If we ever meet again

PS I Love You

LuHan's POV

When I first found out that Exo-m was going to a concert in Beijing, the first thing I thought of was _. So many questions lingered my mind, "was she going to be there?", "did she even know I was coming?", or "does she even remember?" Even though it has only been a year, it feels like we've been apart forever. I wasn't sure if I should call her to ask if she was even in town. I still had her number, she's had the same number ever since high school, but it would've been awkward  just to call her after not talking to her for a year. Besides, she was probably on vacation for winter break. The concert was only a couple hours away and while we were already getting ready, I couldn't help, but think about her. The other members were messing around, while I was just sitting around. My stomach was churning, part from performing in a huge audience (even though I've done a hundred times already) and the fact that I couldn't get her out of my mind. I leaned back in my chair and slowly closed my eyes feeling like I was in a daze. 

It was just the two of us, even though it was 20 degrees, she was still willing to come outside. She forced me to come ice skating with her, since she hated doing it alone. We both had our skates on, the ice skating rink was outside and there was no one in site. I was thankful that it was just us, so no one would see me fall. I held on to the sides, while she was gliding flawlessly. I couldn't help but feel mesmerized, by how graceful she looked. 

"Oppa, are you going to skate with me?" _ looked at me upset. Her hands were on her hips and she reminded me of an impatient five year old. 

"I am skating with you." I tried to let go of the railing and tried skating to her, when I felt my body move backwards almost falling when I grabbed on to the railing again. I could hear her soft giggles as she skated over to me. 

"Oppa, let go of the railing", she said as she reached for my hand. "Just follow me and make sure you keep your balance." Before I knew it we were both skating hand in hand. She started laughing making me confused. 

"Why are you laughing?" I asked. 

"If I let go are you going to fall?" She asked. We both stopped facing each other, she was still smiling, which made me smile. She ran her fingers through my hair and ruffled it like she always did when we were together. I moved a little closer to her as I moved a strand of hair from her face. I leaned in resting my forehead on hers. I gently brushed my lips on hers when I felt her move back. 

"Come catch me!" She skated past me. 

"Hey!" I tried to catch up with her not even realizing that I was actually skating and not falling. _ turned aroud and noticed I already caught up to her. Before I knew it, I didn't know how to stop and I smacked right into her. Both of us on the floor laughing. 

"I think you broke my arm", _ joked. 

"I'm sorry", I apologized as I helped her up. We were both back on our feet and we were still laughing. 


"LuHan? LuHan?" I opened my eyes and saw Kris staring at me. I wasn't even sure how long I've been asleep, but it musn't have been too long. "Were you sleeping?"

I rubbed my eyes. "Uh... Yeah, I guess."

"Are you alright?" Kris asked. "Are you sick or something?"

"No, I'm fine." I rested my head on my hands and started rubbing my face to make sure I was fully awake.

Lay handed me a water bottle. "You look tired, have you gotten any sleep?"

"Yes, I have. I'm just thinking."

"About what?" Chen wondered. 

"Just the concert," I lied. I haven't told anyone about _, it never crossed my mind or I never really had any reason to bring her up. Sure, many times the guys would bring up their ex-girlfriends, but _ wasn't my ex-girlfriend. She was my best friend and no one ever wanted to talk to me about my friends. We were always too busy talking about new songs and choreography. We were all business, maybe that's why she never actually crossed my mind until now. My mind was succumbed by song lyrics and dance moves I had to remember. 

"I wonder how many people are going to show up tonight", Chen thought. 

"Me too, I'm kinda nervous", Xiumin admitted. "I really hope everything turns out well tonight."

"I'm pretty sure as long as we do well and we don't miss anything we'll probably have a bunch of screaming girls trying to chase us", Kris replied. 

"What if we saw someone we knew?" Tao wondered. I looked up at Tao and started to think. What if I did see _ at the concert? What would she say? What would I say?

