Give us back our Leader! *Oneshot*

Give us back our Leader!


A new journey begins for their leader, Onew. Well, he is still a part of SHINee but he has been assigned to join a sib group unit consist of B2st Doojoon, F.Cuz Jinon,MBLAQ Seungho and Supernova Sirius Sungje. Its a group called 'Boys From Beyond'.
Onew was all hyped up to start his new ever chapter with the new group. On the other hand, the other 4 members of SHINee is not really agreeing to the situation where they need to take their leader into the sub unit group. They felt as if they're taking him completely and no turning back. Onew is going be away for 3 months with that group and it will make a lot of difference to SHINee.

"Hyung, don't forget us." Minho declares. "Yeah, 3 months. We're still SHINee right hyung?" Taemin asked. "Aish why you guys worry so much? Yes I am still a part of SHINee, still the leader. Just 3 months and its gonna be over :)" Onew responded calmly.

Onew knows that his dongsaeng felt insecure about this sub unit group but he assures them that time will passed very fast and everything will be back to normal. The 4 members nodded and unwillingly saying goodbye to their leader. Onew within seconds left no trace. The 4 members began to pout and pulls off a long face. Their manager pats each of their shoulders and said not to worry as Onew will be back after 3 months.


The first month ends quite okay. Minho has several dramas to shoot. Taemin has been actively participating in Immortal Song, Jonghyun and Key has an own radio show every Friday Night. Each of them has their schedules. But with all of that, they always think about Onew. Only for the first few weeks, Onew has been sending them text messages and calling them but after that no more of those. They were quite worried but their manager told them not to as maybe he's busy preparing songs or something. The 4 members just shrugged it off as to not think further as it will them thinking negatively. They did called and send messages to Onew but they received no respond from him.

"I wonder what Onew hyung is doing right now" Taemin blankly asked. "I wonder too" Jonghyun followed after.


2 months have passed and there's still no signs of Onew responding their calls or messages. They became to feel worried and insecure. They tried to call B2st Doojoon but to no avail. They tried to call the other leaders who's in the same group with Onew but fails. Everyone including their manager is pondering on what Onew is doing until he can't find time to call them back or reply to their messages. Each of them doing their own schedules feeling not at ease. Some other artist notice the long faces in Jonghyun,Key,Minho and Taemin and even asking them if they're alright. They will simply just nod and said nothing or just smiles. Fans have been asking where is Onew all this while and the other 4 said the truth about the sub unit group. They also predicted that B2st,F.Cuz,Mblaq and Supernova fans are also asking the same thing. Then one thing struck Jonghyun's mind.

"I'll go check his twitter if he has update anything." Jonghyun said. "Ahh yes, go go go!" Key demand him to be quick.

Jonghyun online his twitter and proceed in typing Onew's username. He saw some recent updates from Onew and he began reading them one by one.

Whohoo! Our songs going to be a hit. Please look out for "Boys From beyond"!~ 2 minutes ago
Wahhhhhhhhhhh hot hot hot, practicing with fellow members. Fighting!~ 2 hours ago
Dinner with my lovely members. Happy eating everyone!~ *pic* Yesterday
Wheee!~ Seungho hyung feeds me ddokbokki!~ *pic* 3 days ago
I am dancing, rapping, singing. Wow please show love for Boys from Beyond!~ 1 week ago
Enjoying with my hyungs at -insert restaurant name-! yumm! *pic* 1 month ago

Jonghyun could not believe what he has just saw. He didn't know on how to react, either to be angry or sad. He showed Key, Taemin and Minho who also couldn't believe their eyes. It made Taemin teared up a lil and then ran back to his room. Manager was curious as to what makes Taemin suddenly sulk. Again Jonghyun shows the evidence. Their manager was sure to be surprised too.

"It looks like he's having fun." Jonghyun sigh. Minho and Key could only sigh as well. They walked back to their rooms slowly feeling outrageously sad. Jonghyun is still online on his twitter wantng to tweet something that will make Onew sees it. And therefore he tweeted,
I am sure you're having fun now but please, remember us. We're waitng.
Fans retweeted meaning they understand who is Jonghyun referring too. Jonghyun is too lazy to read his mentions as he knows fans are quite concerned about SHINee now.


3 month have passed and the 4 members are at Music Bank waiting for 'Boys From Beyond' to debut its first stage. After performances from various artist, finally its their turn to perform. The 4 members glues their eyes on stage just to see how Onew looked like after not seeing him for 3 months. They came out and started performing. It was a very catchy song and fans starting to love it. They saw Onew who was dancing and singing energetically. Onew didn't know that his 4 dongsaengs were there watching him. But when Onew saw them, he immediately look away and continue singing. Jonghyun was sure Onew saw them but judging that he's not clearly see them. As the song finishes, they bowed to fans and ran back to backstage.
The 4 members also went to backstage and surprisingly there was B2st, Mblaq, F,Cuz and Supernova members too. They too wanted to see their leader. And so we demand them to come out. But their security managers said meeting them is not allowed and kick us out. All were stunned by the actions taken. They were quite pissed off and at the same time sad too. Minho tried calling Onew but he rejected Minho's call. 


After few months of debuting as 'Boys from Beyond'. The 4 members are sure that Onew has forgotten about them. So as the other groups who feel the same way. And one day, they received a message from Onew stated "Im sorry but I will be with BFB now. Jonghyun you will be the new leader of SHINee. Goodbye and take care" All received the same ext message and Minho is furiously mad and began to call Onew numerous time but to no avail. Jonghyun then tried to call a member from F.Cuz, Key calls a member from B2st, Minho calls a member of Supernova and Taemin calls a member from Mblaq. To their surprised, their leader also said the same thing.

"Who the hel brainwashed them?!" Minho couldn't keep his temper. "What to do Minho... we have to accept the fact." Jonghyun tries to calm him down."NO! He's originally from SHINee. A LEADER OF SHINee! Who the hell start up with this plan of sub unit group anyway?!" MInho yells even louder.

Taemin was already in tears while Key tried to comfort him. After weeks accepting the fact, they finally move on as a 4 member group so as Mblaq,Supernova,B2ST and F.Cuz. They wouldn't dare to add another member to it. As years passed, Jonghyun tried calling Onew's phone again but its not available. Did he changed number? Well he bet. They did saw BFB performances and they admit its the best group. They miss Onew but they can't do anything about it. Onew has forgotten about SHINee.

=Sorry for the lame fanfic as its my first writing it. Don't mind the grammatical errors. and thanks for reading=

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readerisme #1
Chapter 1: This can never happen.Onew must forever be shinee's leader.
By the way,i love your stories ^^
make a sequel
Quwanda #3
Sequal.....this is so not fair damn it onew
Tsk ! sequel ! IDC ! ONEW MUST BE FOREVER THE SHINee LEADER . Btw good job in your first fanfic :)
NOOOOO !!!!!

ONEW WILL BE SHINee's leader!

I demand a sequel! please!

this is not the reality i wanted! XD
No no no no NOOOOOO!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US!??!?!??! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A UN-HAPPPY ENDING!!!! Your subbies demand a sequal! This is unacceptable , K?

-Bubbles </3 //☂//
This sounds really interesting! Update soon , K? Saranghae!

-Bubbles <3 ☂