about my ideas(: YOU GUYS ROCK. love you all!! <3 you all motivated me to continue on, and it really brought a smile to my face to read all your comments!! :D tehehe^^ and silent readers, i appreciate your support too!! :D   

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a collection of oneshots~ is up! >< the oneshot will possibly be posted this week if i'm not too lazy...>


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unubold #1
Chapter 6: hi i like this story but taec's reason was most ridiculous thing I've ever heard or read. I really don't understand why people say i'm not worth of him/her unless they are criminals. he loved her and he heard that she loved him too. but in this situtaion, isn't it just the stupidest thing to do to set her up with his "player" friend?!
Chapter 10: I love your story! :3 Im a little jealous since it had an interesting plot and a happy ending (with of course my two favorite couples). I hope you have more awesome storiesthat I can read about with TaecYoon characters! I'll be waiting! X3
kpop4everalive #3
Chapter 9: i love this story! actually i love every story between taec and yoona
HEY! I just started reading this wonderful story. Since Forbidden Love is on "break" I decided to scroll through all your other fanfictions! I don't know a lot about Korean bands, celebrities, that stuff, but I sure love your plots. I bet that you're in Honor s English, with writing like that! ;) Hope you don't disappoint me! (juuuust kidding)
omg this fic was really good. I think this is the first time i read a time fic with yoona in it and i really liked it ^.^ Also, I love that you put in EXO and especially Luhan cause I also ship LuYoon lol. again, great fic :)
i just came to re-read this story... my goodness. it was the BEST. ENDING. EVER. and definitely an AMAZINGGGG story... <33 hehe

seriously. the ending. was. perfect. gah. i shall re-read this story many times :)
Nice story!!!!!!! ^_^
Love the story!!!!!!!! ^_^
Nice ending!!!!!!!,
LuvFFWorld #8
Sorry I didn't know I unsubscribed the story. This was a good story. Thank you so much.
j_love2pm #9
they gonna back to past?
N one more chapter?
Update soon...