Chapter two

The Truth Behind Everything

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“You’re not really our real child.” He shook his head, grabbing another beer on the table.

I’m not their real child? I’m now on a verge of crying.

“Wh-what do you mean?” I stuttered. Tears are now visible on my eyes.

“Don’t you ing get it?! Damn you. You’re not our real child. Your real parents abandoned you to us. You’re even lucky we give you food and let you go to a school when our real child can’t even experience that. Ever since your parents abandoned you to us, our real child became sick and she have to die. Now do you get it? I have so much hatred towards you. You’ve caused the all of this! You give us no luck! We became poor, lost out precious child, and even have to feed you food, give you shelter, and enroll you to a school. So now do you get why I hurt you? The things I do to you aren’t enough.” My fake mom cried.

So they’re not really my parents? My real parents abandoned me? I sobbed. It really hurts. Why is my life like this? Shouldn’t I at least be thankful my fake parents feed me and give me shelter? While my real parents doesn’t even bother doing that and just abandon me?

I cried and cried until my eyes became swollen. It’s too much to handle hearing the truth.

I headed towards Jong in’s house and went to the backyard. I climbed so I can get through his window.

I knocked until I heard a click.

“What happened?” Jong in worriedly asked as he pulled me for a hug. His hug eased me a bit, but it really helped a lot. I feel like I’m really protected for some reason.

I hugged him back while I sobbed again.

“It’s okay.” He patted my back. “Shh. Stop crying. It hurts me more seeing you in this state.”

Is that a confession?

I pulled back and looked at him straight in the eyes. I can’t figure out what is with his eyes right now.

“Oppa…” I muttered. “So stop crying.” He pulled me for a hug once again.

I smelled his scent. The scent of Jong in oppa that I love. I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

For what seemed like forever, the hug ended.

I finally have the courage to confess. Yes. I’m going to confess now.

“Oppa… I’m going to say something.” I started as he glanced at me.

“What is it, Soo young ah?” He asked.

“Oppa… I love you. Not as a friend, or as a classmate or even a neighbor. I’m saying this to you as a girl. I really love you oppa. I can’t take my feelings anymore.” I confessed, not looking at him. My eyes are fixed on my shaking hands. I feel so nervous. What is he going to reply? Would he like it? Will he hate me? Will he ignore me for the rest of my life? Does… he also feel… the same way?

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nerdyviv #1
Chapter 6: wahhh update soon authornimmm!! :D its goodddd
Chapter 6: update soon <3
Chapter 6: I cried even though I ust started reading this story o.o
kaifection #4
Chapter 6: Awww these two. Jongin can't die! No he can't!
XxgummybearxX #5
awwww so cute..too bad he has a cancer..^_^ please update soon
awww ! what's she planning ^_^
He seriously shouldn't die Y_Y Aiieee imma cry so bad Y_Y Please update soon!!
Woah ! So is it only for a short period of time ? he'll die then ? O_O
Omg. Cliffhanger D: