Chapter 25: Date

100 Days With Mr. Arrogant (Kathniel Story)


Chapter 25: Date


By: Amira Kazuki












Hmmm? What's this? Is this a dream? Why do I feel so secured with the arm wrapped arround my waist? Why do I feel a little ticklish feeling on my neck?







"Dan, what are you--------" I slowly opened my eyes and was surprised to see DJ kissing my neck.








"Oops, Did I wake you up?" Daniel smirked as he stare at the mark that he put on my neck.







"Apparently, Yes....Are you a vampire? You really like doing 'that', don't you?" I said as I felt my neck.







"Yup, Only for you." He winked at me and crawl on top of me.  He first flashed his sweet smile and looked into my eyes sincerely as he say,  "Ms.Benedicto, will you have a date with me?"















Of course, I said No....








Naah... Just kidding...








The day that I haven't expected... finally came. A date with erted Perkins. ...It's just one freaking date, we just going to do this on a professional way. Sorry to disappoint you but no feelings are included, I think. Do you know how weird it is for me to date my so-called ex-fiance/boyfriend?Well.. Putting that aside, I haven't decided on what to wear.







 Brr.. It's going to be a chilly, eh? Her breathe left a fog at the window as she rubbed her hands for  warmness. She gulped her coffee as she made her way to the closet and opened it. 'Let's see. What I should wear, then?' She thought as she took a handful of clothes that DJ bought for her and put it on her bed.  Oh boy.. It's harder than she thought.  Her head began to spin..





Ah! That's it. No more changing. I'll pick this one'. Finally, She made a choice and yet again there's more time left, no need to rush.  




Why am I making a big deal out of this? It's just a simple date, for Christ's sake. We're not even together.





She sighed.




Hours later, she removed the last pair of curlers off her hair. She took a deep breath; even she herself can't  believe that this is happening. She let her hair hung on her shoulder as she fixes herself for the last time. She sighed as she look at herself at the mirror for one last time. She went out and proceeded to the hotel's lobby where he was waiting for her.




As soon as a pretty dazzling Kath showed up,  Daniel hid the bouquet of flowers behind his back. He almost dropped the flowers when he saw the beautiful lady smiling brightly at him. She was breathtaking. Although  she's wearing high heels, she can't seem to reach his height. Everything seems perfect, from her hair to the way  she dress.







'I thought you're gonna ditch me' he joked, looking at her. 






She's wearing a parka, white wife-beater sleeveless with a peace print on it , black leggings and black high knee boots. not to mention, her bonnet made her curly hair more suites her well.






"Somebody's gonna punish me if I don't come ". She laughed..






"here for you". He said , holding out the flowers to her.




"You  used to give me these. Thanks". She gladly took it and smiled.




(Please play the video --->)


"Here we are". Daniel said while guiding her inside the skating rink. She held his left arm tight as her feet began to wobble.Surprisingly, they are having a great time or so she thought except that the idiot Daniel left her in the center of the rink alone.





"Hey! You ert! Come back here!". She tried to steady her weight but no prevail.






























'KYYYAAAHHH!' She was really losing it.




She was about to have her head bump to the coldness and thickness of the ice when a big, masculine body  supported her fall and helped her stand up.







"What took you so long?" She asked.






"I was busy…. Knocking out guys". He replied, averting his eyes.







"Huh? Why ?" she seems so clueless yet again.






"Because they think you're cute and some we're laughing at you". He said, looking at her.






"Why would you do that?". She pouted.





"because.."he said as he grabbed her hand and started skating at a full speed.





"waaaaaah! Wait! I said slow down! Woah!" Kath's face were unimaginable due to the  dizziness.




After an hour of skating, they ended up having fun at an amusement park. They competed in every game and it's like a win- win situation for both of them until…





"I can't believe that I beat you at shooting game". She boasted as she waved the big teddy bear in the air.





" Airhead."Daniel muttered as he stopped and stared at some teenagers strolling through their way.





"hmm? What's wrong?". She looked at the direction that he's staring at. Her eyes widened.





Great! What a party pooper! It was his fans and the media people.





"hey, isn't that Kathryn Brown and Daniel Perkins?". Someone noticed them.










"Did you see them?"





"omg! Are they on their honeymoon?".





"We gotta go now! Follow me.". Daniel said as they started running as fast as they can. Not really knowing where their feet will bring them. After the avoidance, they have stopped at the most unlikely place that she can't imagine  it.






"Hey ye! Hey ye! Step right up! Welcome to the.. "LOVER'S RIDE"!.  A tall guy exclaimed in front of them.





"there's no way—".  Kath was about to protest when they heard the paparazzi's voices again.







Another awkward moment arose again, these ride are for couples, not for some ex-lovers. She looked at him and was dazzled by his appearance. He was wearing a leather jacket, white v-neck shirt; jeans  and black chuck taylor to finish it off.




'If we were together again , would we be like this forever? Always running and hiding the truth? Why am I even thinking this?  I'm his past lover  for -'  Her thoughts were distracted when…




'Whoa! Did the boat just shake fiercely? What the heck was that?'. She thought as she held to the side of the boat, not wanting what's going to happen next.







In the blink of an eye, the small boat just capsized.





"Kath! Where are you!... Kath!!!!!". His voice were calling me yet maybe I'm already dead.





"I love you".  Somebody whispered into my ear






Last thing I know before drifitng away .. a pair of soft lips kissed me deeply. I hope I'm not dreaming.


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Pompadour #1
Chapter 11: Seriously???!!! In public??? Okay... it's your story anyways. xDD
Pompadour #2
Chapter 9: My guess was wrong... she was talking to Daniel's father all along.. and to ruin the excitemenent, I read the epilogue.. mehehehe.. great ending by the way!!! but i'm still planning to read on.. =DD
Pompadour #3
Chapter 8: I think Donna's manager or something, entrusted Donna to like, befriend Daniel again and then, steal their plans or maybe break his heart again so that he won't be serious in the industry. Idk. Just some wild guesses. ^_^
Pompadour #4
Chapter 7: Epal na donna -__- Okay so, i'm flooding you with my comments.. hehe..
Pompadour #5
Chapter 6: I am mentally strangling the laptop at the moment. It's getting laggy. -__-
Pompadour #6
Chapter 5: I love the "This is what my heart says, I LOVE YOU." Awww <3333 Hearts everywhere.. KathNiel all the way ^__^
Chapter 1: Ahaha!!! !!!!!!!
eha_eiha #8
Chapter 35: Thank you for a wonderful story !!
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 35: Awww..
It finally ended /cries/