Your POV: 

Yuri was telling me to wear something nice, something that would stand out at the concert. I decided to just wear something simple and comfortable for me. I didn't want to be one of those girls who wore super short dresses that had diamonds or sparkles everywhere, it would make me look like I was trying to hard to be noticed. I decided to wear a a buttoned up jean shirt tucked in with a cream ruffled skirt and a nice brown belt to wrap around my waist. When Yuri walked in, she looked like she was going to party at a club. She was wearing a bright red strapless tight dress with long shiny red high heels.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Yuri asked making it seem like I was dressed in rags.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"No, I just thought you would want to grab their attention since we're going to be in the front and because there's going to be a fan signing." Yuri left the room, leaving me alone again. I turned to see the back of my outfit and I was actually happy about it, since I didn't want to grab a lot of attention anyways. 

"I wonder what will happen when we meet face to face" I thought to myself.  

Yuri and I waited in line for about an hour just to finally get into the concert. We found our seats which were right in the front of the stage. Yuri couldn't stop talking about how much she loved Kris and how she wanted him to notice her, while I just stood there thinking about LuHan and whether he would be able to see me and recognize me. I didn't look any different, I still looked the same, except that my hair probably got a little longer. All I heard was mindless chatter about how hot the Exo members and how they couldn't wait for them to preform. 

When the lights dimmed and the stage's lights blasted on almost blinding me, everyone start screaming when they heard the music for the song history start. There he was, right in the front, LuHan. I felt my heart beat faster, seeing him in person for the first time in a year. I couldn't help, but smile at how successful he's become. Once the song ended, they all introduced themselves. Yuri was so excited he kept yelling Kris's name. I just stood there like a statue looking at LuHan. When the next song started, it was Chen and LuHan singing Baby Don't Cry. 

LuHan's POV: 

I've sang this song a bunch of times, so of course I wasn't nervous. Since all the screaming and adredaline of being up on stage was so distracting I forgot all about _. As I was singing, I looked down at the crowd, when I saw a peculiar face. She was looking right at me, it looked exactly like, she didn't look any different from that day when we said our goodbyes. Was it really _? 

Throughout the whole concert, through every performance, I kept wondering if that was _. Could it be her? So many questions lingered my mind, I couldn't believe she actually came. Maybe if she went to the fan signing, I would be able to talk to her or see if it was actually her. If it was her, I could ask her if we could catch up sometime but I'm pretty sure I would have to explain to the guys why I asked a random person to hang out with me, but I didn't care about that part. As long as it was actually her and she actually did want to catch up with me that was all that mattered. After our last song, everyone headed straight to where the fan sign was going to be. The other Exo-m members and I sat down where the table was and started signing pictures of us I don't even remember taking. The whole time I was looking for _, hoping that what I saw wasn't just my mind teasing me. As more and more people got their pictures or CDs signed by us, I was still looking and looking for her. Lay and Chen, whom I was sitting in between, kept badgering me to stop dozing off and pay attention to the things that needed to be signed. I realized that she probably didn't come to the fan sign and just turned all my attention to the same pictures and the same spot where I've been signing my signature asking the fans what their names were. 

"What's your name?" I asked looking down at the paper. 

"__" When I heard that voice I looked up and saw right in front of me, the girl from a year ago. My best friend. She still looked the same, same light brown orbs, the same full pink lips, and the same big smile she would always give me everytime I saw her. 

For a moment, I just sat there staring at her, I tried to say something but my throat was dry and my voice seemed to disappear. Lay noticed I was frozen just sitting there and nudged me gently. "Luhan, are you okay?" He asked me. 

I quickly signed the paper and handed it back to her. "Thank you", she said softly as she walked away. I was a little disappointed because it didn't go as plan, she probably didn't want to talk to me. 

My eyes still followed her, in my mind I was hoping she would turn around. Slowly, as if she was reading my mind, she turned slightly and looked back at me smiling. 

"She does remember me", I said to myself. 


Your outfit you wore at the concert: 

Anyways, this is my second chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!!! I'll try my best to upload as many chapters as I can, but I'm kind of busy because I have a lot of summer work for my AP classes. 

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Omg...im soo excited....im a big luhan fan ya' know?? Update sooon!!!
IT WAS DAEBAK!!! I love your description...it made me curious and it also gave me a feeling that you are going to be an awesome author. 언니, 화이팅!!!>_~