Baby, I'm home.

Kwon JiYong: Baby I'm home.


It was a fact: more than going home late again. Very late.
You got into the car and started driving as fast as you could but soon you got caught in the middle of a traffic jam.
Stupid traffic and stupid boss.
But in a way, knowing that the man you had chosen to share your life thought you took your work too seriously, as he took his, made you feel a little better.
But still, tyou were still stuck in traffic.
You took your phone and dialed his number, with no response. You wondered if you would find him at home and if you'd make it on time to at least be able to have dinner with him. Somehow your lives had become so busy lately because of your jobs and you both barely have time for anything.
After a while, traffic began to move forward until you could drive at a decent speed when you came home and saw the car parked in front of that man, you quickly got off the car and almost ran to the house.
When you came in, you realized that the lights were and Gaho, his pet, was sleeping peacefully in one of the sofas. You were getting close as you were taking off your earrings, Gaho's head and placed your purse next to him.
You walked into your room and you realize that he wasn't there, letting out a little "hmm .. ' from your lips, wondering where he could be, however, you took off your heels and that suit of skirt and jacket that you really hated and got in your sleepwear.
When you left the room went to the kitchen, you served water in a glass, and you relied on the breakfast bar:
-Kwon Jiyong where are you now?
Wondered to yourself, then the idea came to you as if by magic.
You left the glass of water on the bar and slowly came down to the basement. Usually, you never go down there, to Jiyong's workspace. You opened the door and came down the steps carefully and then you saw him.
His head was completely leaning on the arm of the sofa and his feet, still wearing sneakers were still touching the ground. It seemed he had fallen on his side when he fell asleep, still wore the glasses and he was still using that fabric black hat. His mouth was ajar, letting you listen to his calm breathing, and in his right hand, he was still holding the pen tightly.
You approached on tiptoe towards him and you got squat; you looked at the wall clock: 11:25 pm and you knew he haven't been out of that room in the whole day.
You with the fingertips his cheek and slowly took away the pen, he didn't even notice what you had done.
You stood and went to the table on which were some sheets, you looked askance at one of the phrases that caught your attention was "I'm a hardworking man and I work for my fans." You looked at him and thought it was right and then you grabbed his black sweater, you approached him and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, you took the glasses off and covered him with the sweater.
You got away from him slowly and went to the kitchen to have dinner with yourself, but, when you were on the third stair, you turned back to look at him, smiling like an idiot, and then you hear the words "I love you" with his sleepy voice.
You smiled and kept on walking, because you knew he was asleep and saying "I love you" was something that he always did in his sleep.
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Chapter 1: MORE!!!!!!!!!
So sweet !