Chapter 20: Now...and Forever

100 Days With Mr. Arrogant (Kathniel Story)


Chapter 20: Now...and Forever

By: Amira Kazuki




"Why are you so cheesy,Dude?! Look at us! We're covered with flowers and heart-shaped cartolinas" Seth complained. 



"Come on, Seth! This night is special, you know. I want it to be a big surprise for kath". I answered back while putting some roses on the table.



We're at the rooftop, settling a romantic dinner for me and kath. That's why i didn't fetch her so I could prepare this. What's the reason? I'm gonna ask her to marry me. Yes, A proposal. i know It's such a rush but my feelings are true and pure. I'm also planning  to cancel the deal. What's the use of the deal when I'm in fact, madly in love with her. What I'm trying to say it's that.. I lose at the game. 



"Hey,Loverboy! Where do you want me to put this banner of your "cheesyness"?"  Lester butted in.


"Just right there". I pointed at an empty space .



"The Band is all set. Where's Kath anyway?" Katsumi added.



"She should be travelling already. " I immediately said but I couldn't hide the fact that I'm REALLY WORRIED. 




*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* 







"Young Master..........." Butler Fred's voice is shaking..





"What is it, Fred?"





"Kathryn..........She... I couldn't find her everywhere"





"WHAT?!?! Where could she be?"




" I'm so sorry If I've failed you, Young Master".





"AISH!! Fine. i'll have her search by the police."




"Ver well,then".







I just had a phone call when my phone rang once more............ 





 *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* 








KATH?! She's calling me?! I quickly took the call, breathe very deep before speaking.




"Kath?! Are you okay? Where are ---------- " I said with a concerned tone but the person butted in.




"This is not your precious Kath. If you wish to see her alive and untouched, you must come by yourself. No back-ups from your lousy bandmates. No police is allowed too. We should meet you at an empty warehouse near the Paul De Bay at exactly 30 minutes from now. If you failed to do so, say goodbye to your precious girl." A guy on the other line spoke.







"What is it,Bro? " JC noticed her brother's dark aura.





"I must go............. I must save kath" I bitterly said.





"We'll come with you. We're a troop and a troop never leave their companion behind." The Parking 5 agreed together.





"Sorry,guys. I can't.. I just can't". I said as before driving off.



Driving to the maximum speed that I can.  I knew this was a trap  but I don't care anymore. 






"Lookie here. The prince charming really came to save his princess". A guy said as Daniel went inside the warehouse. 



"I'm here. So let her go already. I'm the one you want,right?!"  Dj clenched his fist.






"DJ!!!" Kath tried to break free but she was tangled up with ropes on her body. Making her stick to the chair.






"You think we're gonna let you guys off the hook that easy? No can do, Mr. Nice guy." The other guy said as they cornered him through the center. It's a 5-to-1battle and there's no way he can win against them.






"Kath, close your eyes. It's gonna be a blood bath." Dj turned to Kath as he said it. 







"But Dj........" She protested.







"Just trust me,Kath. I've got this". Daniel winked at her





And with that, Kath closed her eyes and wished for a miracle to happen but.......... this was something she can't change.





"ARGH ! ! ! GROAN! ! ! !  Ughh!!!" Daniel screamed in pain as they took him down one by  one .






"Enough! Please..... Stop it!" Kath shriek as she saw DJ being beaten by 5 guys but they just continue on turtoring him. Giving him multiple punches  on his face, stomach, shoulders, arms..  Making sure they didn't miss a spot..






"! Why did you stab him with a knife?!! We supposed to beat him up, not kill him!!!" One guy said as he saw the blood flowing from Daniel's body.






"STOP IT!! PLEASE!!!" Kath began to cry already.






"Damn!! Let's go!! Let's leave them behind!!". The other guy said as they run their way out of the empty warehouse.









“See? Told ya I'm going to look for matter what” DJ showed me a faint smile as he crawled his way to me and started untying the rope.






 “DJ, Are okay?” My voice is shaking, seeing him in that situation is breaking my heart. 






“Of course, Ugh..I'm not... okay.” Daniel utterly said, pulling the last strand of rope,setting me free.






“Why?! You've never let anyone hit you before, you never left any battle without a fight. Why won't you fight back?! ” I cried out, caressed his beaten face.





“If I fought back, I won't be... able to... protect you. From the start, I knew... you were the bait.”






“If you knew, then why did you come?”






“Isn't it obvious? I'm going to say... this for once...Because I....Love..You, Kath”






“What? You're not supposed to fall in love with me... But... i love you too,DJ” I hugged him tight.. my feelings overflowing.







“I know this isn't the right time but........Kathryn Chandria Benedicto, will you marry me? ” Daniel smiled as he pulled out a golden ring from his pocket.



“Oh my! Yes!” I smiled back at him. 





I'm the happiest woman in the world. I couldn't explain the excitement that I'm feeling right now. One thing for sure,  We love each other.






Daniel inserted the ring into my finger and hugged me tightly as I hugged him back. Only If I could froze this moment,  I would.



"Now..You're mine..... and..... Forever" He softly whispered to my ear  for one last time as he collapsed on the ground with eyes closed and motionless.







"Daniel ?!?!  Please.............wake up!  Bave?!  Please.......Don't leave me... DJ! I love.... you"   


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Pompadour #1
Chapter 11: Seriously???!!! In public??? Okay... it's your story anyways. xDD
Pompadour #2
Chapter 9: My guess was wrong... she was talking to Daniel's father all along.. and to ruin the excitemenent, I read the epilogue.. mehehehe.. great ending by the way!!! but i'm still planning to read on.. =DD
Pompadour #3
Chapter 8: I think Donna's manager or something, entrusted Donna to like, befriend Daniel again and then, steal their plans or maybe break his heart again so that he won't be serious in the industry. Idk. Just some wild guesses. ^_^
Pompadour #4
Chapter 7: Epal na donna -__- Okay so, i'm flooding you with my comments.. hehe..
Pompadour #5
Chapter 6: I am mentally strangling the laptop at the moment. It's getting laggy. -__-
Pompadour #6
Chapter 5: I love the "This is what my heart says, I LOVE YOU." Awww <3333 Hearts everywhere.. KathNiel all the way ^__^
Chapter 1: Ahaha!!! !!!!!!!
eha_eiha #8
Chapter 35: Thank you for a wonderful story !!
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 35: Awww..
It finally ended /cries/