[Operation 3.2] Mission 'Be A Ghost' start NOW~!

☂ Seducing a cute geek

" Okay enough of laughing guys. We need to get ready now. " said Kiseop. 

All of them took their costume and change quickly. Sungjong became a Lady White, Kiseop and Jaehyo became Vampires, Daehyun became a Jiang Shi a.k.a a jumping Chinese zombie/vampire while Jongup became a cheonyeo gwishin or known as the ghost. 

After transforming into a ghost, they took a Polaroid picture together with the help of BaakHyun. Well yah Baekhyun wasn't suppose to be at the camp as he is still under medication and he's suppose to be in hospital but earlier he came to school to get his book for revision but he fell asleep in the nurse room and when he got up it was about midnight.

" Guys can I ask something ?' Baekhyun ask.

"Yah sure" sungjong answer

"Who is Chanyeol partnering ?' Baekhyun continued

"Well he's with Hyemi, the girl that transfer into our class" sungjong answer with a i-don't-care tone.

Jongup when and hit sungjong arm trying to say that he had hurt Baekhyun feeling because even the whole school there's something going on between those two.

"Hyung don't worry so much. Chanyeol will not fall for Hyemin and neither will Hyemi fall for Chanyeol. If you are that worry why don't you just text him and ask him to come here and meet you." Sungjong say.

"by the way guys, why again do I have to be the white lady ?" Sungjong ask despite knowing the answer.

" Because Hyung look like a girl and it suit you." jongup reply with a contagious laugh making everyone laugh.

"Shut up. Look's who's talking the ghost " Sungjong shout as the rest continue to laugh. 

" Okay but seriously if you were to become a lady white one day, I bet you'll never achieve to scared anyone and maybe they'll fall for you. Look at yourself, you look super cute~!!!!" Kiseop say as they continue to laugh even harder.

"Ah whatever" Sungjong reply as he sat on the chair waiting for them to stop laughing.

After those funny joke, they want to their 'hunting position' Kiseop and Jaehyo was the the school hall, Daehyun and Jongup  was around the school compound while sungjong was at the sport hall with other type of ghost.

--In the School : Level 4 --

JongUp P.O.V 

"Yah! cheonyeo gwishin!, where are you going~!" Daehyun shouted across the corridor

"Duh Away from You ~!' I shout back.

"Don't leave me here alone, Honey~!" He pouted 

What did he just call me 'honey' ?, I'm so gonna kill him. So what if he's my hyung, after what he did to me just now, I'll never forgive him.

"Come on, forgive me please." He as he hug me tightly.

" No!" I answers while trying to break free from his hug. 

"Don't you like it ?" He ask

"Duh Hell NO!, the pain stink" I reply pushing him very hard till he fell down on the ground.

"Well your body enjoy it, am I right ?" He continued as he wink at me.

I didn't know what to reply and I was blushing like a ripe tomato. He then quickly get up and pinned be to the wall. He kissed me passionately. His tounge was fighting with mine. I give up eventually. I'm just tired after what happend. Then i heard footstep. I was damn panic. I use my strength to pull Daehyun but fail. The footstep became louder I was panic that I use everything I have and push him into one of the class.

It was Himchan. That was super close if Himchan say us kissing he'll probably kill us. At the same point I wanted to say hi to him but just then I remember that I'm not JONGUP Im a FEMALE GHOST.

he walked closer and closer towards me. My heart was beating so hard that I bet he could hear it. 

"You know, you are actually quite cute to be a ghost." Himchan say with his cheesy flirting voice. 

"But I don't think you actually suit being a cheonyeo gwishin right? " He pat my head and have this evil smile on his face.

Suddenly his phone ring. He walked off as he answered his phone. but just before he take the first step down the stairs, he said "You should deriously change into something else. A guy shouldn't dress up as a girl. And just don't get caught when you're kissing your boyfriend." with a wink. 

"O.M.G did he know it's me. Arghhh It's impossible." I grab my hair. 


A/N: Hi Guys :) ! 

I hope you guys like my updates :)


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Hi guy I'm so sorry I haven't been updating but I busy right now I can only update during the weekends but sometime or most of the weekend Im still busy sorry


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shin_yoonjo12 #1
Chapter 11: New Reader! I LOVE your story so far! Hope you update soon
author-nim~ ^_^v
VipSoneBLackjack4eva #2
Chapter 10: loving dis
DLite4Life #3
Chapter 11: I Love it. :)
I Love you too <3
I love your stories ^^
KPOP_survivor #6
plz update soon luv it=^^= daebak
Loving your story ^_^
update soon XD
DLite4Life #8
Oh my these guys. :P
ailisu #9
love the story and plot.^^